The strongest soldier

Chapter 754 Weird Camp

In remote special operations, the most fearful thing is inaccurate intelligence, unfamiliar terrain and language barrier. In the current situation, for Kasiva, intelligence issues are caused by hyacinth. In order to survive and benefit, hyacinth does not dare to mess around. Terrain issues are caused by Terrorist organizations are not a problem, but because of the language barrier, Kasiva always feels that the people around him are unreliable and worries about being framed by those around him.

A group of terrorist organizations, an intelligence agent who can sell everything for profit, Kasiva does not feel safe. At this time, a Snow Bear member came forward and asked in polar bear Mandarin vigilantly: "Captain?"

"Those men in black robes are experts. Please be careful. I think they have discovered the enemy's traces and follow them. Also, I want to ask when the people sent from the country will arrive." Kasiva said coldly, interrupting The other party's inquiry was also in Polar Bear Mandarin, and there was no one he could trust to translate it, which made Kasiva very angry.

This group of people also chased in the direction of the black-robed sniper. There was still fighting on the top of the rocky mountain, but they didn't pay attention. These people were not even in the mood to take a look. The armed men following the team wanted to go up the mountain to help, but they were stuck. Siwa and others had already run away. The leader thought of his superior's instructions, gritted his teeth, and led the team to follow.

Luo Zheng and others ran all the way, unaware that a large number of powerful enemies were following behind them. After an hour, the team was severely exhausted and had to stop in the lee of a hill to rest and regain their strength. Luo Zheng leaned on the hill and calmed down. Observing the surrounding terrain carefully, the hills were severely desertified, with no grass growing. The cold moonlight fell down, adding a bit of tranquility to the hills.

The wind was blowing slowly, bringing with it a bit of danger. Luo Zheng stood up in confusion and rushed up the hillside. He held up his binoculars and looked around vigilantly. There was no enemy at all. After waiting for a while, Lan Xue's voice came into the headset. Ringed: "What happened?"

"No suspicious circumstances were found. The team will evacuate after ten minutes of rest." Luo Zheng replied in a low voice.

Everyone agreed, lay down on the ground, relaxed their whole bodies, and accelerated their recovery. Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng saw several black figures appearing in the distance through the telescope. He was startled and observed them carefully. When the other party got closer, he realized that it was The man wearing a black robe and a black hood was equipped with the same equipment as the sniper he killed. He couldn't help being shocked and whispered: "I found suspicious people and chased them. They were the same as the people ambush in Shishan. I suspect these people are Death killer, everyone prepares and evacuates immediately."

"Yes." Everyone agreed and quickly got ready and carried their military bags.

Luo Zheng rushed down the hillside, put the general on his back, and said eagerly: "That group of people is about two kilometers away, and they are very fast. The surrounding terrain is open, which is not conducive to us. We must retreat first, find a suitable place to ambush, and kill them."

"Yes." Everyone agreed, not daring to delay, and took action one after another, running towards the front.

After marching for about an hour, everyone was very tired. An open stretch of Gobi appeared in front of them. Countless tents were set up on the Gobi, several bonfires were burned, and armed men were patrolling nearby. Everyone was shocked and hurriedly hid behind a nearby slope. observe.

Soon, Luo Zheng found through the telescope that the front did not look like a military base, but more like a temporary camp for a certain team, but it was a bit strange and could not be seen through. Lan Xue next to him whispered: "It's strange, what is here?" Place? A camp is not like a camp, and a construction site is not like a construction site."

"Is the camp being renovated? But there are no walls or buildings in sight?" Ghost Hand murmured in surprise.

"Could it be an underground fortification? Have you seen the piles of dirt?" Luo Zheng said warily.

"Underground fortifications?" Everyone was surprised. They followed Luo Zheng's reminder to distinguish them carefully, and soon discovered that they were somewhat similar. Piles of soil were piled together, and there were underground entrances in many places. Lan Xue suddenly whispered: "Yes. It can’t really be an underground base. Do you remember Lucia? Everyone in their village was forcibly recruited to build fortifications. Could this be it?”

"It makes sense. This is within Watta's sphere of influence. What should we do if we form a knot?" Guishou asked.

"The enemy is chasing us from behind. We must find a place to hide. Underground fortifications? A good place. We can hide underground and wait for the enemy to pass before we come out." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, everyone became energetic and stood up one after another. Under the cover of darkness, they made careful detours and arrived near the tent area unknowingly. Everyone hid in the shadows and calmly watched the patrolling team ahead. These people were very serious. But he was not a professional after all. There were blind spots in the patrolled area, and Luo Zheng and others were not found to have touched them.

Luo Zheng and others were hiding on the ground near the tent. Their mountain and jungle dual-use digital camouflage combat uniforms had a high camouflage power and were difficult to spot unless they were in front of them. Everyone lay quietly on the ground and slowly got up. After a while, I saw an underground entrance appearing in front of me.

The entrance was not very deep. The underground passage was lit with lights and was quiet. In order to avoid the pursuit of the death killer, Luo Zheng and others jumped down one after another and walked along the tunnel. Soon, everyone discovered that the underground passage was It's a maze, there are roads everywhere, you can't find the direction at all, and you can't even tell the way back.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng squatted down in surprise and raised his arms. The team froze on the spot and squatted down to be on guard. Luo Zheng observed the surroundings vigilantly and raised his ears. He did not see any suspicious person, but there was something in his ears. There was a faint sound of snoring, and there were more than one sounds, one after another. Luo Zheng was shocked, what was going on?

"The situation is strange and the enemy situation is unknown. Do you want to continue moving forward?" Luo Zheng leaned against the cave wall and whispered.

"Find a place to hide. Don't run around randomly, otherwise you will become passive." Lan Xue became worried when she saw the tunnels below, her beautiful brows slightly frowned, her face was cold, and she said coldly.

Luo Zheng agreed, walked forward for a while, stopped, pointed at the forks around him, and signaled everyone to guard a fork and wait and see what happened. Luo Zheng found the direction of the snoring and quickly touched it without talking about the surrounding situation. Make sure you know it clearly and don't be careless, otherwise you won't know how you will die.

Not long after, Luo Zheng saw a large hole appearing in front of him. It was more than thirty meters deep and about fifty meters in diameter. The entrance of the hole was in contact with the outside world. You could see the moon hanging high through the hole. The passage ended at this big hole. The snoring sound came from In the cave.

Luo Zheng quickly raised the telescope and observed that there were many people lying at the bottom of the cave. They were all extremely lean and looked malnourished. They were lying on the ground casually, snoring. There were digging tools next to them and ropes from the top of the cave. It fell down. Judging from his clothes, he looked like a worker responsible for digging. He couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Is this?"

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