The strongest soldier

Chapter 742 Village Invitation

At noon three days later, everyone was tired and sleepy from walking. After three days, not a single person was seen. The vast grassland was all around. Everyone's eyes were tired and boring. Finally, they came to a small hillside and were ready to rest. After walking for a while, the mountain eagle that arrived first suddenly shouted in surprise: "Brothers, look!"

Everyone looked up in surprise. There was a mountain village in the gentle hilly area ahead. Some drought-resistant poplar trees grew outside the village. The leaves had fallen off. The village seemed to be made of compacted soil. It was low and dilapidated. There were no people in sight, but there were a few sheep gnawing grass on the ground boredly.

"Village?" Everyone was pleasantly surprised, but soon they sat on the hillside with a depressed look and realized what could happen to a village? This is a neighboring country, not our own country. The language and customs are different. If you go in with a gun, you will definitely be beaten by the enemy on the spot, so you don't have to get into trouble.

"Everyone spread out and rest where you are and take sniper cover. I'll go over and see if I can get some help." Lan Xue saw that everyone was very tired and in urgent need of a hot meal. She couldn't bear it and suggested immediately.

"Can you do it?" Luo Zheng also knew the situation of the team and marched continuously. No one said anything, but his body was indeed very overdrawn, especially malnutrition. If he didn't replenish it, he couldn't bear it at all. How could he complete the rescue of the Tiger King? mission? Looking at Lan Xue with some worry, he asked uncertainly.

"Try it, I'm a woman, it's easier to communicate." Lan Xue smiled bitterly, took off his equipment, put down his weapons, and took nothing with him to avoid misunderstandings. In this warlord-controlled area, children can play Guns, guns are not a rare thing here. If you don't show goodwill first, it can easily cause conflicts.

Luo Zheng also knew that this was a last resort. If we didn't rest, everyone's health would definitely deteriorate. How could we talk about the mission? He warned helplessly: "Be careful and put the pistol on your back, just in case."

"Okay." Lan Xue agreed, checked the pistol, put it on the back belt, took off his helmet, spread his hair, tied it into a pony tail with a rubber band, and took off his ghillie suit and combat uniform. , revealing the camouflage vest underneath, and his proud figure was immediately revealed, which made Luo Zheng's heart beat up and he was a little crazy.

Lan Xue gave Luo Zheng a blank look, but smiled happily and said to everyone: "Be careful, I'm going." After saying that, he picked up the last compressed biscuit and put it in his pocket, and walked forward, keeping a vigilant attitude as he walked. Check your surroundings in case of an unexpected incident. Do not dare to take off the headset to facilitate timely contact.

Everyone found a place to lie down and take cover, setting up sniper rifles. Not long after, everyone saw Lan Xue coming to the entrance of the village. Some women came out of the village, holding guns in their hands, aiming at Lan Xue, Luo Zheng and others with vigilance. Startled, he hurriedly took aim and waited sternly, but he heard Lan Xue's instructions not to shoot.

Lan Xue was also startled when she saw the women with guns rushing out, but found that their postures with guns were unreasonable. She knew that they were not well-trained armed personnel. They looked murderous, but she did not feel murderous. She was confused. After whispering to everyone not to shoot, he raised his hands shoulder-to-shoulder to show goodwill, and said in international common language: "Don't shoot, does anyone understand?"

After asking twice in a row, Lan Xue didn't understand a word of what these people were saying, and thought about withdrawing. Suddenly, a woman came from behind the crowd, wearing a black screen and a black headscarf, holding a gun. , followed by several women, came to Lan Xue and asked in surprise: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"We are mercenaries. We are here to find something to eat. Is that okay?" Lan Xue said politely, deliberately using the word "we" to show that she was not alone, and to remind the other party not to mess around.

This man heard the implication of Luo Zheng's words. He looked behind Lan Xue with a solemn expression to see where there was any figure, and asked doubtfully: "Are you mercenaries? If we hire you, what conditions are required?"

"It depends on what you do." Lan Xue continued the topic helplessly. Once he decided to use this identity, he had no choice but to act, otherwise the secret would be exposed and it would be difficult to move forward.

"Save people." The woman said with a serious face, looking at Lan Xue closely, maybe because she thought of something sad, there was a hint of pain in her eyes.

"Your question is very vague. I can't judge the difficulty of hiring." Lan Xue continued helplessly.

The woman did not answer immediately, but said something to the people around her. Everyone put down their guns, but still looked at Lan Xue warily, and gradually dispersed. The woman continued: "My name is Lucia, missionary. , a doctor, a Westerner, came to this village ten years ago to settle down with my husband. Three months ago, General Watta’s men came and looted the village, taking away all the men over fifteen and under sixty years old. What conditions are required for us to jointly hire you to rescue people?"

"General Watta?" Lan Xue was startled, thinking that this man should be a certain warlord. He was here to save people. It was not convenient for him to intervene in local affairs. He didn't want to deceive the other party. He said awkwardly: "I need to discuss this with my teammates. Can't I give you a direct answer?"

"Are you afraid of the devil Watta?" Lucia asked dissatisfied.

"It's not about being afraid or not, but the difficulty of the task itself needs to be evaluated. If we can't complete it, or are not confident about completing it, wouldn't we be committing suicide?" Lan Xue asked rhetorically.

"What you said makes sense. What if we hire you for training? You are mercenaries and know how to shoot. You teach us how to shoot so that everyone can protect themselves. What are the conditions?" Lucia continued to ask, her eyes firm. He looked at Lan Xue, full of expectation.

"It's simple. We can stay here for three days. You just need to provide us with a house for us to rest and food for us to eat. How about that?" Lan Xue suddenly became happy and said, as long as we don't interfere with local affairs, Easy to handle.

"Okay, it's settled." After receiving Lan Xue's reply, Lucia said happily while explaining to everyone in local language. The people around her suddenly cheered and looked very excited.

When Lan Xue saw this scene, she felt sympathy for these people for no reason. She felt pity for these people. Their hard life was bearable. Men and children were kidnapped. Their lives and deaths were unknown. They had to arm themselves to protect themselves. Who suffered among them? Can you know? At this moment, Lan Xue decided to train them well and the team took a break.

"Please call your companions to come over." Lucia said happily: "I have asked everyone to prepare food and hot water, so the training is out of the way."

"Don't worry, it's just that you have so many weapons and ammunition?" Lan Xue said doubtfully.

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