The strongest soldier

Chapter 741 Headquarters Assistance

Without the threat of polar bears, we had to stop and go along the way, and with the abundant supplies seized, we didn't have too many worries. We took a rest when we were tired. During the rest at night, our interest came up. We practiced knife skills in the snow and found something to do. Enrich yourself, otherwise, facing the white-capped snow-capped mountains every day, you will have to collapse.

Five days later, there was not much dry food left. Fortunately, we walked out of the snow-capped mountains and looked at the grassland ahead. We could finally see another color. Everyone was in high spirits and rushed forward excitedly. There was no one around, no one was around. Unconcerned, everyone rushed to a river and took off their clothes. They hadn't bathed in several days and everyone couldn't stand it anymore.

Lan Xue understood everyone and didn't mind. Instead, she went upstream alone, found a place with lush reeds to stop, and took off her clothes and jumped into the river. Women love to be clean. Lan Xue couldn't bear it if she didn't wash for several days. When rushing down from the snow-capped mountains, everyone found that the surroundings had a wide view and there was no one for dozens of miles, so they felt relieved to wash.

Ten minutes later, everyone climbed up, dressed neatly, and sat on a piece of grass to rest. It was noon, the sun was shining warmly, and the ground on the grassland was not as cold as the snowy mountains. A big cotton-padded jacket made a comfortable bed. Up there, basking in the sun, everyone couldn't help but moan because they were so comfortable. After coming out of the hellhole of the snow-capped mountains alive, everyone's requirements for life were very low.

Not long after, Lan Xue also came over dressed neatly. Everyone sat around and ate some dry food. Luo Zheng looked up at the sky, and then said: "Brothers, according to the clues we have, after leaving the snow mountain, there is still a week to reach the destination. Earth, this place is remote and no one will come here. If the temperature rises further, we can’t leave right away. We need to let our bodies get used to it. Everyone has a lot of frostbite on their bodies, right?”

Everyone smiled and did not answer. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged glances. Lan Xue nodded and said, "Let's rest here for one night before leaving tomorrow. Firstly, we can take a rest and recover some strength, and secondly, we can adapt to the climate change. The body really needs time to buffer. If you run from an extremely cold place to a hot place all at once, you won’t be able to bear it, and you will easily get sick. Here you have a wide view, a moderate temperature, and water, so it’s just the right time to rest.”

Everyone agreed, and Luo Zheng added: "First check the equipment and maintain it, and then think of a way to light a fire. It's best to get some fish, game, etc. I haven't eaten hot food for a long time, and my stomach is going to go on strike."

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng maintained his weapons, put down his backpack, carried his gun and went into battle lightly. He walked along the river, paying attention to the traces on the ground as he walked. Animals also need water, and the riverside has naturally become a place where animals gather. Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng found a nest of prairie rats, and immediately called everyone over to help. He found several other exits, and one person guarded each exit, scooping water into it with a steel helmet.

A few minutes later, four prairie rats came out. Each one was as fat as an adult hare. Everyone was overjoyed. After killing them, they disemboweled them, washed them clean, and returned to the station. Ten minutes later, everyone collected some flammable rats. The hay and reeds were burned on a fire.

Not long after, everyone ate the roasted prairie rat. It tasted very bad, but it was hot food after all. For everyone who had eaten compressed biscuits for more than ten days in a row, it was undoubtedly delicious. Everyone ate with gusto and there was something in their stomachs. The heat restored the nerves a little faster.

After eating, everyone continued to look for food. In the evening, they found a few more hares. Everyone was also very hungry. In the middle of the night, they couldn't help but roast them and eat them clean. After a good sleep, they felt refreshed early the next morning. I recovered a lot. I ran to the river and washed my face with cold water. I hung up my beard with tiger teeth and put on oil paint. I regained my military appearance and temperament. I ate the last compressed biscuit for breakfast, filled it with water and continued along the river. On the way.

Along the way, everyone walked in no hurry, never stopping to pay attention to whether there was game around. Staying alive is the key to completing the task. At noon, everyone stopped behind a leeward hillside, lit a bonfire, and caught all the food along the way. Small animals are roasted on the fire.

After eating and drinking, Luo Zheng took out the GPS locator, determined his position, and said to Lan Xue, "Should we get in touch with the headquarters and let them find the target location and plan the route?"

"Okay, it's time." Lan Xue said, taking out the satellite phone and quickly dialed Wu Jin's phone number. Wu Jin was at the information command center. After receiving the call, he immediately asked technicians to locate Lan Xue while asking Lan The current situation of Xue and others. When they arrived at the border of the grassland, Lan Xue was not afraid of being discovered by polar bears and was not in a hurry. She told them where they were going and asked Wu Jin to help determine the route.

Wu Jin quickly saw the pictures of Lan Xue and others through satellite monitoring, and asked the technicians to plan the route immediately. The results came out not long after, Wu Jin told Lan Xue the coordinates after getting the results, and continued: "Go slowly, it is expected to take seven days The time has come, but you are now in the border area and do not have a suitable identity. It is not appropriate to carry weapons with you. Do you need my support?"

"Let's first talk about the situation where we are going." Lan Xue thought for a while and said.

"The warlords there are dominated by the Gobi and deserts. The roads are impassable and the transportation is inconvenient. The local government cannot control the area. It is very unsafe." Wu Jin said quickly.

"Then you have to rely on yourself." Lan Xue's face became solemn, and the satellite phone was put on speakerphone. Everyone heard Wu Jin's reminder, and they all began to think deeply, exchanging glances with each other without speaking.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and asked: "Captain, what identity do you suggest we should use to go there?"

"It will be much better to pretend to be a mercenary and have a neutral identity. Remember, don't interfere in local affairs and don't meddle in other people's business. Otherwise, you will fall into it and bring yourself a lot of trouble." Wu Jin said quickly.

"Mercenary? It's a good status." Luo Zheng smiled and looked at everyone. Seeing everyone showing a knowing smile, he continued: "Then it's settled, our name will be Dragon Ya. Sample?"

"Dragon Tooth Mercenary?" Guishou and the others were startled, then they all laughed when they thought of the Japanese sword behind them.

"The name is interesting. You can do whatever you like. Also, do you want me to send agents over to assist you? Without understanding the language or local customs, you can easily get into trouble if you rush around." Wu Jin asked with concern.

"How long will it take to get there?" Luo Zheng asked. It is indeed much easier to have someone who is familiar with local affairs.

"Two days." Wu Jin roughly calculated the time and gave an answer.

"Okay, let's go ahead and let him come and join us." Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged glances and replied. There was a language barrier, so it would be good to have someone they trust by their side as a translator.

After the call ended, everyone packed up and continued on their way. Under the sun, their steps were firm and their long figures were elongated.

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