The strongest soldier

Chapter 720 Luo Zheng changes course

At noon, Luo Zheng and others unknowingly arrived at the top of a mountain peak. The howling cold wind made everyone almost unsteady. They supported each other and looked far ahead. In front of them were endless snow-capped mountains. The sky and the earth were vast and white. No living creatures could be seen. Everyone was tired and hungry. The dry food they carried had been eaten. Fortunately, they killed two armed transport helicopters and confiscated a lot of compressed biscuits and water from the enemy. Otherwise, they would have starved to death.

Luo Zheng raised the telescope. The sky and the earth were all white, and there was almost no end in sight. The cold wind made people feel extremely uncomfortable. If it continued like this, the body simply couldn't bear it. Next to him, Lan Xue shouted loudly: "Is this mountain range under your feet the border? We will reach the triangle area if we go forward. The enemy may be waiting for us at the foot of the mountain. How to go?"

To the southwest is the triangle area, to the west is the border area, and to the northwest is the boundary of polar bear country. The best way is to go to the triangle area in the southwest, but the polar bears must have guessed this, and have laid out heavy troops to ambush, Lan Xue The reminder made sense. Luo Zheng also knew this. After thinking about it, he said: "Let's go all the way to the southwest. There are mountains in the southwest and there is not that much snow. I believe the polar bears think the same way. Let's go due west."

"Going due west?" Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Going due west was beyond everyone's imagination. I believe that the polar bears would not have thought that it could achieve the purpose of mobilizing polar bear forces and avoid running into an ambush. But the problem is, due west are all tall and tall people. Snowy mountains are simply not a place that humans can cross. Isn’t this looking for death?

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Even Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. They couldn't understand why Luo Zheng made such a choice. Everyone still has a chance of survival if they go to the southwest. If they go due west, they will all die without being chased. Under the power of nature, Luo Zheng didn't know this truth, but Luo Zheng had fought against Snow Bears and knew that those guys were good at fighting in the snow. He was exposed to satellite surveillance. Going southwest was no different from dying. His face was filled with bitterness. Pensive.

"Are you worried?" Lan Xue asked.

"Worried about the Snow Bear Special Forces?" Guishou also asked in surprise.

During the International Special Forces Competition, everyone fought against Snow Bear. Although five people set up an ambush, they were unable to fight back. From the bottom of their hearts, everyone was not very afraid of Snow Bear. Only Luo Zheng knew the truth about Snow Bear. Combat power, seeing everyone looking at him, he smiled bitterly and explained: "Yes, snow bears are good at fighting in snowy mountains. This is our shortcoming."

After everyone heard this, they began to think deeply. Luo Zheng continued: "If it's a one-on-one match in a jungle or a mountain, we have a 50% chance of winning. In a snow-capped mountain, we probably don't even have a 10% chance of winning. We can't afford to bet."

"Hiss?" Everyone's faces became solemn when they saw Luo Zheng admire the snow bear so much. In their memory, everyone had never seen Luo Zheng be so jealous of a person. They frowned and thought about the pros and cons. If they really didn't even have 100% , to go south is to die, and there will be no life. To the west, you may have a narrow escape. One side is no life, and the other side is life. Although it is only a slim chance of survival, it is still a way to survive. This choice is not difficult.

Everyone trusted Luo Zheng and saw that Luo Zheng was firm and insisted on going due west, so they no longer objected. The team immediately changed direction and headed due west. This decision was quickly discovered by many people.

When Wu Jin heard the news, he was a little confused. Why should he go due west? It was a real no-man's land, a high mountain snowfield, and no one could cross it alive. Wouldn't the reinforcements he sent to the triangle area be useless? In the field of martial arts, let the information personnel send the surveillance video for careful study.

Soon, Wu Jin discovered that Luo Zheng and others made the decision on the top of a snow mountain. They stayed there for a few minutes. It should be a decision made after collective discussion. He couldn't help but become confused and immediately called Mr. Li about the situation. Mr. Li was silent. After a while, he said knowingly: "These little guys are very thoughtful and can stay calm at this time."

"Chief, what did you think of?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

"They are scared." Mr. Li said with a smile, but he looked very happy.

This made Wu Jin even more confused and asked: "As far as I know, they are so bold that they have no time to be afraid. Besides, they can join our reinforcements in the triangle area. What are they afraid of? You mean the snow bear?"

"Yes, Ghost has fought against Snow Bears before and knows how powerful they are. He is worried that if he continues to walk southwest, he will run into an ambush circle. In fact, Snow Bears will definitely set up an ambush in front of them, but you just didn't detect it. Don't believe me. Let people monitor it. Once the ghost changes its path, the ambush will be passive and it will definitely be exposed." Mr. Li said with a smile.

"Let's not talk about the ambush. They are heading west. That is a very bad area. I am afraid there will be big trouble." Wu Jin said worriedly, frowning.

"So what? You can change their decision and let them go. Since you have made this choice, there must be a reason for it. Let's wait and see." Mr. Li said.

Wu Jin hung up the phone and hurried to the information command center. He saw a huge electronic screen on the wall showing a snow-capped mountain canyon. The canyon was quiet, with only the wind blowing snowflakes flying in the sky. The surrounding area was clear. Suddenly, the ground suddenly moved. Arise, and countless people appear.

"What is this?" Wu Jin was shocked and shouted quickly.

The information officer also discovered this strange phenomenon, quickly typed on the keyboard, zoomed in on the screen, and said with surprise: "Captain, it seems he is a polar bear."

"There are nearly a hundred people. Why didn't you notice it beforehand?" Wu Jin shouted in surprise, suddenly remembering Mr. Li's reminder. As expected, no ambush was found on his side. What a great disguise. How did these people ambush in this canyon? When was the ambush?

Unfortunately, no one could answer Wu Jin's various doubts. After a while, Wu Jin found that about ten of the group separated and chased in the direction of Luo Zheng and others. The rest began to retreat. He was startled, reacted suddenly, and returned Hao Luozheng did not go southwest, otherwise he would have crashed into the encirclement. Faced with the encirclement of nearly a hundred people, it would be impossible to escape.

"It's interesting." Wu Jin looked at the dozen or so pursuers. They were marching very fast and were wearing white camouflage. This camouflage is very concealable in the snow. They were marching very fast. They should be from the Snow Bear Special Forces. Come on, ten people versus five people, who will win?

A major ran over, saluted and asked: "Captain, do you want to withdraw the reinforcements? Or let them rush to support?"

"Withdraw." Wu Jin said with a gentle expression. Seeing that the major was a little confused, he explained: "The special forces can't keep up with their speed. Forget it, I will be working here these days, and the next battle will be very difficult. It’s exciting, don’t miss it, let the snow fox, who is familiar with snow bears, come over and help me with advice.”

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