The strongest soldier

Chapter 719 Conquer the Snow Mountain

Luo Zheng and others didn't know Mr. Li's plan. They sat on the armed transport helicopter and closed their eyes to rest. After the excitement of grabbing the helicopter passed, fatigue came back. They took the time to rest. An hour later, snow-capped mountains appeared in front of them. The mountain peaks were so tall that they reached the sky. The cold wind was howling on the top of the mountain and the flight was unstable. The ghost hand lowered its altitude and flew around the canyon, and its speed was also a little slower.

"The border post is ahead. After passing the border post, you will leave the polar bear territory and enter the no-care zone." Guishou suddenly shouted through the headset.

"Everyone, cheer up and be careful." Luo Zheng felt vaguely uneasy and reminded loudly.

Before everyone could fully wake up, Guishou suddenly shouted: "No, we are locked."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He looked around and saw mountain peaks. The mountainside was covered with thick white snow. He suddenly heard that he was kidnapped by the Wolf King, the leader of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. It was so similar to the current situation. , his face changed drastically and he quickly shouted: "Quick, lower the altitude and prepare to jump out of the plane."

The ghost hand controlled the helicopter to fly down violently. Everyone quickly packed up their things and put on the captured trophies. After the ghost hand descended to a height of about fifty meters above the ground, the ghost hand was worried that the helicopter would lose control and did not dare to lower it any further. In mid-air, everyone threw down all the ropes and loot and rappelled quickly.

The situation was critical. No one dared to be careless. He moved quickly. Luo Zheng asked everyone to get down first. He turned to look to one side and saw a missile roaring towards him with a long tail flame. His face changed greatly and he urged: "Quickly. , hurry up."

Everyone also saw the missile, and they grabbed the rope and almost jumped down. Luo Zheng waited for everyone to get down, and then he also grabbed the rope and jumped down without controlling the speed at all. The rope grasped by his palms slid quickly, and the friction in his palms hurt. Fortunately, he had tactical gloves to protect him, otherwise his palms would not be able to withstand such a fast speed.

Luo Zheng jumped to the ground and rolled uncontrollably down the mountainside. He heard a huge explosion in his ears. He knew that the helicopter was hit by a missile. He didn't have time to watch. He accelerated his rolling movement and felt some aircraft debris flying down. Come, dive into the snow, almost hit your body, you can't help but be shocked, and speed up your rolling.

"Plop!" With a sound, Luo Zheng rolled down a raised mountainside and fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, there was thick snow on the ground to alleviate the impact. No one was injured. Luo Zheng lay on the ground and put his mouth I spat out the snow inside and looked at the sun high in the sky with a bitter look on my face.

That experience in the Snowy Mountains was vivid in my mind. It was like a narrow escape. Unexpectedly, I fell into the Snowy Mountains again. Fortunately, it was a sunny day and there was no snowstorm. When Luo Zheng heard Lan Xue's inquiry, he sat up and shouted through the headset: " It’s okay, is everyone okay?”

"It's okay." Guishou and the others got up and answered.

Luo Zheng looked at the helicopter that had fallen halfway up the mountain. It was unrecognizable and the propellers had flown to nowhere. He looked solemn and said quickly: "Quickly, pick up the loot and evacuate the scene. The enemy will arrive at any time." He took it. I turned on the GPS locator and after confirming my identity, I continued to shout: "Climb the snowy mountain in front and leave the country. Everyone, please move quickly."

Everyone did not dare to delay, and quickly rushed up the mountainside to pick up the captured trophies. Guishou even picked up a piece of iron sheet, placed the trophy on the iron sheet, fixed it with a rope, and dragged it forward, with the iron sheet as the bottom. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to drag something heavy on the snow.

The enemy may come at any time. The snow in the canyon is too deep and not suitable for walking. The snow on the mountainside is too soft and not suitable for walking. We climbed up the mountainside to the top of the mountain and walked forward along the mountain ridge. The wind on the mountain ridge was very strong and it blew everyone. I was shivering, and I couldn't help but speed up my march.

Soon, the high-intensity exercise caused the body to generate heat. Everyone felt better and continued to move forward. Luo Zheng looked back at the sky behind him from time to time. He saw no helicopters or fighter jets. His heart tightened. Don't dare to be careless in the slightest.

The march to the top of the mountain was undoubtedly exposed to satellite surveillance. The polar bear soldiers could completely see everyone, and a fighter jet could take care of everyone. However, Luo Zheng couldn't figure out why the polar bear didn't send a fight over, and wondered whether it was the polar bear who wanted to capture him alive. ? I couldn't help shouting through the headset: "Brothers, why don't you think the polar bears send fighter jets over?"

The cold wind howled at the top of the mountain, and you couldn't hear it unless you yelled loudly. After listening to Luo Zheng's question, everyone began to think deeply, and Ghost Hand shouted loudly: "Maybe he wants to catch someone alive? Or maybe it's too snowy here, which interferes with satellite monitoring. , we can’t be found.”

"It's impossible not to find it, otherwise how can we attack the helicopter." The mountain eagle shouted loudly: "In my opinion, the possibility of catching him alive is the highest. If we make such a big noise, the polar bears will lose their dignity, and they will kill us." The shame cannot be washed away, only those who are caught alive can explain the past."

"No matter what it is, we must leave this damn place as soon as possible." Lan Xue shouted loudly.

Everyone laughed knowingly. They were able to escape from the missiles. Everyone was in a good mood. Even the harsh wind and snow weather was nothing. The team marched quickly and quickly disappeared into the vast snow-capped mountains.

At the headquarters of a military base in the Polar Bear Country, the lieutenant general summoned several of his subordinates in his office. He threw a stack of documents on his desk with a livid face and roared: "Who can tell me what is going on? I Didn’t I explicitly ask you not to get involved in this matter? What happened to the robbed helicopter? Don’t you think it’s embarrassing enough? Do you think you can kill them with a missile? I want to live." As he said that, he waved his hand. The fist came, and the emotion was extremely high.

"General, please rest assured, my people will definitely bring them all back alive." A man with the rank of senior colonel stood up suddenly, glanced at the people around him with disdain, and said confidently, his eyes as sharp as a sword. , a resolute face with sharp edges and extraordinary momentum.

"Very good. I hope you Snow Bears won't let me down again. Don't forget that they are the winners of the International Special Forces Competition. They must not underestimate the enemy." The lieutenant general reminded him as he watched the opponent's expression soften a bit.

"Don't worry, Snow Bear knows what to do. As for the last competition, it was just their luck. In addition, each country did not send the strongest troops to go up, which gave them an advantage." The colonel puffed up his chest and said, He said with a confident face, like an unsheathed sword, and his firm eyes exuded a cold murderous aura.

"You underestimated the enemy." The lieutenant general reminded dissatisfiedly.

"No, General, it's confidence. No one is our snow bear's opponent. Please wait and see, General. I will personally direct the arrest operation." The colonel said confidently, his eyes shining.

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