The strongest soldier

Chapter 711 Being beaten passively

"After calculation, it's about two days' journey from the inside location to the no-no-no-no-nonsense zone. If you drive overnight, you can get there in two days and one night. Once you reach the no-no-no-no-sense zone, the polar bear military can no longer send large-scale troops to pursue it, and a small group of special forces will It all depends on your methods." Wu Jin's voice rang on the satellite phone. In the hands-free mode, everyone could hear it clearly, and their eyes lit up. Arriving one day earlier meant one less dangerous day.

After the route was determined, Wu Jin asked if he wanted to send special forces to meet him. In two or three days, when everyone arrived at the Sangui zone, the special forces could arrive, but Luo Zheng refused. If the polar bear is surrounded by a large army, there is always a way to evacuate. If the special forces rush there, they might become a burden.

Wu Jin understood and did not insist anymore. He told everyone to be careful and keep in touch with the headquarters at all times. He hung up the phone and removed the battery. Luo Zheng frowned and whispered: "We were on the phone for too long just now, and the signal may be detected by polar bears." Come, maybe this place has been exposed and we must leave as soon as possible."

Everyone understood and quickly packed up their things. After Luo Zheng took out the GPS positioning, he locked the route, rushed out of the woods, and rushed forward. The ground was covered with low grass, without thorns, shrubs, or tall trees, so there were no more. With the cover, everyone was exposed to the satellite, but the marching speed was not blocked by the bushes and was a little faster.

In less than an hour, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft appeared overhead. Everyone knew that they had been discovered, but they had no choice but to speed up. During the rapid march, Lan Xue said worriedly: "With the polar bear's mobile strike capabilities, it is expected that half of the Helicopters or fighter jets will be here within an hour."

Luo Zheng knew Lan Xue's worry and looked up at the surrounding mountains. They were bare and unobstructed. There was no way to avoid the surveillance of unmanned reconnaissance planes and satellites. Unless they lay on the ground and didn't move, everyone wore digital camouflage for both mountain and jungle use. The effect of the combat uniform is very good. The "pixel" pattern and digital dot matrix design make full use of the principles of visual psychology and can adapt to the concealment needs in a variety of environmental backgrounds. The whole body looks like the outline of leaves, gravel or fine sand. , completely integrated with the surroundings, making it more difficult for the enemy to extract specific "images" from the "natural background", and has strong infrared detection and invisibility effects under night vision goggles.

However, lying down means wasting time and waiting for death. You must know that the polar bear soldiers will send people over at any time. When they were in a dilemma, suddenly, everyone heard a faint roar from the sky behind them, and their expressions changed greatly, and they all stopped. , Luo Zheng shouted: "Get down and hide."

Everyone lay on the ground, covered themselves with their ghillie suits, and stared nervously at the sky in front of them. A small black spot appeared in everyone's field of vision. Luo Zheng quickly checked the surrounding terrain and soon found a stone mountain not far away. He couldn't help but He was overjoyed and said quickly: "Quick, go to Stone Mountain to hide."

Everyone turned around and saw that Stone Mountain is made up of many huge strange rocks. It covers a large area and it is relatively safer for people to hide inside. Everyone rushed over knowingly. At the critical moment of life and death, everyone burst out with unprecedented speed and shouted. Rush madly to cheer for yourself and your comrades.

Fortunately, Stone Mountain was not far away. Everyone rushed in with all their strength. Before they could hide, armed transport helicopters roared over and fired fiercely at Stone Mountain. The onboard machine cannon fired at a rate of 6,000 rounds per minute. Roaring, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they all hid under the nearby boulders, huddled up into a ball to reduce the surface area for attack, and covered their ears tightly to reduce the stimulation of the brain by the bullet whistle.

Those who have never been under a dense bullet attack cannot understand the joy of it. The bullets are coming fiercely like a heavy rain, and the scream of each bullet is very harsh. It can be seen as hundreds of bullets screaming almost at the same time. The sound, the sound is superimposed to form a sonic attack, which can cause a nervous breakdown at the least, make people unable to bear it, rush out of the bunker, and finally be hit by bullets, and cause bleeding from all the orifices at the worst.

Luo Zheng and others knew how powerful it was, so they desperately covered their ears to reduce the intensity of the sonic attack, while opening their mouths wide and letting out a hysterical roar. The roar could reduce the impact of the sonic attack, keep the brain awake, and give each other a sense of atmosphere.

"Ah -" Several people hid under the boulder and roared, like injured wild beasts. Murderous aura rose into the sky and filled the air. This made the people on the helicopter even more angry. They continued to shoot, and dense bullets hit the boulder. Sparks flew everywhere, forming ricochet, and some of the ricochet hit everyone. Fortunately, they were wearing special bulletproof vests and did not enter the body, but the pain was excruciating.

"It's not enough to be beaten passively like this." Luo Zheng thought to himself, while he kept yelling, his eyes turned red, and his face was filled with anger. He quickly jumped forward and hid under a bigger boulder, his heart aggrieved. About to explode, roaring, Luo Zheng took a big breath, trying to keep himself awake.

The dense bullets seemed to never stop. Many stones were blown into pieces. Fine stones flew around and hit the body. The pain was unstoppable. Everyone had no chance to fight back. They vigilantly moved some huge stones to block the surroundings. , make yourself safer.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the rockets on the armed transport helicopter unleashed their power, hitting a boulder and blowing it to pieces. Everyone was shocked when they heard the explosion, knowing that this transport helicopter was modified. , carrying rockets, not knowing who was hit, and the roar of the secret bullet attacks around them was too strong, making it impossible to communicate effectively. They were worried and looked for new hiding places to avoid being targeted.

"We must fight back." Luo Zheng's face was as cold as ice, as if it were ice that could not be melted away for hundreds of millions of years. His cold eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his heart was filled with overwhelming anger. He shouted loudly, Ouch -! Like a wounded tiger, he suddenly rushed out of the bunker, raised his hand and fired a shot into the sky.

This shot was not aimed, and the trigger was pulled based on feeling, but it contained all of Luo Zheng's energy, anger, and bullets that were all integrated into the steel gun in his hand. The steel gun seemed to have become spiritual, spitting out a sniper bullet. , the sniper warhead seemed to know Luo Zheng's anger, and rushed forward fiercely, drawing a strange energy blast in the void.

"Pfft!" The bullet instantly penetrated into the machine gunner's eyebrows and shot him in the head.

The fierce machine gun suddenly stopped firing, and Luo Zheng happened to hide in a new place. Seeing this scene, he was overjoyed and rushed out of the bunker without hesitation, roaring: "Kill!" He raised his hand and aimed at the hovering figure in the air. The armed helicopter in the air, the cold eyes burst with frightening murderous intent, the fighting spirit in the whole body was burning, and the momentum was soaring to the sky.

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