The strongest soldier

Chapter 710 Three-way Encirclement

Three minutes later, the battlefield was cleaned up. Everyone disguised the scene to create the illusion of killing each other. It was hard to say whether the military could confuse the polar bears. Everyone quickly evacuated the scene and got into the vast dark forest. With the help of night vision, Yi was marching in a hurry, and the gunshots rang out for so long. It was not known whether the polar bear army would catch up, so they did not dare to be careless. Everyone endured their sleepiness, gritted their teeth and kept on going.

In the middle of the night, it started to rain again, making the night darker and deeper. There was no way to go on the ground. Fortunately, everyone wore explosion-proof shoes. There was no need to worry about thorns, spikes or snakes and scorpions on the ground. Just step on them. After wading out of the way, when encountering a taller bush blocking the way, I pulled out my Japanese sword and cut it directly.

Doing this can easily leave traces and expose your whereabouts, but no one cares about it. As soon as the sky breaks, the power of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and satellites comes into play. If you don't run as far away as possible, you still can't escape pursuit. At five o'clock in the morning Around here, everyone came to a canyon and rested under a concave rock cliff.

The concave stone cliff can block the wind and rain, as well as the satellites and unmanned reconnaissance drones overhead. Before dawn, everyone casually finds a place to take a nap, rest, fight and rush continuously, and the nerves are highly nervous. No one can bear it. Luo Zheng knew that everyone was tired and his condition was better, so he let everyone rest and assumed the duty of sentry. In this wilderness, in addition to polar bears, the military, wild beasts, natural climate changes, etc., the enemies were absolutely Don't be careless.

At around six o'clock, the sky brightened and everything was calm. Seeing that everyone was sleeping deeply, Luo Zheng did not wake everyone up. He continued to meditate cross-legged and rested using the breathing method passed down from his family. About an hour later, a roar came from Luo Zheng. Zheng was startled. When he opened his eyes, he saw another plane passing by in the sky. Luo Zheng rushed out from under the stone cliff and looked up. In the sky, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft roared away.

"Huh." Luo Zheng was secretly grateful. Fortunately, there was a stone cliff to cover it, otherwise he might have been discovered. However, an unmanned reconnaissance plane appeared. The polar bear military should be arriving soon, right? We must hurry up and hurry up.

Luo Zheng hurriedly woke everyone up, packed up, and walked forward along the canyon, eating dry food while walking. After about an hour or so, everyone suddenly saw an unmanned reconnaissance plane flying over, and they quickly ambush and hid on the spot. They lay motionless under the dense trees or in the thick bushes. After the unmanned reconnaissance plane passed, everyone got up and accelerated their march.

Along the way, everyone was silent and looked solemn. At noon, everyone walked out of the woods. There were still rolling mountains in front of them, but there were no dense trees on the mountains, not even tall shrubs. The low weeds make it difficult to hide.

"What should I do?" Guishou looked at the mountains ahead and whispered with a solemn expression.

Everyone knows what Guishou means. Without the cover of trees, people are completely exposed to satellites or unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. There is no way to escape. However, if you want to continue to complete the mission, you must go to this mountain. Everyone lowers their head and thinks. Getting up, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "According to Levsky's confession, it takes a week to walk west from here, out of the border and over the snow-capped mountains. The problem is, it takes at least three days to walk west from here to the border. It takes three days and three nights, and I don’t know how many days there are in the snow-capped mountains. If I go there on foot, I’m afraid it will take a month to contact the headquarters.”

Lan Xue put down the backpack, took out the satellite phone from the backpack, quickly installed the battery, and turned it on. With modern information-based investigation capabilities, the satellite phone is equipped with batteries. Even if it is not turned on, it can be remotely monitored, and even remotely turned on and the conversation can be monitored. , so everyone removes the battery and carries it, which is basic common sense.

The satellite phone was quickly turned on and searched for a certain domestic satellite signal. Lan Xue dialed the number of Wu Jin's office. After the call was answered, Lan Xue explained the recent situation in detail. Wu Jin listened to the phone and asked the information personnel to investigate. Regarding the location of Lan Xue and others, when Lan Xue finished speaking, Wu Jin saw the satellite surveillance video transferred by the information personnel, his face changed, and he quickly said: "No, there are large armies surrounding you in the three directions of south, south, north and south. , it’s only one day away, we must evacuate as soon as possible.”

"Ah?" Lan Xue was surprised and quickly said to everyone: "The headquarters satellite monitoring has detected that there are troops pursuing us in three directions: north, south, south, and one day away."

"I'm afraid it won't take a day. Once the polar bear soldiers determine our specific location, they will definitely send fighter jets or helicopters over and ask the headquarters if there is any way to support us?" Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he asked quickly, feeling worried in his heart.

Lan Xue repeated Luo Zheng's words, and Wu Jin immediately asked the information personnel to analyze the situation. A few minutes later, Wu Jin said in a serious tone: "Going south is back to the defense line, but it has been blocked by the polar bear military. Even if we send special forces there It will take three days for support to arrive, and the plane cannot go over, so everything depends on you."

"Three days?" Lan Xue said solemnly, her cold eyes full of worry. After thinking for a while, she pressed the speakerphone, looked at everyone and said, "The headquarters said it will take three days for the supporting special forces to arrive. Everyone's What’s your opinion?”

"It seems that we have no choice but to go west. However, once exposed, the polar bear's special forces and even the Snow Bear Special Forces Brigade will come after them." Luo Zheng analyzed with a solemn expression, and suddenly thought of something in his mind. He continued hurriedly: "I remember that about thirty degrees to the west-southeast is the Sangui Zone."

The so-called "Three No Ones" zone refers to the triangular zone where China, the Polar Bear Country, and another country meet. This area has a harsh climate and no people. It has virtually become a zone that no one cares about. However, we can use this zone to escape. Moreover, After Luo Zheng was kidnapped and jumped off the plane by the Wolf King, the leader of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, he returned from this area and encountered the special forces being attacked. He led everyone to fight polar bears in this area, so the terrain was relatively familiar.

When everyone heard Luo Zheng mentioning the zone of neglect, they naturally thought of this matter. Their solemn expressions softened a bit, and they all looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said seriously: "Since there are chasing people in the other three directions, There may be soldiers heading west, but they haven't appeared yet. It may even be an area that the polar bear military monitors. Once discovered, they will directly send troops to parachute over, so let's go southwest."

"Will they be discovered anyway?" Mountain Eagle reminded.

"Yes, no matter which direction we go, we will be discovered. We can only choose a relatively advantageous route." Luo Zheng said helplessly, but his eyes became firm.

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