The strongest soldier

Chapter 694: Trap shows off its power

Under the dark night sky, in the vast forest, there is a person hidden on a tall tree. The body and the trunk are integrated, and it is difficult to distinguish under the hazy moonlight. A pair of black and white eyes are constantly shining with the light of wisdom. Looking around coldly, it was Luo Zheng who was left observing.

An hour passed, and there was nothing unusual about the enemy. Two hours passed, and there was still nothing unusual. Luo Zheng became a little confused. Could it be that all the trees and grass were under attack? I looked up at the night sky. The moon gradually disappeared into the dark clouds. The surrounding night became darker. If it weren't for the night vision goggles, I wouldn't be able to see anything at all.

The night wind blew slowly, causing the leaves to rustle, and a few strange calls of wild birds broke the silent forest. The dark forest was like a dark hell, with a depressing atmosphere. If it weren't for the mind, A perseverant person would have collapsed long ago in the face of this dark forest where it is difficult to see even one's fingers.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement from the enemy. Luo Zheng thought about whether to leave, but when he thought about the consequences, Luo Zheng made up his mind to wait until dawn. Then he carefully placed his backpack on the branch of a tree and took it out. The special rope came out, fixed the backpack, and then fixed himself to the tree trunk to prevent him from falling if he fell asleep.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng looked around and made sure that there were no threats such as snakes. He closed his eyes and rested his mind. He practiced the traditional breathing method and quickly entered an ethereal state. At this moment, Luo Zheng felt My brain has been dormant, but my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind have become extremely active and sensitive. The sounds of wind, birds, and swaying leaves around me seem to be clearly distinguishable.

I don't know how long it took. In his daze, Luo Zheng suddenly dreamed that many people were surrounding him. A feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart. He woke up involuntarily. His slightly closed eyes suddenly opened. A bright light flashed. Luo Zheng was alert. Looking around, I realized that the sky was already getting bright, and in the distance, birds were flying in fright, which made me startled.

"Sure enough, it's here." Luo Zheng woke up completely, clenched the gun in his hand, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and stared at the surroundings with cold eyes, waiting sternly.

Not long after, Luo Zheng saw a group of soldiers approaching from all directions. They were all armed with live ammunition and wearing standard military uniforms. They had cold faces and walked very quickly and carefully. The previous group of people also turned around and formed an encirclement. Luo Zheng saw At this scene, I still don’t know what happened, and I can’t help but secretly feel happy. Fortunately, the mountain eagle discovered the abnormality, and everyone was more cautious, otherwise we would have been in trouble.

Soon, this group of people rushed up, densely packed, there must be two to three hundred people, each with a cold face, their guns aimed at the disguised camp, Luo Zheng's cold eyes searched around, and soon found several leading officers. , looking at the military rank, he was a captain, with a big beard and a cold face, holding his hands and urging his men to move forward.

Seeing no resistance, this group of people became confused. Some of the people in front rushed into the disguised camp ferociously, kicking the trip wire without even realizing it. Their eyes were completely attracted by the disguised stone, and their faces were ashen. Knowing that they had been fooled, they started to rush in one after another. He rushed forward, used his gun to lift the branches above, and stood aside, waiting for the officer to come over.

The officer also realized that he had been fooled. Before he could rush forward, there was a sudden violent explosion. One after another, countless red lights exploded, engulfing the surrounding soldiers. Smoke filled the air. The soldiers screamed and their limbs were broken into pieces. Meat flew everywhere, and an arm flew to the tree, making a "pop" impact sound, and fell. The steel gun in the hand slipped, and the fingers were still trembling. It was extremely weird, blood was flying, and the ground was covered with dead leaves. Yes, bloody and incomparable.

"Ah? Escape quickly." The officer's face turned pale and he roared angrily. He turned around and ran away, for fear that successive explosions would come and kill him too.

On the tall tree crown, Luo Zhenghu's eyes were murderous, and he stared coldly at the explosions that went off under the tree. He saw the screams, the wounded rolling on the ground, and the ground was dyed red. A sneer appeared on his resolute face. , this explosion killed and injured nearly half of the enemy, and they figured out that they were being fooled.

After waiting for a while, the explosion stopped. The officer walked to the scene with a pale face. He took every step extremely carefully. The arm holding the gun trembled. So many people were dead and the enemy didn't know who it was. How could he do business when he returned? How to face the subordinates who died in battle?

The surviving soldiers looked at the captain officer in panic, not knowing what to do. The trap just now was designed very cleverly. No matter how they ran away, they could not escape the danger of being bombed. Most of their comrades died tragically, inexplicably and in an extremely horrific way. , left without even a shadow of the enemy, and no one knew how the explosion was caused. The mysterious enemy and mysterious methods made everyone breathless.

Luo Zheng hid in the treetops and remained motionless, watching this scene coldly. He saw that the officer used the military radio to communicate with the outside world for a while, summoned everyone, and after a few words of training, some wounded soldiers were left to guard the scene. He took the remaining dozens of people and chased southward.

The captain officer spoke in Polar Bear Mandarin. Luo Zheng couldn't understand a word, but when he saw them pursuing south, a sneer came to his lips. From his observations just now, Luo Zheng could draw two conclusions. First, the Polar Bear Country discovered everyone. , Second, the polar bear country does not know that it is heading to the northwest.

If the Polar Bear Country knew that he was observing here and deliberately pursued him south to confuse him, Luo Zheng had nothing to say. Then he thought about it, if the Polar Bear Country really knew that he was hiding here and had no reason to pursue him, he should issue an attack order. That's right, dozens of people were besieging him in the tree, and there was almost no possibility of survival. Therefore, Luo Zheng didn't believe this possibility. After the captain officer led the people away, he put on his equipment and quietly slipped down the tree. , hurried away towards the northwest.

Along the way, Luo Zheng didn't stop. Everyone had already rushed there all night before, so they were probably impatient to wait. At noon, Luo Zheng came to a mountain ridge and suddenly saw a team rushing towards him. They looked so menacing that he couldn't help but feel nervous. Startled, he ducked and hid in the bushes, aiming his gun forward, waiting sternly, his eyes restrained, and his fighting spirit restrained.

After a while, the team hurried past, and several soldiers passed by the bushes where Luo Zheng was invisible. If you pay a little attention, you can find that Luo Zheng secretly called out good luck, guessing that this team was rushing to support. With so many people dead, it’s strange that the polar bear country isn’t worried.

Luo Zheng came out of the bushes and continued to move forward. Several rabbits quickly disappeared into the woods.

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