The strongest soldier

Chapter 693 A battle of wits and courage

"Ambush the camp? I don't have anything valuable to frame the people in the training camp. Is it appropriate? Didn't you say before that you should go to the training camp to have a look before making a decision?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, not understanding Luo Zheng. Why did Zheng change the battle plan again? Everyone else heard Lan Xue's words through their headsets, stopped one after another, and looked at Luo Zheng with curiosity on their faces.

"It's good to have framed things, but you may not be able to find them. It's a waste of time and opportunities to go back and forth. So, I want to just attack directly and run away after the fight. The polar bear doesn't know who it is, and will definitely send troops to pursue it. When the time comes, we will go Run towards the training camp of the terrorist organization's base and look for opportunities to sow discord. It's hard to say whether it will work or not. It's up to God to make things happen." Luo Zheng explained.

"Forget it, just do it if you think it's feasible." Lan Xue said nonchalantly and glanced at everyone. Everyone nodded in support, turned around, and continued on their way.

Along the way, everyone was not moving very fast. We followed the polar bear army in front of us and stopped and walked. Unknowingly, at night, we saw the polar bear army camping on the spot. Everyone was also camping nearby, wearing night vision goggles and hiding in the woods. Waiting quietly, like a ghost in the dark night.

The polar bear country's army was just ahead. Of course, everyone couldn't light a fire and could only eat some dry food to satisfy their hunger. More than two hours later, the mountain eagle in charge of sentry sent word that another team came to join them. They were about one platoon away. Luo Zheng was shocked. , after signaling everyone not to move, he touched it himself and hid behind a big tree on the mountain ridge to observe. Sure enough, he saw many people in the open area below the mountainside. Several bonfires were burned. A group of people were talking and laughing. It's very intimate up there.

"Brother, I feel like this group of people is a little weird." A few mountain eagles came over and whispered quietly, holding the sniper rifles in their hands, their faces as solemn as frost, with a hint of worry.

"What's wrong?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice, looking closely at the front, becoming suspicious.

The sound was clearly transmitted to everyone through the headset. Everyone immediately became vigilant. They pricked up their ears and covered their headsets. For fear of missing a word, they hunched over and spread out slowly, forming a circular defense as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"I can't explain clearly, it just feels wrong. You see, this group of people is walking very slowly, which is not normal. Moreover, it is not normal for someone to come to join them. They are patrolling in the vast woods. How can they suddenly meet? I'm worried. Of course they are leading us forward, but there are traps waiting in front of us." The mountain eagle said in a low voice.

"Why do you think they increased their troops?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"I don't know. Maybe they were worried that we would eat up this team, so they sent more people over." Shan Diao explained in a low voice. After waiting for a while, seeing that Luo Zheng didn't speak, he continued to explain: "Listen, Their laughter was fake and artificial, obviously fake, deliberately pretending to be uninformed, to stabilize us, maybe more people would surround us, they were just bait."

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng listened carefully for a while and found that the team in front of him was a little weird. Not to mention the laughter, the chatter was also weird, as if they were afraid that others would not know their existence. Who were talking in the dark forest? Can you speak loudly? Luo Zheng was secretly vigilant.

At this time, Lan Xue also quietly came up and stared at the enemy camp in front of him seriously. After observing for a moment, his face was filled with frost and he whispered coldly: "No, we overlooked an issue. The spies from the Polar Bear Country There are many satellites and military satellites, and the information operations capabilities are also very strong. Maybe they have discovered our whereabouts through the satellites, and deliberately let this team lead us forward, while deploying manpower to outflank us."

When Luo Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but shuddered and broke into a cold sweat. He was secretly upset that he had ignored the detail of the satellite. He wanted to give himself a slap, but the thing had already happened. Regret could not solve any problem. Luo Zheng thought nervously. stand up.

"Withdraw." Lan Xue reminded in a low voice.

"We must retreat, but we cannot retreat easily. Everyone has to return to the camp one after another." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, with a cold face, turned the muzzle of his gun, and hurriedly retreated with his waist bent.

Everyone met at the camp where they had stayed for a rest. Everyone had ugly faces. After following for a day, they didn't expect to be tricked. Luo Zheng said depressedly: "I was careless and ignored the polar bear country's information combat capabilities. We The possibility of being exposed is very high, so we can’t stay for a long time, but we can’t take advantage of these people before we leave.”

"What do you think?" Snow Leopard asked curiously.

"The enemy may launch an attack tonight, and they will definitely come here. Let's arrange some arrangements and give some gifts to the opponent before leaving, right?" Luo Zheng said coldly. He was actually fooled by the enemy for a whole day. He couldn't say this. .

When everyone heard this, no one objected, and they all took out some button time bombs from their backpacks. They stuck them under the tree on one side, and tore some off the other side to get on the vines. The vines pulled apart to form a trip wire. As long as they touched it, The trip wire will form a tearing force, completely tearing off the torn area, and the bomb will automatically explode after a delay of a few seconds.

Ten minutes later, everyone was deployed. Luo Zheng looked around. He moved five large stones and piled them together, covering them with hay. From a high altitude, it would look like a person sleeping with his head in his arms. Five stones and five people were just the right number. It's hard to say whether he can confuse the enemy or not. He did what he had to do and everyone looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng looked around and said coldly: "Since we have been exposed, we traveled all night, marched towards the enemy camp, and dispersed. Even if the satellite monitors it, they will think that we are wild beasts in the forest. Everyone has gathered. The location is here." He took out the GPS and determined a coordinate together.

Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle dispersed and disappeared into the night. Lan Xue glanced at Luo Zheng affectionately and warned gently: "Do you want to stay secretly to observe the situation here? No matter what you do, I support you, but I hope you can arrive at the designated coordinates on time. I will leave first, and you will be well."

"Well, you're fine too." Luo Zheng warned seriously, watching the blue snow cheetah rush into the woods and quickly disappear without a trace. Luo Zheng packed up his things and carried them on his back, put on his night vision goggles, and looked around After a while, he quickly came to a big tree.

The big tree is more than thirty meters high, with a lush canopy that blocks out the sky and the sun. It is difficult to detect people hiding on it. Luo Zheng stayed here just to confirm one thing. What will this team do when they find out that everyone has left? This was related to everyone's further action plan. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless, so he climbed up to the treetops and hid.

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