The strongest soldier

Chapter 691 The patrol suddenly appeared

Strategy is to guide the direction of action, and tactics are the means to achieve this direction. Without direction, no matter how many means and no matter how good the tactics are, they may all go in the opposite direction. Therefore, when performing tasks, everyone is accustomed to determining the combat strategy first, that is, the overall strategy. Everyone pondered about the direction of the battle.

After a moment, Guishou asked: "The strategy of luring the Polar Bear Country's troops to attack the terrorist organization is okay, but the Polar Bear Country is not stupid. The terrorist organization's base training camp is in the Sam Country. The data shows that it is a rental place. It has been with the country for so many years. The polar bear country is in peace and harmony. The polar bear country obviously acquiesces to the existence of this training camp. Will it be easy for us to provoke discord? The strategy is fine, but how to arrange the specific tactics? "

Everyone agreed with this strategy, but when it came to the specific tactical deployment, they all looked at Luo Zheng curiously, waiting for Luo Zheng's final answer. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "The terrorist organization base training camp is also organized by the Death Killer. Lao Lair, in that case, we can fake the Death Killer Organization to assassinate a senior officer of the Sam Country, deliberately expose our identity, and lure the Sam Country army to the training camp. This is too fake. The Sam Country will not be fooled. We must leave some vague clues now to lead us to the training camp. Training camp, provoking conflicts between the two parties, this should be able to achieve the goal."

When everyone heard that it made sense, they all looked at Lan Xue. The battle plan ultimately needed Lan Xue to confirm. Lan Xue thought about it and felt that this strategy was feasible. He frowned slightly and asked thoughtfully: "The strategy is feasible, and there is no problem with the tactical arrangement. , but we must find usable clues. The Death Killer organizes the operation and there is no reason to leave clues at the scene. How to solve this problem? "

"Let's go to the training camp first and look for opportunities to start." Luo Zheng suggested.

Everyone nodded and agreed. If you want to implement the strategies and tactics just decided, you must first find valuable clues. Without this, how can you draw Sam's country's suspicion to the training camp?

The wind has picked up, and the night wind brings a bit of coolness. The leaves rustle, as if countless elves are dancing. A crescent moon slowly comes out of the dark clouds, covering the forest with a light veil. , soft and quiet, unknown insects also chirped happily, as if calling for dawn. Occasionally, a wild bird fluttered out of the woods, screamed strangely, and flew to an unknown place, adding a bit of vitality to the woods. .

Luo Zheng stared at the surroundings quietly, his face as calm as water. He closed his eyes slightly and began to think. The task was very difficult and the opponent was very tough. In addition to attracting the wolf from Sam Country to drive away the tiger from the training camp, was there anything else? Method? In deep thought, Luo Zheng fell asleep unconsciously.

Unconsciously, Luo Zheng was awakened by a burst of fragrance. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was already dawn. Lan Xue was flipping a hare on the bonfire. The other three people didn't know where they went. Lan Xue saw Luo Zheng. When he woke up, he smiled and said, "It's rare that you can sleep so deeply. Are you okay?"

"It's okay, where are the three of them?" Luo Zheng asked casually.

"The snow leopards are on guard duty, the mountain eagles are on the top of the mountain for reconnaissance, and the ghost hands are collecting dry firewood nearby." Lan Xue explained, glanced at Luo Zheng, and saw that Luo Zheng's face was not very good, with red eyes and a look on his face. Haggard, he couldn't help but worry and said: "Are you worried about the mission? Don't be too anxious. This kind of thing is urgent. It will only make you lose your judgment. The most important thing is to maintain a good attitude."

"I'm fine, don't worry." Luo Zheng comforted him. He stood up, moved his body, and looked around. They were lush and green, and they were all fir trees. These trees are hard, and some of them are twenty or thirty meters tall. , after a while, Luo Zheng heard a rustling sound, turned his head and saw that the ghost hand was back, with a pheasant in his hand.

"Are you awake? Let's have a good morning." Guishou smiled and raised the pheasant on his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng looked around and found no water source. He frowned. The mountains in the distance were winding and could not be seen. This place is different from the tropical virgin forest. Water will be the first problem everyone solves. Luo Zheng stayed With a careful mind, he checked the weapons and equipment.

Ten minutes later, all the food was cooked and everyone shared some. The mountain eagle who went to investigate hurried over with a serious look on his face. Everyone was startled and looked at the mountain eagle. The mountain eagle came to everyone and said eagerly: " About three kilometers to the northwest, there were a group of birds flying in fright, and it was possible that the polar bear country’s scouts were patrolling the mountain.”

"Huh?" Luo Zheng's face darkened and he thought about it. It was a common practice for border guards to patrol mountains. Luo Zheng knew this very well when he was a private at the outpost. But now, he wanted to rush to the terrorist organization's base for training. The camp is in some trouble. If it is discovered by the polar bear scouts patrolling the mountain, it will cause disputes between the two countries.

Everyone quickly extinguished the bonfire, Lan Xue handed the remaining food to the mountain eagle, looked at Luo Zheng and said: "It will take at least three days to reach the destination here. Now we have discovered the mountain patrol team of the Polar Bear Country. There are traces here." It must be completely cleared. Also, could it be that our actions have been exposed? Otherwise, the polar bear country’s mountain patrol force would not have arrived so quickly and so accurately.”

Lan Xue's reminder made everyone's hearts arouse. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then said: "If this is really the case, we will be in big trouble. We have to go around in a roundabout way. But in this way, our trip will be delayed even more. For more than two days, it is relatively safe to go south far away from the polar bear country's mountain patrol troops. If the polar bear country really finds something, they will also think of this, and someone may have already taken the roundabout route south."

"You mean to go north, in the dark under the lights, and pass through the key defense area of ​​the Polar Bear Country's border guards?" Guishou looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked. When Luo Zheng nodded, he looked at Lan Xue, and Lan Xue With a thoughtful expression on his face, Guishou thought for a moment and said, "It makes sense. The Polar Bear Country has always been arrogant and looks down on us. It would never have occurred to them that we would pass through their key defensive areas."

"But what if it's a coincidence? Wouldn't it be a waste of two days?" Shan Diao objected.

"No, if a fighter plane is discovered, we will pretend to be ninjas and launch an attack, and put the blame on Japan. It is impossible for Japan to send troops here. There is only one possibility, and that is the people in the training camp. Don't forget, Japan is also a natural disaster. He is crazy and dares to do anything. Secondly, the training camp is supported by the Japanese country. The second in command of the training camp is a Japanese pirate. There must be Japanese pirates training in the training camp. It is normal for these people to sneak attack on the polar bear country as a training subject." Luo Zheng suddenly said. He opened his tiger eyes, with shining light dancing, and suggested with a serious face.

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