The strongest soldier

Chapter 690 Dark night falls

The helicopter flew for a full two hours and landed in a prosperous city on the border. Then he changed to a business jet to continue to the destination. Helicopters were not allowed to leave the country. Business jets could apply for routes under various names. Of course, Luo Zheng did not need to go there. Don't worry, Captain Wujin of the base will arrange everything. After more than four hours, the business jet lowered its height. The bottom of the specially modified cabin opened, revealing a hole. Everyone jumped down without hesitation with parachutes on their backs. , white clouds soon appeared, but they seemed insignificant under the night.

A few minutes later, everyone landed in the dark virgin forest. Luo Zheng was hanging on the tree. He had to pull out his tiger fangs and cut the rope. He fell from the air and rolled twice. After getting up, he looked around, but it was a pity that the surroundings were dark. He couldn't see anything. Luo Zheng quickly put away his parachute and saw a bright tactical flashlight shining into the void in front of him, waving in a circle. This was the pre-arranged rendezvous signal.

Luo Zheng quickly checked the equipment and found nothing missing. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He took out the tactical flashlight from his backpack and walked quickly toward the bright light. There were trees along the way, and there were many shrubs growing on the ground. There was no road. , it was difficult to walk, but fortunately the light was not far away. Luo Zheng soon saw Lan Xue waving the flashlight, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, how about you?" Lan Xue asked happily when she saw Luo Zheng coming over. The height of the skydiving was only a thousand meters, but the landing place was a virgin forest and it was night. To be honest, it was very dangerous. One mistake could make it possible. If you fall off a cliff or can't get out of a sinkhole, and if the light can't gather everyone, you can only slowly communicate through the headset to determine the coordinates, and wait until daytime.

Lan Xue didn't expect Luo Zheng to arrive first, and was very happy. When Luo Zheng stepped forward, he continued: "The three of them haven't taken their positions yet. Let's light a fire first. It's dark here. It's hard to see your fingers. I don't know yet." When can they arrive, let’s camp here tonight.”

"That's fine." Luo Zheng responded casually and shouted through the headset: "Brothers, can you hear me?"

"Yes, this ghost place is simply a dark hell. You can't see anything. The moon is also hiding. Fortunately, you have a flashlight, otherwise it would be really troublesome." Ghost Hand complained, but his mood was not bad.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain eagle and snow leopard also answered one after another, which showed that the distance between us was not very far. Luo Zheng was not sure of everyone's position and had no coordinates. He asked everyone not to run around and see the light clearly before he quickly pulled out the Japanese sword dragon tooth. Come, split some dry firewood, collect some dry weeds, take out a special lighter, and a few minutes later, Luo Zheng lit a bonfire.

Lan Xue climbed up a big tree and stood on the crown of the tree waving a flashlight. After making sure that everyone could see the light, she slipped down from the big tree and came over to help collect some dry firewood to light up the bonfire. The destination is still far away, and the surrounding areas are either towering mountains or dense trees, making it difficult to spot.

Ten minutes later, Guishou and others came one after another, put their backpacks aside, and sat by the campfire holding their weapons. On the battlefield, weapons should not be left at any time. This is one of the rules of life-saving. Lan Xue watched Everyone straightened their faces, became serious, and whispered: "Our mission has officially begun from this moment. The mission is very difficult. Everyone has read the relevant information about the specific situation. Let's talk about how to fight this battle. ?”

"Our fighting style is different from that of the Sam Country. They have a huge logistics system and intelligence system, and they can make tactical decisions based on real-time intelligence. Our intelligence stays a week ago. During the operation, in order to avoid being discovered, we need to do our best to avoid being discovered. The communication is silent and there is no real-time intelligence. It is a bit inappropriate to discuss specific tactics. Let’s talk about strategic decisions. Brother Ghost is better at this." Snow Leopard said in a low voice and looked at Luo Zheng with a calm face.

"What Brother Snow Leopard said makes sense. Before there is enough intelligence, the battle depends on improvisation. Who makes our information combat capabilities inferior to other superpowers and cannot obtain real-time intelligence? Strategically, there is a training camp at the base of the terrorist organization. There are still a few unknowns that we don’t know. We don’t know where our base is. We don’t know if there are other battles or logistics bases. To be honest, apart from the training camp, we know almost nothing else. This strategy is difficult to grasp. Brother Ghost, what do you think?" Ghost Hand asked in agreement.

"The specific situation of the terrorist organization is unknown, and we don't know where the target is. The information we have is very limited. Let alone specific combat tactics, there is no way to formulate a combat strategy. All we can do is to quietly touch them and catch a few tongues to inquire. Let’s talk about it after we know the situation clearly.” Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"There really is no specific strategic plan?" Guishou said helplessly.

"It's not impossible. It just depends on whether you dare to play with me or not." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Why don't you dare?" Gui Shou said nonchalantly.

"It's something." Snow leopards and mountain eagles also looked at Luo Zheng, with indifferent expressions on their faces. They had waded through mountains of corpses and bloody water. They were so bold that they really didn't know what they didn't dare to do.

Seeing Luo Zheng looking at her, Lan Xue smiled knowingly and said, "If you have any ideas, just put them forward. In the future, the king and the people will not be affected. Whatever happens, I will take care of it. As long as I can complete the task, I will do whatever I can." It doesn’t matter, but one thing is, we can’t expose our identity, we would rather die, this is the bottom line, everyone knows it, no need for me to repeat it, right?”

"Yes!" Everyone stood up and responded, looking at Luo Zheng, waiting, curious in their hearts. Faced with such a difficult situation, the enemy is still very powerful. What combat strategy can be used to break the situation?

"My combat strategy is eight words: lure wolves and drive away tigers, and fish in troubled waters." Luo Zheng's face straightened and he analyzed seriously. Seeing that everyone didn't understand very well, he explained: "The people in the training camps of terrorist organizations are tigers. Here It is adjacent to the polar bear country, and the border guards of the polar bear country are wolves. They lure the wolves to deal with the tigers. We take the opportunity to mix the water, then find the target and quickly evacuate, completing the task quietly. What do you think?"

"Hiss?" After hearing Luo Zheng's combat strategy, everyone couldn't help being shocked. This really requires some courage. It's not something ordinary people dare to do. If you don't do it right, you will get burned. Ghost Hand said with admiration on his face: "Brother Ghost, how come? I haven’t seen you for a month, but you’ve become more courageous.”

"Can the brothers just tell me about this combat strategy?" Luo Zheng said with a faint smile, his bright eyes shining with wisdom.

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