The strongest soldier

Chapter 682 Sam compromises

Ten minutes later, Sam State aircraft carrier boarded.

Ambassadors from various countries gathered together and exchanged their opinions and suggestions in low voices. The Ambassador of China knew that everyone must have received the relevant news and was preparing to increase rescue efforts. He was working in tandem. He couldn't help but shouted immediately: "Everyone, I believe that the situation is Everyone already understands that it doesn’t make much sense for us to discuss here, and the captain has no right to give us justice. Instead of waiting here, we might as well go over there and have a look. What do you think?”

Everyone's eyes lit up and they all agreed. The President of Sam Country has not yet made the final decision. If everyone boarded the abandoned aircraft carrier at this time, I believe President Sam Country would not dare to order a missile attack, and he would be able to get close contact with his own people and learn more about it. More truths to prepare for rescue.

"This proposal is very good, but how can we get there?" An ambassador expressed his doubts.

"This requires the assistance of the United Nations representative." The Chinese ambassador said calmly, looked at a middle-aged man next to him, and asked politely: "I wonder if Your Excellency Aof is willing to assist?"

Others looked at the man named Off, the representative of the United Nations. Off suddenly felt the pressure. If he didn't agree, he would definitely lose the support of everyone present. His future work would be very difficult. If he agreed, he would offend Sam. country, after weighing it up, Aof found that he had no choice. Even if he sided with Sam Country, these people would find other ways to get over. He made a decision in his heart, his face straightened, and he said righteously: "Thank you everyone for your trust. I am willing to work with you to find out the truth of the matter, let’s go find the captain.”

"Yes, go find the captain." Everyone understood and followed suit. The guards had already informed the captain to come over.

"Your Excellency, Captain, I'm disturbing your rest." Aof looked at the captain, with a serious face, and said seriously: "We are here to check the truth of the matter. We are not here to blow the sea breeze, and we will not embarrass you, but I hope you can provide a ship so we can go over there and investigate, how about that?”

"This?" the captain said in embarrassment, knowing very well in his heart that there must be difficulties in the country's delay in making a decision. If these people are allowed to go up, things will get out of control. However, if everyone is not allowed to go up, it will be very difficult diplomatically. It's disrespectful, and it will be true to the facts, and it will still be unclear when the time comes.

The ambassador of China suddenly sneered and said dissatisfied: "Your Excellency, Captain, are you hiding something from us that cannot be revealed? Is there something ulterior happening over there?"

"Yes, Captain, we need to know the truth. Moreover, we have received intelligence that our citizens are on it. Why are they being detained there? We need your country to give a reasonable explanation." An ambassador said coldly. He said coldly, his face turned sour, and others agreed.

The captain was immediately confused and didn't know what to do. Auf continued: "I am the representative of the United Nations in this incident. The United Nations has the right to know the truth. Ambassador, please arrange the ship. What happened to us? It's your own responsibility. If the Ambassador is too late to move, I doubt the truth. By the way, there will be a live press conference in half an hour. I believe people all over the world are paying attention to this. It all depends on the choice. The captain had a thought."

"This?" The captain looked at everyone in embarrassment, thought for a while, and said: "I will ask for instructions from home immediately. Please give me a few minutes. No matter what, I will give you an explanation."

"Then please." Aof said dissatisfiedly. A dignified United Nations representative was actually rejected by the captain. This loss of face caused a bit of resentment in Aof's heart.

The captain did not pay attention to Off's mood and left in a hurry. After returning to his office, he quickly dialed the secret number. When the call was connected, he said: "Please pick up the President."

After waiting for a while, a voice said on the phone: "The President is in a meeting, please let me switch the call to the conference room."

Soon, a powerful voice asked: "I am the president, Captain, what's the matter?"

"Ambassadors and compliance representatives from various countries have requested to abandon the aircraft carrier. Please give instructions." The captain said quickly.

"We can't let them pass. The joint meeting has already concluded. You immediately arrange for the ship to go over, take out all the people on it, and hand them over to their country. After an hour, launch missiles to destroy the abandoned aircraft carrier. Remember, you can't let anyone When the ambassador and representatives go up, they can only rescue the people above," the president said.

"Understood." The captain suddenly felt the pressure lighten and agreed. After rescuing the people and handing them over to other countries, it would be hard for the other countries to say anything. After all, the people above have more or less done things that are detrimental to Sam's country. If no one is allowed aboard, the secrets on the abandoned aircraft carrier can be kept.

Being able to keep the secret, rescue everyone, and not arouse the public outrage of all countries was able to kill three birds with one stone. The captain rushed to join everyone and put aside the domestic arrangements. The ambassadors of various countries already knew who was being held prisoner above. Who are these people? It’s fair to say that they are at fault. Sam’s country gave them relief due to the pressure, and it was considered to be lenient. It’s really hard for everyone to continue the quarrel. Everyone wants to save face, right? Keeping things low-key is not an option.

Soon, the two warships guarding the aircraft carrier came over and boarded the ship. The ambassadors and representatives from various countries boarded one of the warships. They wanted to get the people on the abandoned aircraft carrier to come over. It would not be possible without the ambassadors of various countries to come forward. Another warship It was full of soldiers with guns and ammunition, and they were waiting seriously.

On the abandoned aircraft carrier, Luo Zheng was telling Lan Xue what had happened recently when he suddenly saw two warships approaching. He was startled and immediately shouted: "Jeff, tell everyone to cheer up and prepare for battle."

"Yes." Jeff responded loudly and ran to make arrangements.

Not long after, two warships came over, but no shots were fired. This situation shocked Luo Zheng, and he glanced at Lan Xue with confusion. Lan Xue also had a look of confusion on his face. Soon, Lan Xue saw someone standing on the deck. The sight of the ambassadors from various countries suddenly brightened, and they said excitedly: "Please don't shoot, things have turned around. Look, those are ambassadors from various countries. With them here, no one dares to shoot."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw some people wearing different clothes. He couldn't help but smile, let out a long sigh and said: "With the ambassador here, the Sam Country really doesn't dare to shoot, so as not to fall into the trap. Look, Come on, they are going to compromise, it’s okay, we can finally go home.”

"Go home?" The madman looked at the two approaching warships in surprise. Thirty years after leaving his hometown, no one wanted to go home more urgently than the madman. His eyes became bright and he shouted emotionally: "Great, come back." Home┅┅”

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