The strongest soldier

Chapter 681 Moonlight Night Discussion

The situation began to develop for the better, and Luo Zheng's heart began to look forward to it. No one wanted to die as long as he could live. Lan Xue came, ambassadors from various countries also came, and there were communication tools to communicate with the outside world. As long as they were operated properly, the situation could be reversed. The situation is not impossible, Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue.

Xue took the phone, called the ambassador, briefly explained the situation, and then gave the phone to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took it knowingly and said: "Mr. Ambassador, thank you for your hard work. I am a ghost. People from many countries are imprisoned here." People and identities are not simple, I will unite them, let them get in touch with the country, and jointly put pressure on Sam Country, please do everything."

When the ambassador who answered the phone heard this, he immediately became energetic and said in surprise: "That's good. In this way, the possibility of success will be greater. The key depends on the strength of each country."

"The intensity will definitely not be small. The identities of the people detained here are not simple. They may also hold secrets that their country needs. We will definitely make great efforts to rescue them. The key is that there are many people. However, I need ten minutes to give them and the outside world Contact us." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"No problem. Even if I risk my life, I will help you get ten minutes." The ambassador said solemnly, with determination and confidence in his tone.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng waved Jeff over. Jeff was overjoyed and ran up excitedly. He looked at Luo Zheng expectantly. Seeing Luo Zheng hand over the phone, he quickly took it, dialed a number, and then arrived. While talking in a low voice, Jeff came over two minutes later and handed the phone to Luo Zheng. His face was full of excitement. It was obvious that the result was good. Luo Zheng did not answer the phone, but glanced at the people standing not far away. , all eyes are fixed on the phone, which is the only tool to communicate with the outside world.

"Let the brothers line up, with one representative from each country. Everyone takes turns. Each person should not take more than two minutes. Save time for the people behind you. You should lead someone to supervise, especially to prevent losing control and smashing the phone. Do you understand?" Zheng warned sternly.

"Yes." Jeff saluted gratefully, took the phone and turned to leave.

"Who is this person?" Lan Xue asked curiously in a low voice.

"I don't know him, and I don't know his nationality, but his execution ability is very strong. He is a soldier. I'm afraid his identity is similar to ours. He is a member of their country's mysterious army." Luo Zheng explained in a low voice.

"It's good to have a good relationship." Lan Xue said nonchalantly. When he saw the madman coming, he said hello. When he saw no one around him, he lowered his voice and said, "Let the people here contact the country to prompt their country to launch a rescue. It is indeed a good idea to increase the pressure on Sam Country. The question is, what if Sam Country wants to destroy this place at all costs? Is there any plan?"

"What we are most worried about is the long-range ballistic attack by the Sam State. As long as this problem is solved, it seems that we must take further action and let the police and captured soldiers contact their families. I just don't know what you brought Is the phone battery charged enough? The communication equipment here was seriously damaged and cannot be repaired." Luo Zheng said calmly, his sharp eyes shining with wisdom.

The madman looked up at the bright moon in the distant sky. The stars were dotted. The sea breeze was blowing, which made people feel relaxed and happy. His mood improved. Things had turned around. He had a chance to survive. The anger that had been accumulated for the past thirty years dissipated a lot with the wind. He immediately looked towards Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue again, and said with some hesitation: "The captain said I'm welcome to return to the team. What else can I do when I'm like this?"

"You have rich experience and good swordsmanship. Leave the frontline battles to us brothers. Can you serve as an instructor at the base? Pass on what you have learned to future generations and improve everyone's combat effectiveness." Luo Zheng smiled. He said, secretly giving Lan Xue a look, signaling Lan Xue to say a few words as well.

Lan Xue thought for a while and said: "This is a good suggestion. You can't bury your skills. Leave it to everyone. Improve everyone's combat effectiveness and let everyone fight for you."

The lunatic knew that the two of them were trying to comfort themselves, but he still smiled gratefully and said: "You two saved my life. It is my dream to serve for the organization. As long as the organization needs it, I will never be vague. After more than thirty years of delay, I no longer know many things, and I am afraid that I will not be able to teach everyone and make people laugh."

"You're being modest. Your invisible sword skills are superb, even more powerful than a gun. I heard my grandpa say that once you split a bullet in half with a knife and shot the masters on both sides of the sneak attack. Not only did you save yourself, but you also saved your life. You saved everyone and won the battle, but that mission was a private operation, so there is no record in the file. With this sword skill, no one is your opponent. If it is passed on to everyone in the base, everyone's melee ability will definitely be improved. A level up." Lan Xue's face straightened and she said seriously.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he couldn't help being shocked and looked at the madman. He didn't expect that this old man who looked malnourished could have such a glorious history. Thinking that he had learned the invisible sword technique, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said gratefully: "Brother , thank you for teaching me such powerful sword skills."

"Have you learned the invisible sword technique?" Lan Xue asked in surprise, and was overjoyed when Luo Zheng nodded.

"The core of the Intangible Sword Technique is just two words, invisible. How much you can realize it depends on your destiny. I am also very happy to have you inherit this set of sword techniques." The madman said seriously.

The three of them chatted for a while. Jeff came over with a phone in his hand. Apparently everyone had finished talking. Luo Zheng took the phone, turned to look at the dark moonlit sky in the distance, thought for a while, and said: "Jeff , please do me a favor, keep an eye on the police and reinforcements, be careful of them causing trouble, and arrange some food, everyone is hungry, things have changed a lot, and it is still unknown what direction things will develop in the future, so let everyone relax some."

"Yes." Jeff turned and left.

Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, and after Jeff left, she asked in a low voice: "Why don't you arrange for the police to contact the outside world? Are you worried about something?"

"Once the police contact the outside world, things here will be completely exposed to the public view, and the Sam State government will fall into passivity. It will not be good if the old shame becomes angry. You call home and keep an eye on Sam State's medium and long-range missiles. As long as the missiles It will take a few minutes to lift off and fly over, so we won't be too late to act." Luo Zheng explained with a stern face, his brows furrowed and full of worry.

As things have developed now, Luo Zheng is worried that the Sam State will directly bombard them with missiles, and he is also worried that after the police contact the outside world, they will force the Sam State government to have no way out and attack with missiles. This kind of thing is difficult for both sides. He doesn't know how to make a good decision, so he can only Luo Zheng was not sure how useful it would be to ask his family to help keep an eye on him.

"We must find a way to get out of trouble as soon as possible." Luo Zheng's face turned solemn and he said angrily.

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