The strongest soldier

Chapter 678 Lan Xue arrives

As night falls, the wind picks up, and a bright moon hangs in the sky. The moonlight is reflected in the sea, and the wind surges into waves more than one meter high. It hits the abandoned aircraft carrier with an earth-shattering roar, and the waves dance and splash in all directions. When you drive away, the stars are bright and extinguished, decorating the night sky, which is really beautiful.

On the deck, Luo Zheng stood quietly, looking with sharp eyes at the aircraft carrier that suddenly appeared in front of him. Two hours had passed. Except for the first rescue operation, Sam Country had not made any move. This made Luo Zheng nervous. At the same time, some hope came out, hoping that Sam Guo would be more worried and not dare to move.

Time is very important to Luo Zheng. The longer it is delayed, the more people will know what happened here. As long as it spreads to the country, people will definitely be sent to rescue. In fact, Luo Zheng's guess was very accurate. An hour ago, there were Several United Nations planes landed on the aircraft carrier, and randomly arrived several United Nations officials, as well as the ambassador of China to the United Nations, the ambassador to Sam State, and an assistant. This assistant was played by Lan Xue.

After the domestic suspicion of the situation on the abandoned aircraft carrier, Luo Zheng was discovered on the deck through satellite surveillance. After comparing the pictures and scanning for confirmation, the relevant departments immediately took action. The rescue mission fell on two ambassadors. Lan Xue accompanied him to provide support, just in case. one.

The other planes that came along carried ambassadors from other countries, and they were also here to rescue. China was able to detect Luo Zheng on the abandoned aircraft carrier through satellites, and other countries could also monitor the existence of their own people through their own satellites. Naturally, they would not You will let it go, but you must know that the people imprisoned on the abandoned aircraft carrier are prisoners to Sam Country and heroes to other countries.

After an hour of emergency consultations, the aircraft carrier captain refused to implement the requests of United Nations officials and ambassadors to transport ambassadors to the abandoned aircraft carrier to inquire about the situation, citing the lack of specific domestic orders. However, he also stopped further rescue operations. The ambassadors of various countries were present and proposed Protests and continued military action are inappropriate.

After the first round of consultations, everyone was waiting for the final decision from President Sam. This would take some time. The ambassadors came to the deck and looked at the abandoned aircraft carrier in front of them from a distance. They were talking about something in a low voice. Lan Xue also looked at it intently. Looking ahead, I seemed to feel Luo Zheng's presence. I was very excited and wanted to fly over immediately.

The ambassador to Sam Country walked up to Lan Xue and whispered: "Can you tell me? Who is the person we want to rescue? He can make the country issue a death order. I believe it is not easy for him, right?"

"He? Just an ordinary soldier." Lan Xue replied, her melancholy eyes continued to look forward, thinking deeply, thinking about all the things Luo Zheng had done, one by one, time and time again, all for the country and the people. As a soldier, I am relieved that the country can make up its mind to rescue him, but he must hold on.

"Are you concerned about him?" the ambassador asked curiously.

"Yes." Lan Xue admitted without hesitation. She slowly turned around and looked at the ambassador. With a solemn expression on her face, she said seriously: "He is a hero and also our pride."

"Well, I can make you comment like this. I believe he is indeed good and worthy of our rescue. However." The ambassador paused here and looked around cautiously. After making sure that no one was paying attention, he lowered his voice and whispered: "What we just discussed is At that time, the captain was forced to compromise under pressure and kicked the ball to their president. I was worried that President Sam would forcefully launch military action."

"With the style of Sam Country, it is entirely possible. They can fail, they can suffer losses, but they can sacrifice, but they must not lose face. If things get serious and their country loses face, the best way is to directly blow up the abandoned aircraft carrier and destroy everything. Erase it from this world, if we hadn’t come here, we would have done it long ago." Lan Xue also lowered her voice and said with deep worry.

"Yes, so if you want to save people, you must take action." The ambassador suggested in a low voice.

"What should I do?" Lan Xue asked hurriedly.

"You are a soldier. It is about three kilometers from here to the abandoned aircraft carrier. Are you sure you can swim across it?" the ambassador asked in a low voice.

Lan Xue looked back at the sea where the waves were rolling, her pretty eyebrows furrowed slightly, she made an inner evaluation, nodded firmly, and asked, "No problem, what do you mean?"

"That's no problem. You bring a satellite phone there, make it waterproof, and then quietly jump into the sea and swim over. You have to move quickly to avoid being discovered and caught up by them. As long as you reach the abandoned aircraft carrier opposite, call me immediately if you find the target. , if there are no people we want to rescue, you must swim back, which may be very dangerous, and I need the guarantee that you will come back alive." The ambassador whispered with a solemn face.

"I understand, I promise nothing will happen and I will come back alive." Lan Xue's face lit up and she replied confidently.

"Go and get ready." The ambassador handed a satellite phone to Lan Xue. Lan Xue took it knowingly and walked into the temporary rest room arranged for him by the aircraft carrier. He quickly put on a black tights and wrapped the satellite phone and pistol around him. He put on casual clothes around his waist, and then came to the deck. It only took a few minutes, but no one noticed.

The night was getting darker. Lan Xue looked at the abandoned aircraft carrier ahead. Under the moonlight, there was only a mass of black, like a wild monster. The ambassadors from various countries around him were still whispering to each other. Lan Xue took advantage of everyone not paying attention and took his time. When I reached the edge of the deck, I let the sea breeze blow my hair away, and I became excited. I will see my beloved soon. They have been separated for more than three months. I wonder if everything is okay?

"Are you ready?" The ambassador slowly came over and asked softly.

"Yes." Lan Xue said seriously.

"Then go. One thing I have to remind you is that other countries will probably send people to swim across. You'd better hurry up. They will become your cover. No one will be able to get through if it's too late." The ambassador said seriously.

Lan Xue nodded and saw that no one around him was paying attention to him. He suddenly turned around and rushed to the side. He plunged towards the sea with a sudden movement. The movement was so fast that he drew a beautiful arc in the air and was submerged into the sea in an instant. The aircraft carrier was still. The surrounding water did not move, and there was no flowing vortex. Lan Xue quickly stabilized her figure after entering the sea, took off her coat in a few moments, and swam forward quickly, like a big and vigorous fish.

Seeing Lan Xue jump into the sea quickly, the ambassador watched the surroundings vigilantly, but did not find anyone paying attention to this area, so he stood still alone, pretending to watch the sea, and mentally waited, hoping that everything would go well, nothing happened. After a while, he suddenly saw someone jumping into the sea, and the ambassador smiled.

"Someone jumped into the sea." On the deck, a soldier discovered this situation and immediately warned. After a while, a large number of soldiers jumped into the sea to rescue them, preventing these people from moving forward. However, under the night, the visibility was very low, and the waves were rolling. No one noticed Lan Xue, who had been gone for a while.

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