The strongest soldier

Chapter 677 Capturing the Enemy

"Kill!" Luo Zheng roared, as if he wanted to vent all the anger he was holding in his heart. His voice was louder than the sound of bullets around him and reached the ears of all the fake police officers. Everyone was refreshed and suddenly became violent and moved toward the target. After passing by, the guns in his hands also rang out. They were all pistols, but their lethality at close range was not weak. In addition, the incident happened suddenly and the bullets were dense. The five reinforcements who rushed to rescue were immediately injured and fell to the ground. He rushed forward to disarm, but more people followed Luo Zheng and rushed towards the entrance.

"Bang bang bang!" More than twenty pistols sounded almost simultaneously, aiming at the reinforcements hiding near the entrance and opening fire. These reinforcements did not expect that the police would suddenly counterattack, and there was no hiding place around. Two reinforcements at the door were injured. He fell to the ground, and five people nearby were also injured and fell to the ground. Someone immediately rushed up and subdued the opponent.

As for the reinforcements at the commanding heights, although they discovered the situation, they were hit by intensive bullets and unable to raise their heads before they could fire. At this time, several prisoners surrounded them from behind. After several rounds of shooting, they were also subdued by the prisoners. One person was killed and another was wounded and taken prisoner.

The battle started suddenly and ended suddenly. In less than a minute, more than thirty prisoners who were proficient in firearms and well-trained pretended to be police officers and injured and subdued fifteen equally well-trained reinforcements. Luo Zheng saw something unusual in the battle. It went well, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and roared: "Quickly, take the prisoners below and lock them up."

"Yes," all the prisoners shouted and successfully killed the fifteen reinforcements from the Sam Country. Luo Zheng's commanding ability and ability to grasp combat opportunities convinced everyone. No one objected. This battle showed everyone the chance of survival. Chance, working in pairs, quickly rushed below carrying the wounded reinforcements.

Luo Zheng looked at the smoke floating in the sky, and there were three helicopters circling, flying over suspicious places from time to time. The thick smoke blocked the sight of the helicopters, and did not notice everyone's actions. Luo Zheng smiled, and he laughed murderously. Teng Teng, the lunatic next to him also laughed and said: "Their weapons are indeed good, but their tactics are average and not delicate enough. They are still defeated by us. It is our country's "humanism" that is clever and defeats the "weapons only theory" Mao Gong said Yes, on the battlefield, it is not the weapons that play a decisive role, but the people. The weapons are dead, but the people are alive."

"Really? Mr. Mao has such a conclusion?" Luo Zheng asked curiously. When he saw an armed helicopter rushing over, the wind caused by the rotation of the propeller blew the black smoke away, and the fire came over. Apparently he had discovered something, and he couldn't help but be surprised. , and quickly pulled the madman into the bottom cabin access passage.

The stairway was full of prisoners, and they were all very excited. When everyone saw Luo Zheng coming, they stood on both sides and made way for Luo Zheng. At this time, Jeff hurried up and solemnly saluted Luo Zheng to express his respect. , everyone else also saluted with wild eyes. At this moment, everyone truly recognized Luo Zheng's command.

The reinforcements from Sam Country came over with murderous intent, and the ferocious firepower ravaged the aircraft carrier platform beyond recognition. If everyone had hidden and attacked, there would be absolutely no survivors. Fortunately, Luo Zheng temporarily adjusted his deployment and pulled everyone down, thus saving his life. .

Moreover, the timing of the sneak attack by the fake police just now was also very good. If it was early, it would be easy to be exposed. If it was strafed by an armed helicopter, it would be exposed too late. It would be difficult to succeed. Luo Zheng let go and let the reinforcements attack, only using thick smoke to cover it. From the view of the helicopter, the reinforcements attack smoothly. It is inevitable that they will be careless. When they send people up, they suddenly attack and they are hard to guard against. At this time, the reinforcements are basically exposed to the muzzle of the gun. The distance is relatively close, and victory is within reach.

Luo Zheng nodded in greeting and looked at Jeff, who quickly reported: "The reinforcements killed one person, and all the others suffered gunshot wounds. Their lives are not in danger for the time being. What should we do next?"

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng. The next decision would affect everyone's lives and they couldn't care less. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, with a confident smile on his face. With these Sam Country reinforcements in hand, this matter would be easy. Unable to hold it back, he said loudly: "The reinforcements of the Sam Country have become our prisoners. The Sam Country cannot cover up this matter. If the Sam Country government still uses long-range missiles to directly bomb, then our fate will be too bad."

Everyone laughed, with indifferent expressions on their faces. If there were no reinforcements and bombing with missiles, no one would know what happened. They would just find any excuse to cover it up. Now that reinforcements are coming, and they are in everyone's hands, Sam Country can ignore the life and death of prisoners and policemen, but it has to consider the life and death of reinforcements. It is not that the lives of reinforcements are valuable, but that if they do so, they will definitely be exposed. The price is too high and they cannot afford it.

"Just tell me what to do next? We all listen to you." Jeff smiled. With reinforcements as hostages, this matter cannot be covered up, and everyone has a greater chance of survival. This makes Jeff very excited .

"Stick and wait for help. There should be some food here. As long as we hold on for about a week, things will completely break out. By then, Sam Country will be unable to cover up the truth and will have to negotiate with us. In addition, the warden wants to prevent us from spreading the news. , destroyed the communication equipment and must be repaired as soon as possible, who knows?" Luo Zheng said.

"Me," a thin young man came out.

"Okay, just ask if you need anything. As long as we have communication equipment, we can send the news back, even if it is a suicide note. Therefore, the responsibility on your shoulders is very heavy." Luo Zheng warned seriously. After the other party nodded, he looked at Jeff and continued: "Jeff, please give us your strong support in whatever we need. It's not good for us to delay this for a long time. We must spread the news as soon as possible."

"Understood." Jeff promised. As long as the news that he was still alive was sent back, Jeff believed that his country would send people to rescue him. No one wanted to die if he could live. He immediately gave one of his subordinates a wink. The subordinate immediately called a few people to accompany the thin young man.

"Report, the armed helicopter has escaped." A prisoner responsible for observing at the entrance shouted.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard that the helicopter had escaped, and everyone else was also excited. Although it was only temporarily safe, and although Sam Country would send more people to attack at any time, everyone didn't care anymore and looked at Luo Zheng one after another, waiting for Luo Zheng. Zheng’s order.

"The helicopter has escaped, and a large force will definitely attack next." Madman reminded from the side.

There are two ways to attack a large force, one is a long-range attack, and the other is to directly board a ship for combat, but either way is not good for him, and he must think of a solution as soon as possible. After thinking for a moment, Luo Zheng looked at Jeff coldly. He shouted coldly: "Lead the people out immediately and seize a favorable position. If there is an enemy attack, shoot directly."

"Yes." Jeff agreed without hesitation, with murderous intent.

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