The strongest soldier

Chapter 621 Weird man and woman

After eating and drinking, the two sat quietly in the restaurant for more than ten minutes. Still no suspicious person was found, so they exchanged glances, got up and left, and returned to the room to rest. After a while, the ghost hand knocked on the door and came in. Lan Xue teased: " You haven't lost Wenwen Township, have you? With the beautiful lady accompanying you, you are quite blessed. Our Hua Tai Sui is indeed well-deserved, what's the gain?"

"Not as good as the two captains, who take both public and private matters into account. A well-fed man doesn't know that a hungry man is hungry." Guishou smiled, closed the door, his face suddenly straightened, and he sat on the stool and continued: "That woman tried to get close to me. It seems that , we have all been exposed, otherwise, the woman would not have recognized me. Fortunately, I was cautious and took advantage of her. After interrogation, a total of eleven people came. The authenticity needs to be verified. We killed three. , one was arrested, and there are seven more, the situation is complicated."

"As a veteran among flowers, it's really not easy to seduce you. I didn't expect that shortcomings can also become advantages. You have made a contribution. Have you found out who the other party is and whether he has cooperated with Song Yan? Do you know? Those mysterious figures?" Lan Xue smiled.

"Thank you for the compliment, captain." Guishou said with a smile: "The other party is Samsara. I don't know if she has cooperated with Song Yan. The other party is just a person responsible for collecting intelligence. She doesn't know much about her. According to her confession, she doesn't know Song Yan. But I also know about those mysterious people whose origins I don’t know.”

"So, there are three forces on the ship, the Samsara Organization, the mysterious figure and Song Yan. The latter two may be related. It seems that we have more enemies to face." Luo Zheng said with a worried look.

"What do you think?" Lan Xue asked.

Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but pondered. After a while, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Suppose the mysterious figure and Song Yan are a group of people, and the Samsara Organization plus us, a total of three groups of people, will be detrimental to us. If If we hide, we will face sneak attacks from the other two groups. If we show up in public, the two groups will still attack. It is impossible to prevent a sneak attack. If the attack is used properly, it is possible to check and balance the other party. Let's go to the casino."

Lan Xue and Gui Shou thought it made some sense. It was not a problem to wait for the enemy here. Soldiers still like to take the initiative to attack, so they got up. Everyone came to the casino. Gui Shou hid in the crowd to provide support. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue Walking over, I soon found a familiar figure playing cards with a focused expression. There was a pile of colorful chips piled up in front of the stage. I didn't know whether they were won or exchanged with my own money.

"Hey, is it this bastard?" Luo Zheng was startled and lowered his voice and said: "How about we catch this bastard and hide it, and threaten Song Yan. Song Yan will definitely not dare to move around."

This idea was somewhat banditry, but Lan Xue did not reject it. After thinking about it, he thought it was a good idea. Suddenly he saw a few more suspicious characters in the crowd, who looked very similar to the suspicious characters who had disappeared before. He was startled and pushed away. Tui Luozheng looked away.

Luo Zheng also discovered a suspicious person and couldn't help but become curious. This group of people suddenly appeared. Could it be that they were going to take action? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but said softly: "This is already the high seas. Could it be that they are going to do something at night? If so, it's a good time. Let's look for an opportunity to do something. We can just put the blame on these people. What do you think?"

"It's good, but it's not easy to operate. There are three bodyguards behind him, so he can't get close. Now it seems that we can only wait for those suspicious people to take action. If there is any abnormal movement, there will definitely be riots at the scene. We will see if there is any way to implement it. Kidnapping." Lan Xue said seriously.

The suspicious characters did not take action immediately, but were scattered in all important corners of the casino. Luo Zheng felt more and more that these people were doing something big, and at night, but if these people really kidnapped the entire ship, how could he kidnap Young Master Huahua? Does it make sense?

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that it was somewhat meaningful. If Song Yan cooperated with these suspicious people, Huahua would have more bargaining chips. As for the killer organization, if it had not cooperated with Song Yan, it would definitely He will fight back, and all he has to do is hide, let them eat dog, and wait until the situation becomes clear before making a decision.

The enemy and the enemy are unknown, and the situation is unclear. Kidnapping Young Master Huahua is just to increase the bargaining chip for survival. It is better than nothing. After all, he is a member of the Song family who is the sworn enemy. He has also insulted himself, so he will be kidnapped. There is nothing to worry about. After figuring out the key, Luo Zheng looked at Young Master Huahua and sneered.

After waiting for a while, dusk fell, and Luo Zheng's suspicious person still showed no sign of taking action. He simply came to the deck to enjoy the breeze. Many couples were taking photos on the deck, enjoying themselves, unaware of the danger. Several children were playing on the deck. A couple even went outside the deck to imitate the Titanic's protagonists and took photos, but were persuaded to leave by security personnel. Everything was peaceful.

A young man and woman came to Luo Zheng and asked Luo Zheng to help take a group photo. Of course Luo Zheng would not refuse such a thing. When the man and woman posed, Luo Zheng began to focus on the scene, and suddenly felt that the two of them were laughing a little weird. He couldn't help but be startled, and looked up at the two people suspiciously.

"Are you ready?" the girl asked happily, and the man also asked, but there was nothing weird about it.

Luo Zheng shook his head and put aside his distracting thoughts. There were so many things that happened during this period that Luo Zheng felt that he was a bit overwhelmed. After focusing on the view, he was about to press the shutter when Lan Xue suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute. ."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked up at Lan Xue in surprise, only to find that Lan Xue's face was cold, looking at the group of men and women coldly. Luo Zheng suddenly became wary, and also looked at the man and woman. The man was showing off He said with a dissatisfied expression: "What's wrong? Don't you know how to take pictures? If you don't know how to take pictures, I have to invite others."

Lan Xue took two quick steps forward, took the camera from Luo Zheng's hand, and threw it to the other party to catch. Suddenly, he pulled Luo Zheng back a few steps, quickly drew out his pistol and aimed at it, saying coldly: "You go first Click the shutter."

"What do you mean? If you don't want to shoot, you won't shoot. What's the big deal?" The girl suddenly shouted angrily.

Luo Zheng sensed that there was something wrong here. Seeing Lan Xue reveal his pistol, he quickly took out his gun, aimed at it, and shouted coldly: "Press the shutter or take the bullet, don't challenge my bottom line."

The young man and woman exchanged glances, and suddenly shouted: "Killing, someone shot and killed."

"Bang!" Luo Zheng fired without hesitation. With Luo Zheng's doubts and determination, the bullet quickly penetrated into the man's thigh, and a bloody arrow shot out. The man staggered to the bottom, and the camera fell to the ground. Since the other party was suspicious, , the gun has been drawn, there is no need to hesitate.

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