The strongest soldier

Chapter 620 Ghost Hand Layout

In the guest room, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue sat quietly together. The continuous assassinations made the two of them angry, but they couldn't find a place to vent their anger. Especially the bomb attack made Luo Zheng furious. But without clues, they could only wait and see. As a result, Luo Zheng took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and whispered in confusion: "Things are very strange. If those killers are from the Samsara Organization, there may be a lot of them, and with those suspicious elements, they can attack directly. , there is no need to resort to assassination, are the two not related?"

"If we are really not traveling together, the situation will be more complicated. Reincarnation is coming for us. Those suspicious people have nothing to do with reincarnation. They are coming for people on the cruise ship. We only need to face reincarnation. The assassination just now, those People must have gotten wind of the news, and maybe there will be some action. Also, I didn't expect that this ship belongs to Song Yan. Song Yan doesn't care about those people, so I'm afraid there is something fishy here." Lan Xue whispered, taking it out from her handbag He handed one of the two guns he grabbed to Luo Zheng and checked the other one himself.

Luo Zheng took the pistol and checked it. After making sure it was fine, he put it away. After thinking for a while, he said: "If those people are related to Song Yan, I'm afraid the last thing I want is that the Reincarnation Killer Organization will go to war on the cruise ship, which will affect the tourists. Emotions can form panic, which will then affect their actions, what do you think?"

"It's completely possible, what do you mean?" Lan Xue said in surprise, looking at Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng nodded slightly, Lan Xue smiled knowingly, and continued: "Okay, then we will continue to expose ourselves, To attract an assassination, it is best to make a loud noise. The outside world did not know about the previous assassination in the bar. Song Yan was afraid of panic, so we created panic. According to the laws of the battlefield, the more worried the enemy is, the more beneficial it is to us."

"Okay," Luo Zheng agreed wholeheartedly, and motioned Lan Xue to call Gui Shou and others, and then went to the casino. The casino was densely populated and complex. If something happened in the casino, it would be impossible to hide it even if he wanted to. After a panic developed, Song Yan couldn't hide behind it. If Song Yan had an ulterior plan, it would be affected.

Lan Xue called Guishou and the others again, asking them to sneak into the casino first. After hanging up the phone, the two chatted for a while, then hugged each other and headed towards the casino. Yanran, a sweet and happy couple, walked along. The passage unknowingly led to the entrance of the casino on the first floor.

In the casino, all kinds of gambling equipment are available. Men and women gather together. Some cheer and some lament. Various chips are placed on the table. The croupier skillfully presides over the gambling game. The two of them watch around vigilantly. Everyone in the casino is watching. All attention was on the table, and no one paid attention to the two people who walked in.

Taking a few steps forward, Luo Zheng suddenly felt something was wrong. He pulled Lan Xue aside, found a spare sofa and sat down, and said softly: "Did you notice that those suspicious characters have disappeared? Where have they gone?"

"Hiss?" Lan Xue also noticed something was wrong, her face darkened, and she whispered: "Look for it first."

The two of them walked around the casino calmly, but still did not see the suspicious person they had discovered before. The situation was very strange. There was no reason for so many people to disappear collectively? At the same time, this further illustrates that those people are in the same group, and only they themselves know the reason for their disappearance.

"Go and take a look at other floors." Lan Xue said in a low voice, but her eyes swept around the crowd, constantly identifying suspicious characters. Suspicious characters in the casino are easy to identify. The people who came in were all gamblers, busy gambling. Those who don't pay attention to gambling must have other motives, and you can see it at a glance.

Unfortunately, everyone around was busy gambling, and no one noticed the arrival of the two. Luo Zheng motioned Lan Xue to walk out of the casino together, and went to other floors to observe one by one. Finally, when they reached the top floor, they still didn't see any suspicious characters. The two were confused. Puzzled, you look at me and I look at you, getting curious.

"Only the guest rooms have not been checked. Are they all hiding in the rooms and sleeping?" Lan Xue whispered.

"This is unlikely. They are human beings too. They need to come out for a break. Besides, there is no reason for everyone to hide in their rooms and rest, right? Do they really want to do something tonight?"

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but shudder. There were dozens of people on the narrow cruise ship, so it should be easy to find them. Unexpectedly, they suddenly disappeared. This was unreasonable. The two of them found a place to sit down. , not long after, Guishou came over again, accompanied by a foreign beauty, blond and blue-eyed. The two looked like a couple together, which was a good match.

Lan Xue smiled when she saw this scene, and gave a thumbs up secretly. She smiled knowingly, walked over with the foreign beauty, and said politely: "Hello, you two, my name is Peter, it's nice to meet you. , this is my girlfriend Emma, ​​we are going to go swimming, do you want to come together?"

"No, you go ahead. We are looking for our companions. We were here just now, but now we don't know where we went." Luo Zheng keenly noticed that there was something strange about the ghost hand, but he didn't point it out and pretended not to recognize him.

Guishou understood Luo Zheng's hint and smiled: "The boat is so big, could it be that he gambled all night and went to sleep?" Guishou smiled pointedly.

"No matter, we are going to have a rest, you go." Luo Zheng smiled knowingly.

The conversation between the two people was in international lingua franca from beginning to end. Guishou and the blonde beauty left, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue also left, and came to the restaurant to eat. In order to avoid being poisoned, the two picked out what others had touched. The same goes for the food and drinks on the plates. Everyone has eaten and is fine. I believe there will be no problem.

Just after eating for a while, they heard a commotion outside. The two exchanged glances without moving, but quietly took out their pistols and waited sternly. Soon, a group of people passed by the door of the restaurant, as if a person was being raped by several people. A security guard caught him. The two were startled. After exchanging glances, they looked closely at the outside of the restaurant.

Not long after, the mountain eagle came in, took some food and sat behind Luo Zheng, back to back. While eating, he whispered: "The woman next to Guishou is a killer. She just deliberately led you to say that you were going to sleep, to mislead the killer. The killer had a bug on his body, and his companions tried to carry out an attack in the room. I reported it, two were caught, one died, two security guards died, and three were injured. These security guards are very skilled."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that so many things would happen during the meal. As expected of a ghost with a ghost's mind, he inadvertently set up such a trap. He immediately whispered: "Let the ghost take action and secretly interrogate that person." A woman, look how many companions she has on board."

"Already gone, Snow Leopard is in charge, I'll report." The mountain eagle said softly, and went to eat.

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