The strongest soldier

Chapter 603 Brave pursuit

"Are you the person in charge of security?" Luo Zheng shouted coldly. Seeing the other party nodding in panic, he shouted angrily: "I'm a policeman. Go to the monitoring center immediately and save the monitoring information, especially the monitoring information at the door. Absolutely You can’t leak it out, you’ll have to wait until I come back to deal with it, do you understand?”

"Okay." The security captain agreed quickly, turned around and ran away in a panic, fearing that Luo Zheng would shoot himself in anger. The peace had been peaceful for so long that everyone had forgotten the ruthlessness of war and became cautious. many.

"Bang!" Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and the security captain was shot in the head. When the people around heard the gunshot, they thought it was Luo Zheng's hand. They screamed in horror, turned around and rushed out. The scene was There was chaos. When Luo Zheng heard the gunshot, he leaped and rolled out. He keenly noticed a person mixed in the crowd and looked over with a cold face, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.

"Killer?" Luo Zheng was surprised to see that the other person was actually the person in charge who took him to open the safe just now. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. There was no flaw in such a powerful disguise. Before he had time to think about it, Luo Zheng saw the other person shoot the security guard. The captain, after creating chaos, took the opportunity to escape. He jumped up and rushed out, shouting: "Get down, get down."

The surrounding citizens regarded Luo Zheng as the murderer. They couldn't lie down and rushed out in a panic. Fortunately, the gate was fast enough and there were not too many people. It did not cause congestion or stampede. Luo Zheng rushed forward angrily. I saw that the killer had rushed out of the door and was running down the steps, surrounded by panicked citizens.

"Bastard." Luo Zheng was completely angry. These people were so arrogant that they fired guns in broad daylight. They were so lawless and must be severely punished. Luo Zheng rushed out of the door and chased after him. He saw the killer leaving the citizens and walking towards the parking lot. Go ahead and quickly aim and shoot.

The killer seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He dashed left and right, avoiding Luo Zheng's several shots. He rushed to the other side of the road like lightning and got into a commercial car through the window hole like a monkey. A series of movements were performed like flowing water, extremely skillful, and as fast as a thunderbolt. As if the commercial vehicle had been prepared, it accelerated away from the scene, made a beautiful tail flick, and drove away.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was very confident in his shooting skills. He didn't expect to be avoided by the opponent at such a close distance. He was a master and became even more angry. He rushed to the parking lot below. There happened to be a person opening the car door. Luo Zheng rushed over and shouted Said: "I am Shi Feng from the Serious Crime Team of the City Bureau. I will lend you your car. I will go back to the City Bureau to pick it up."

The other party looked at Luo Zheng in panic. He had a given name and no malice. He immediately believed him, but he was even more afraid that Luo Zheng would shoot him in anger. He quickly got out of the way. Luo Zheng jumped into the car, started it, and drove He roared out of the parking lot, got on the main road and chased after him wildly. These people were openly assassinating and must be eliminated, otherwise they would leave endless hidden dangers for themselves.

Luo Zheng pushed the accelerator to the bottom, stared coldly ahead, turned the steering wheel skillfully, and took out the phone. Before he had time to dial, a car caught up with him in front of him. Luo Zheng quickly turned the steering wheel to avoid the rear-end collision, and Put away the phone and concentrate on driving.

The killer was also unequivocal, his driving skills were very good and he ran very fast. Luo Zheng had to grit his teeth and chase after him, constantly throwing other vehicles behind him. His cold eyes were fixed on the business car that was getting closer and closer in front of him, and he felt in his heart There was a surge of anger, and I had a vague feeling that this matter was related to the Samsara Killer Organization, and my murderous intent became even stronger. These killers came to my door even if I didn't bother them. Hmph.

After a while, a piercing siren sounded, and the loudspeaker shouted for Luo Zheng to stop. Luo Zheng ignored it and continued to rush forward with a cold face, constantly overtaking. Soon, Luo Zheng saw the car. In the view mirror, an off-road vehicle roared towards him, with a police license plate hanging on it. It moved as nimbly as a fish on the road, quickly closing the distance between the two parties.

Luo Zheng didn't know who the other party was, so he didn't take it to heart. He continued to rush forward, constantly overtaking, and firmly grasped the steering wheel with both hands. The speed had exceeded 130 miles. It was very dangerous to run at this speed on urban arterial roads. The car could be loaded or overturned at any time, but Luo Zheng couldn't care less, staring at the killer in front of him, the tires kept rubbing against the ground, making a harsh sound.

While running at high speed, Luo Zheng faintly smelled a hint of danger. He became uneasy and couldn't help being frightened. He quickly checked the rearview mirror. There was nothing unusual. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a gun aimed at him. The dark muzzle exuded the god of death. He couldn't help but be shocked. He looked closely and saw that the off-road police car was chasing him. The driver was Shi Feng, the leader of the serious crime team, who was raising a gun with one hand and aiming at him.

After Shi Feng saw clearly that it was Luo Zheng, he quickly fired his pistol and shouted in embarrassment: "What's going on?"

Luo Zheng made a chasing gesture and wiped his neck. Shi Feng nodded with satisfaction. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and mobilized his troops. They chased all the way. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. With Shi Feng here, at least he didn't have to worry about the police misunderstanding. He continued with the accelerator. Fight hard to the end, pursue closely, and concentrate hard.

After receiving Shi Feng's call, the command center acted quickly. All the red lights turned on and all the cars on the road stopped. As a result, the intersection was blocked. The killer angrily drove the commercial vehicle and rushed over, knocking it over continuously. After getting into three cars, he found that he still couldn't rush over, so he had to stop, abandoned the car and fled. Luo Zheng discovered that the person who responded to the killer was actually a woman.

The woman was about thirty years old, wearing sportswear, with blond hair. She was a foreigner. She was very agile and very fast. Luo Zheng drove over and jumped out of the car. When he saw Shi Feng, he also drove up and got off. After getting out of the car, Luo Zheng looked over with surprise. Before he could explain, Luo Zheng shouted loudly: "They are killers. They have guns. I will explain to you later. Catch them, whether they are alive or dead." With that said, he rushed over.

This is the capital city, his own territory. Luo Zheng was not worried at all that the other party could escape. He chased after him all the way. Seeing that the other party refused to shoot, he was too lazy to shoot. He planned to capture them alive. After two hundred meters, he made a decision. , the blonde woman was obviously not fast enough, the killer was reluctant to give up the blonde beauty, and pulled the blonde beauty to run. As a result, the speed was much slower, and the distance advantage of running first was quickly eliminated.

"Surround them, block them, and capture as many as possible alive." Luo Zheng shouted loudly.

"Understood." Shi Feng was unambiguous and pursued him with all his strength. As the leader of the serious crime team, Shi Feng's ability was naturally not weak. He was very proficient in this kind of arrest. He knew how to intercept. He agreed, pulled out and chased after him. While dispatching troops and generals through the intercom, he notified his subordinates to come for support.

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