The strongest soldier

Chapter 602 Bank in danger

"Knife?" Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly remembered Brother Dao, whom he met when he rescued his little sister last time. He didn't expect to be so low-key in front of his father. He was indeed a person who could go up or down. He didn't take it to heart and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what's appropriate. This kind of person is useful to me and can help me take care of you. He doesn't dare to have any evil thoughts, so don't worry."

"You have a sense of proportion and can grasp it well. All three religions and nine schools have their own value. It depends on how you use them. I won't go into details. I can see that you know what you are doing. All of your comrades are back. Right? I think they are very sincere people, so let them take time to come and sit at home." Luo Hu breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Those guys, they will come to your door even if you don't have to call them, don't worry." Luo Zheng thought of Ghost Hands, Snow Leopards and Mountain Eagles, and couldn't help but smile, feeling a feeling of comrades-in-arms feeling of sharing life and death in his heart.

The father and son chatted for a while. This peaceful life made Luo Zheng feel very solid and real. Not long after, Luo's mother and little sister came over. Luo's mother entered the kitchen, and the little sister sat over and pestered Luo Zheng to talk, saying that she Talking about interesting things at school and at home made Luo Zheng smile with joy. It was great to have a little girl who was like a ghost.

During lunch, Luo Zheng had a few drinks with Luo Hu, chatting about the family's shortcomings. Finally, it came to Luo Zheng's marriage, and asked when would Luo Zheng be able to get married? Luo Zheng thought for a while, but it was really hard to answer this question, so he excused himself by saying that he needed approval from the army. Luo Hu knew the rules of the army and signaled Luo's mother not to ask further questions.

After eating and drinking, and taking a short rest, Luo Zheng said hello and said he had something to do. He hurried downstairs, hailed a taxi and came to the Hua Xia Bank Custody Center. A person in charge came to receive him and looked at him warily. He glanced at Luo Zheng and asked politely: "Sir, how can I help you?"

"I'm here to get back my belongings, Box No. 13." Luo Zheng said calmly. Before killing Yan Shisan on the last mission, Yan Shisan entrusted him with the funeral arrangements and left behind what he needed. Things, it has been several months since Luo Zheng took advantage of his free time to come over and take a look.

The Samsara Killer Organization is a sharp knife hanging over the head. As Yan Shisan said, Luo Zheng has killed so many people in the Samsara Organization, and he will take crazy revenge for the sake of his face. Regarding the danger, Luo Zheng feels the need to nip it in the cradle. Otherwise, Luo Zheng would never come to pick up the things in the bank to avoid unnecessary trouble.

It was something that he had to take seriously. The person in charge looked at Luo Zheng carefully, but without asking any more questions, he took Luo Zheng to the safe deposit box, took a few steps back, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Sir, according to our company's regulations , I have no right to ask about your identity or the items stored, but I must witness you opening the safe, okay?"

"No problem." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly. He found box No. 13 and entered the password according to Yan Shisan's prompts. The thick door of the safe opened. When the person in charge saw this scene, he politely said hello and left. Luo Zheng looked at the safe box, which contained some documents, a pistol and some bullets.

Luo Zheng put away his weapon, picked up the document and read it. It was an introduction to the Samsara Organization. It contained detailed descriptions of several strongholds of the Samsara Organization, as well as a description of the location of the headquarters, a floor plan of the headquarters, a cash check, and a An address slip with the account name and payee name written on it.

Luo Zheng glanced at the information briefly and was shocked. He didn't expect that the headquarters of the Samsara Organization was in Sam Country, and it was not far from the United Nations International Criminal Police Organization. It was really dark under the light. Several other strongholds were located in different countries. Luo Zheng Zheng folded the valuable information and put it away, picked up the contents of the safe and left.

When the person in charge saw Luo Zheng coming out, he greeted him politely and asked, "Sir, is there anything else you need help with?"

"Thank you, no need." Luo Zheng responded politely, turned to the bank service window, and deposited the money in the cash check into the account of the person with the address above. This was promised to Yan Shisan, and Luo Zheng did not want to break the contract.

There was a lot of money, but it was not enough to tempt Luo Zheng. In Luo Zheng's eyes, the information on his body was far more valuable than the number on the cash check. After completing the procedures, Luo Zheng hurriedly left the bank and just came to the road outside. Suddenly a car roared over, its tires rubbed against the ground at high speed, making a squealing sound, and a burning smell spread out.

When Luo Zheng saw the car whizzing towards him, he couldn't help being frightened. His tiger eyes flashed, exuding a terrifying murderous aura. His body did not retreat but instead moved forward. He ran two steps forward, kicked hard with his feet, and his body jumped up. , his feet were suddenly put away, barely able to avoid the car whizzing by. After landing, Luo Zheng quickly took out the pistol he had just taken out of the safe and quickly pressed the bullet into the magazine.

Needless to say, he was in danger at the entrance of the bank. It goes without saying that it must be related to the Samsara Killer Organization. Luo Zheng didn't believe that someone drove into him innocently. His cold eyes were fixed on the car in front of him, and he memorized the license plate. He stood motionless and pressed his hands quickly. bullet.

At this time, the car stopped suddenly, turned around suddenly, and rushed over again regardless of going in the wrong direction. Fortunately, there were no cars around. Luo Zheng looked at the car rushing over coldly. There was only one person in the car, and Luo Zheng stood motionless. , quickly raised his pistol and aimed at the people in the car.

At this time, the driver suddenly shrank and hid under the driving position. Luo Zheng was unable to aim. Seeing the car roaring towards him, he took a big side step and calmly avoided the collision of the car. He quickly aimed his gun at the roaring car. The car's tires were passing by, but the car was too fast and difficult to hit. Luo Zheng calmly observed his surroundings and thought of countermeasures.

At this time, Luo Zheng noticed that the car whizzed away and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street. The bank security guard hurried out and looked at Luo Zheng in horror. He didn't understand what happened. He was about to ask when he saw Luo Zheng's hand clearly. After taking out the pistol, he was immediately discouraged and stepped back, not daring to ask any more questions.

Luo Zheng didn't let the security guard go, pointed at him and shouted: "You, come here quickly."

Because he was using a pistol, the security guard thought Luo Zheng was not good for him and did not dare to come over. He turned around and ran away in panic. Luo Zheng chased after him helplessly. Some people coming out of the bank saw Luo Zheng and rushed towards him with a murderous look on his face. , holding a pistol in their hands, were startled, turned around and ran away, screaming in panic.

The screams attracted the attention of many people around Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng realized that the gun in his hand had caused unnecessary misunderstandings, so he quickly put it away and shouted loudly: "I am a policeman, let the person in charge of security come over immediately."

When everyone heard that Luo Zheng called himself a policeman and put away his weapons, they all breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Luo Zheng with some confusion and did not dare to move. A middle-aged security guard came over hesitantly and looked at Luo Zheng in panic. Luo Zheng showed no hostility, so he bravely stepped forward.

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