The strongest soldier

Chapter 599 The signal is sent out

Soon, Luo Zheng saw the small hole he had dug. He twisted his body and swung over. He grabbed a small hole with his hands and quickly stepped on the other two small holes with his feet. His body stabilized completely. When he heard Lan Xue return, After asking with concern, he turned back to Lan Xue and shouted: "I'm fine, don't worry." At this moment, Luo Zheng realized that he was only fifty meters away from the ground. If the atomic watch's zipline hadn't been ejected in time, even if In two seconds at night, he would fall to his death.

A feeling of surviving a catastrophe came up, and the muscles all over his body became stiff, as if he had lost control. At this moment, Luo Zheng felt a wave of fear, his scalp was numb, and he clutched the hole tightly, not daring to move, and gasped for air. Calm down and adjust your breathing.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt that his breathing became much easier, and his body became more flexible and less stiff. He glanced at the anxious Lan Xue, smiled bitterly and shouted: "I'm fine, don't worry, it's a pity that the satellite phone If it falls, we have to start over.”

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are fine." Lan Xue shouted hurriedly, fearing that Luo Zheng would not be able to think straight and do something stupid. When a person is alive, everything is possible, but when he dies, there is really nothing.

Luo Zheng responded, knowing that he could no longer continue in this state. He pressed the button on the atomic watch, and the flying rope fell off from the atomic watch. Luo Zheng's hands were free again, and he carefully climbed down the small hole without a trace. After a while, Luo Zheng jumped off the ground, and his heart suddenly felt at ease. Looking at Lan Xue rushing toward him anxiously, his heart warmed up. He opened his arms and held Lan Xue in his arms. He said guiltily: "I have to let you have more time." Been here for a few days."

"It's okay, it's okay. As long as you are well, I will be satisfied." Lan Xue said excitedly, hugging Luo Zheng tightly, for fear that Luo Zheng would leave her. The scene just now frightened Lan Xue.

Luo Zheng also hugged Lan Xue tightly, caressing Lan Xue's back, soothing Lan Xue's excited emotions. After a while, Lan Xue stabilized and checked Luo Zheng up and down. After confirming that Luo Zheng was not fatally injured, he secretly He breathed a sigh of relief. As for muscle strains and internal injuries, just take some time to recuperate. As a soldier, Lan Xue didn't take the trauma to heart. He had seen so many injuries that he wasn't surprised.

The two of them found a place to sit down. Luo Zheng explained the situation just now. When Lan Xue heard this, she secretly sighed that it was a pity. Everything is fate. She comforted Luo Zheng not to take it to heart. It would only take a few days. People have plenty of time, and they can still get out even if they slowly dig stone paths. If it doesn't work for one day, it will take a week, if it doesn't work for one week, it will take a month, if it doesn't work for one month, it will take half a year. I believe you can always get out.

Luo Zheng was deeply moved by Lan Xue's words. He vowed to himself that he would recover from his injuries as soon as possible. He glanced at the dim sky and said firmly: "Xue'er, don't worry, I won't let you stay here for too long."

"Well, I believe you." Lan Xue responded: "You have a muscle strain and an old injury has recurred. You cannot carry out this kind of excavation work for a short time. Leave it to me for the next few days. Don't forget that I am a soldier, not Vase, after you recover from your injury, I will leave the rest of the work to you."

Luo Zheng thought for a while and found that Lan Xue's skills were only slightly better than his own, and his movements were also flexible. Moreover, he had been working for more than ten days and had rich experience. He should be able to handle it, so he said: "Okay, be careful."

As night fell, the visibility was very poor and there was no way to continue. The two ate something and rested. Unexpectedly, the Southwest Military Region was enjoying themselves outside. After Luo Zheng pressed the satellite phone, the signal was transmitted and was monitored by the command center. It was a familiar frequency. , the familiar signal immediately attracted attention.

The technicians responded to the situation and immediately forwarded it to the captain of the Southwest Military Region's Special Warfare Brigade. Wu Jin, who was in the captain's office, naturally knew about the situation and asked in surprise: "Is this information confirmed?" Lan Xue asked Unexpectedly, Wu Jin was already in pain and could not meet Mr. Li, and the news of Luo Zheng's disappearance came again, which made Wu Jin even more sad. Suddenly hearing the good news made Wu Jin, who looked haggard, a little more suspicious.

"Don't worry, it's been confirmed. The frequency and signal of the mobile phone came from the satellite phone my people gave to Ghost. However, the signal was very short and contact was lost again. However, we have locked the coordinates and are in the enemy country. The territory is a bit far from the border and we cannot send helicopters there. I will arrange special forces to rescue them, so please don’t worry." the captain said seriously.

"No, you tell me the coordinates." Wu Jin's face darkened and he said immediately. He was so sad after losing Lan Xue that Wu Jin didn't know what to do. Finally, he got the news about his beloved general Luo Zheng. Wu Jin couldn't sit still and decided to go there in person. .

The captain of the Southwest Military Region's Special Warfare Brigade understood Wu Jin's mood and was not pretentious. He dialed the information center number, hung up the phone after some inquiries, wrote down a coordinate and handed it to Wu Jin, and said seriously: "Brother, my People have checked it, and satellite images show that the place is a sinkhole, which is bottomless, and is estimated to be five to six hundred meters deep. If you need anything, just tell me and I will cooperate vigorously."

"Thank you. I need weapons and long enough ropes, arrange a helicopter to send my people to the border, and prepare a medical team. Nothing else is needed." Wu Jin looked solemn, said quickly, and took the coordinates.

A few minutes later, a transport helicopter took off from the special operations brigade training ground, carrying Wu Jin and several members of the National Blade Special Operations brigade. Drunkard was among them. Drunkard heard that there was news about Luo Zheng, who had suddenly disappeared for a few days, and he was in a good mood. He felt much better, but when he thought of Lan Xue, whose life or death was uncertain, his mood became low again.

After two or three hours of flying, the helicopter arrived at the border. Everyone rappelled down directly, put on night vision goggles and got into the woods, marching in the predetermined direction. They were extremely anxious.

We marched in a hurry all night. At dawn, everyone found the sinkhole based on GPS positioning. Looking at the bottomless sinkhole, everyone looked at each other. How could they survive after falling from such a height? Wu Jin looked solemn and shouted: "No matter what, the ghost must be brought up, everyone takes action."

"Yes!" Everyone immediately took action, connected the special rope, tied it to a big tree, and hung the other end down. Wu Jin grabbed the rope and put on the tool and prepared to go down. The drunkard quickly stepped forward and pulled Wu Da The captain said: "Captain, I'd better go down first."

"No, I have to go down. After losing Lan Xue, I can't lose the ghost again. No matter what, I have to go down. Don't try to persuade me anymore." Wu Jin said decisively, his face was firm and abnormal, and he rappelled down skillfully at a high speed. Soon, while secretly praying that nothing would happen, his sharp eyes were full of worry.

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