The strongest soldier

Chapter 598 A thrilling moment

"Xue'er, I will let you leave here as soon as possible. Leave the stone path to me." Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue with real eyes and said, with a strong sense of confidence and fighting spirit bursting out of his body. He walked over to the battlefield of life and death. Well, what does a mere stone path mean? Luo Zheng picked up the tiger-tooth saber and strode away, fighting for his lover and the future.

Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng's back and smiled softly. At this moment, the cold disguise was completely removed. At this moment, a beautiful smile bloomed for love. At this moment, Lan Xue felt that she had become the woman of this tall man with a tall back. At this moment, Lan Xue felt that her heart and Luo Zheng had never been so close, so close that they could not tell each other apart.

Seeing Luo Zheng walking up the stone path and reaching the end, using his saber to dig out the stone path, Lan Xue's smile grew wider. It felt so good to be cared for by others.

At this time, Luo Zheng stabbed Shi Yan hard with his tiger teeth. Fortunately, the stone rock was not too hard and the tiger teeth were sharp. There was a small hole when the tiger teeth penetrated, but it was not deep. The effect was not ideal. Luo Zheng couldn't help but look back. Looking at the stone path that had been dug, he admired Lan Xue. It was not easy to dig out so much of such hard rock in fifteen days. He couldn't help but think of satellite phones and ropes in his mind, and he couldn't help but shout: " By the way, have you seen the satellite phone?”

"I saw it, but it's too deep here and there is no signal. I tried it." Lan Xue replied with a smile. The military bag is waterproof and the satellite phone is also packed in a waterproof bag. It does not affect the use. If there is no signal, there is nothing you can do.

Luo Zheng looked up and looked at it. It was four to five hundred meters high. Unless he climbed halfway up, he might be able to receive the signal. With expectation, Luo Zheng dug the stone path with all his strength. At the same time, he also changed his strategy and no longer considered passing. He asked Lan Xue to hand over the rope, dug a few rock caves that could be climbed, and climbed up.

After two hours of hard work, Luo Zheng climbed up a cliff and tied the rope to a raised stone. There were grooves where the rope was tied to prevent the rope from falling off. After tying the rope, Luo Zheng came down along the rope. After meeting Lan Xue, he sat down on a rock, took out a few compressed biscuits from his backpack, and shared them with Lan Xue. He said, "Xue'er, I've thought about it. There's no need to open a road. I can find a way to open one." As for the climbing route, as long as we reach the cliff and there is a signal, it will be easy.”

"Well, you just have to make up your mind." Lan Xue smiled affectionately and replied. Lan Xue understood Luo Zheng's intention as early as Luo Zheng did this and did not object. The reason for digging the stone path was because there was no satellite phone. , people need to pass. Now with satellite phones, there is no need to dig stone paths, just find a way to climb the cliff.

Luo Zheng looked at the sky. It would get dark in a few hours. He ate the compressed biscuits in a few bites, drank some water, and continued walking over. He grabbed the rope and climbed up a cliff, stabilized his body, and continued to use the tiger teeth. The saber digs a small hole that can be climbed, which can be used for grasping with hands and stepping on feet.

Three hours later, Luo Zheng was very tired. He took a look at the sky and saw that it was already darkening. He thought it was going to be dark, so he had to grab the rope and come down from the cliff. He chatted with Lan Xue about the separation. Unknowingly, When they woke up, the sky darkened, and the two of them cuddled together to rest, and fell asleep peacefully with the desire to live.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng woke up and continued working. He advanced about 100 meters in the morning, took a break at noon and continued digging. In the evening, he pushed another 100 meters. The two of them chatted together and lived leisurely. There was no trace of distress or helplessness about being trapped.

Men and women in love can always forget all the unpleasantness and time. Early the next morning, Luo Zheng brought a satellite phone and continued to dig up the cliff and climb up. At noon, Luo Zheng was very tired and prepared to go down. But he still took out the satellite phone and tested it. Luo Zheng had tested it more than once this morning.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw that the satellite phone had a signal. The signal was not very strong. Luo Zheng decided to hold on a little longer. After putting the satellite phone away, he took a look below. It was already more than two hundred meters high. Lan Xue was already there. He couldn't see clearly. Fortunately, there was no wind in the sinkhole. The body's stability was better when stepping on the small hole. Luo Zheng decided not to tell Lan Xue about the surprise and continued to dig a small hole that could be climbed. Unconsciously, he climbed up again. A few meters.

Luo Zheng took out the satellite phone with surprise and found that the signal was much stronger. He grabbed the small hole with one hand and stabilized his body. He quickly pressed the call button with the other hand and put it to his ear with expectation. Suddenly, A gust of cross wind blew, and Luo Zheng was startled and looked up in surprise.

There was nothing around, but the wind suddenly picked up, whistling in the ears, and the receiver of the satellite phone also whirred loudly, making it difficult to hear clearly. The wind suddenly increased in strength, and Luo Zheng was shaking, and he couldn't help but be shocked. Instinctively, he grabbed for the small hole in the cliff. The satellite phone hit the cliff and came out.

The satellite phone was Luo Zheng's biggest hope, so he couldn't throw it away. If it fell from such a height, it would definitely shatter. Luo Zheng was shocked and reached out to grab it. His body shook, and a strong wind blew, making his body unstable and he fell down.

"Ah?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He felt his body falling down at a high speed. He couldn't help but be horrified. He didn't expect that he still failed. Fortunately, he saw Lan Xue before he died. He died without regrets. Unfortunately, he couldn't let Lan Xue escape safely. , it was a pity after all, the wind was whistling loudly in his ears, mixed with a desperate cry, a very familiar voice, Luo Zheng was startled, and he immediately listened carefully.

"Atomic watch," a sad voice shouted with desperation.

Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly realized that it was Lan Xue who was reminding him. His desire to survive increased greatly. He turned his arm over. At the critical moment, Luo Zheng actually calmed down without any fear of death. The atomic watch on his wrist was aligned. He stepped onto the rock wall and quickly pressed the switch with one hand.

"Whoosh!" A black light shot out of the watch like lightning, like a bullet, and with a clang, it sank deep into the rock wall. A thin wire connected the watch. Luo Zheng felt a sharp pain in his arm, and the falling The body hit the cliff hard and made a muffled sound.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng twitched in pain, and a huge pulling force came from his arm, as if the entire arm was about to be torn off. The ribs that had just recovered on his body were broken again, but his body fell into the air and was The flying cable inside the atomic watch was fixed and kept swinging left and right.

There is a flying rope inside Yuanzi's watch, which can be used to save lives at critical moments. The special product of the National Blade Equipment Brigade is indeed extraordinary. Luo Zheng felt that the thin flying rope was no problem at all for hanging him. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and heard Lan Xue below. He shouted anxiously, woke up, and quickly agreed.

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