The strongest soldier

Chapter 596 Finding Lan Xue

For the sake of love, Luo Zheng jumped off the cliff without hesitation and followed Lan Xue's footsteps. He was in the air, and there was only the sound of wind that kept ringing in his ears. It was roaring loudly and made people collapse. Luo Zheng let go of his body and mind and just die. Being able to die in the same place as Lan Xue makes this life worthwhile. It's a pity that I can't fulfill my filial piety in front of my parents. Since ancient times, it's hard to have both loyalty and filial piety. I hope my parents can live well.

Luo Zhengren was in the air, with no fear, no regrets, no panic, only guilt, guilt for his parents' upbringing, guilt for not being able to live and die together by Lan Xue's side, die, die, but I wish I could catch up with Lan Xue under the Nine Springs, say sorry, obtain Lan Xue's forgiveness, and die without regrets.

"Whoosh!" Luo Zheng didn't even notice that his body fell straight down into the river below the cliff, like a diver in the water. After entering the water, Luo Zheng felt his eardrums buzzing and painful, and a huge pulling force pulled him down. The body was pulled downwards, and it became difficult to breathe all over the body. His consciousness began to fade, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Luo Zheng woke up and felt that he was in a whirlpool and undercurrent. His body was rushing downwards uncontrollably. The speed was very fast, and his head was dizzy. A large amount of river water poured into his body through his nose and mouth. Luo Zheng was shocked, and immediately Bewildered, what's going on? Why are there whirlpools? Could it be that Lan Xue was also dragged to an unknown place by the whirlpool, so Captain Wu was not found?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He let go of his body and let the whirlpool take him to the bottom of the unknown river. He held his breath and tightened his muscles. He felt that the speed was getting faster and faster, and his consciousness became more and more blurred. He quickly bit his tongue to resist. , to keep yourself awake.

Suddenly, a roar came, and Luo Zheng's consciousness became more and more out of control. He faintly felt that his body was being carried forward by the undercurrent. His eyes were dark, as if he had passed through an underground river. The roar became louder and louder, and the sound was tight. Then, Luo Zheng felt that his body was suddenly washed out by the river water and rose into the sky.

Luo Zheng wanted to open his eyes and look around to see what was going on, but unfortunately his eyelids were as heavy as mountains and he couldn't open them at all. His consciousness was scattered and gradually became blurry. He felt like he was floating in the clouds, as if he was in the clouds. Did he die?

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng felt his body fall heavily on something, and a surge of pain swept over him. His whole body seemed to fall apart, and he finally lost consciousness completely and fainted.

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Zheng felt someone touching his body and untied his backpack. He wanted to open his eyes to see what was going on, but his whole body was in terrible pain, his vision went dark, and he passed out again.

Gradually, Luo Zheng felt his consciousness return. His eyelids, which were as heavy as Mount Tai, slowly opened. He felt the dazzling sunlight and had to close it to adapt. His whole body no longer hurt so much. He regained control of his body. After a while, Luo Zheng felt that he could move. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He slowly opened his eyes and moved his fingers.

"Are you awake?" A dreamy voice sounded in my ears. It was so sweet, so melodious, and sounded like the sound of nature.

This voice lingered in Luo Zheng's mind for fifteen days, and also tortured Luo Zheng for fifteen days. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice that was no longer familiar. When Luo Zheng heard it, his whole body cheered up and he quickly opened his eyes. After blinking, a familiar face appeared in the field of vision. It was still so cold, so beautiful, so heartbreaking, but it was a little thinner, the eyes were much haggard, and the face became much paler.

"Ah?" Luo Zheng was filled with ecstasy. He jumped up and a huge pain hit his mind. Luo Zheng felt his eyes go dark and passed out again, but there was a slight smile of relief on the corner of his mouth.

"Still so reckless." The stunning beauty was Lan Xue. Looking at the unconscious Luo Zheng, Lan Xue felt both love and pain. She raised her head and glanced at the sky. The high sinkhole blocked the sun. On a cliff, a spurt of water sprayed out. Water roared out from the cracks in the rocks, fell into the deep pool below, and followed an underground river to the distance.

Fifteen days ago, Lan Xue followed the whirlpool of the undercurrent, passed the underground river, and fell from the crack in the cliff into the sinkhole that was four to five hundred meters deep. Fortunately, the sinkhole was bottomless. The water pool is not big, only a few hundred square meters. It was almost washed into the underground river by the river.

Luo Zheng also fell from the same place. He was discovered by Lan Xue and dragged to the nearby rocks. Looking at the unconscious Luo Zheng, Lan Xue could imagine Luo Zheng's absolute and affectionate jumping off the cliff. If not Jumping off the cliff, you would never know that there are undercurrents and whirlpools under the lake below the cliff.

Lan Xue gently stroked the unconscious Luo Zheng. It had been two days. Luo Zheng was able to survive. Lan Xue was very grateful to God and very content. With such a man caring for her, this life was enough.

Two hours later, Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes and saw himself lying in Lan Xue's arms. Lan Xue was staring intently at the empty space in front of him. Two lines of clear tears had dried. Luo Zheng said in surprise: "Xue Son, is it really you? I didn’t expect to see you again, are we dead? Why is there still light? Isn’t there no light in hell?”

"Fool, we are still alive." Lan Xue was overjoyed when she saw Luo Zheng woke up, and quickly asked: "How do you feel? Does it matter?"

"Probably a few broken ribs, just take care of them. We are not dead?" Luo Zheng looked around in surprise and found that there were cliffs all around. The exposed stones were smooth and difficult to climb, and the surroundings looked like unreachable mountains. In the well, a spurt of water gushes out from the cliff. I was shocked and asked, "What is this place?"

"Sinkhole, I don't know either." Lan Xue said helplessly.

"Tiankeng?" Luo Zheng suddenly understood, with a bitter look on his face. A tiankeng is a huge volume, with steep and trapped rock walls, deep well-shaped or barrel-shaped outlines and other extraordinary spatial and morphological characteristics. In this geographical environment, it is not unusually difficult to get up. Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "Have you always been here?"

"Well, it's been half a month. I knew you would find me here, so I didn't dare to die. I was afraid that you would be sad when you came in and saw my body. I didn't expect you to really come, and come so fast." Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng affectionately, and said softly and slowly, her eyes full of love. For a man who is willing to die for his love, what else can he ask for in this life?

"I came late and made you suffer. By the way, there is nothing here. How can you survive?" Luo Zheng asked curiously, turning his head to look around, thinking of a way to escape, and found Lan Xue. Moreover, Lan Xue seemed fine, and Luo Zheng was not willing to grow old alone here.

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