The strongest soldier

Chapter 595 Jumping off a cliff to die in love

Whether in ancient times or now, on the battlefield, once the top leader is killed, it will directly affect the morale of the army, not to mention a group of armed gangs of drug dealers gathered together for profit, no matter how big the gang is, there is no trust, no faith, no loyalty. The leader was killed, and everyone was busy fighting for power. Who cared about the pursuit?

In order to boost the morale of the army, the leader of this pursuing army took the lead and was eager to make some achievements. Unexpectedly, he was hung up in a trap and his head was blown off. In this case, a dramatic scene such as a great rout occurred on the battlefield. Of course, this is also due to the power of traps.

Ordinary traps focus on creating panic through bloody killings and shaking the morale of the army, but Luo Zheng's traps include both traditional bloody killings and modern large-scale killings. It is both powerful and terrifying. It brought down nearly half of the militants, plus the leader. After being shot in the head and knowing the truth, how dare the other militants stay?

There are many accidents on the battlefield, but the rout of this pursuer is not an accident, but the result of the superposition of many factors. Bombing the camp is enough to collapse a team. This pursuer has experienced the bombing of the camp, the desperate pursuit, and the experience. It's incredible that after the last straw fell when the big boss was headshot, there was still an organized pursuit.

Luo Zheng did not let his brothers pursue him. Instead, he waited until all the pursuers had disappeared and then shouted through the headset: "Brothers, clean the battlefield, replenish your guns, collect necessary supplies, and evacuate as soon as possible."

"Understood." Everyone shouted excitedly. This battle was fought too easily. Although most of everyone's ammunition was used up, more than a hundred people were knocked down. The ammunition came back. Everyone rushed forward one after another to replenish those who survived. Even if you are absolutely dead, you should also take another shot to avoid pretending to be dead or hiding behind to make a cold shot.

Ten minutes later, the battlefield was cleaned up, and everyone quickly evacuated the scene with their loot. With this ambush, I believe other pursuers did not dare to pursue too hard, but Luo Zheng still did not dare to take it lightly, and quickly evacuated with his team, leaving behind Leave a lot of traces for the pursuers to follow and cover the evacuation of the other team.

Victory is a stimulant, and a big victory without firing a shot made everyone even more excited. They looked at Luo Zheng with eyes full of reverence. They marched in a hurry without any regrets. The soldiers gritted their teeth and persisted. Unknowingly, the sky turned dark. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and ordered the team to stop and rest, and burned several bonfires. The blazing fire illuminated the surroundings and could be seen from a distance. In order to attract the pursuers, Luo Zheng did not mind exposing himself.

After eating and drinking, the team continued on their way. Wearing night vision goggles, each one looked like a wild wolf walking in the night. They were determined, calm, courageous and brave. The team moved very fast. It was up to everyone whether they could get rid of the pursuers. In order to survive, everyone unleashed their great potential.

Those who could stay were all well-trained elites. They marched all night. Although they were all exhausted, they persisted. At dawn, the team could no longer hold on. Luo Zheng had to order the team to rest for two hours and arrange After the whistle was blown, everyone fell asleep.

Luo Zheng couldn't sleep. His mind was filled with the shadow of Lan Xue. He sat under a big tree and stared blankly at the void in front of him. His eyes were full of worry. He didn't even pay attention to the water handed over by Shi Qingshan. Shi Qingshan saw Luo Zheng was full of worry and self-blame, and didn't know how to enlighten him. He said softly: "Eat something. No matter what, only in good physical condition can you do what you want to do."

"Thank you." Luo Zheng woke up, took the kettle gratefully, drank a few gulps, took the dry food and gulped it down. No matter what, he had to live well to find Lan Xue. If he fell down, who would look for Lan Xue? Luo Zheng ate something and felt that his physical strength had recovered a lot. He closed his eyes to rest and adjusted his breath using the breathing method passed down from his family.

Two hours later, the team continued on their way and found no trace of the pursuers, but Luo Zheng still asked everyone to march quickly to ensure that just in case, the battle had been fought enough, and Luo Zheng did not want any more casualties. The team stopped and walked. Unknowingly, it was night and there were still no pursuers behind them. Luo Zheng asked Shi Qingshan to contact the headquarters and learned that another team was also on the way to retreat. It was relatively safe and had not encountered pursuers. , couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

That night, Luo Zheng let the team rest until midnight, then got up and continued on their way. After sleeping for a few hours, everyone's condition improved a lot. They all looked haggard and lost weight, but their eyes were strong and they walked like a tiger. The tiger gives birth to the wind, and the marching speed is still very fast.

Two days later, the team came to the mountain where Luo Zheng jumped off the cliff. It was not far from the territory. I believed that the pursuers would not come here. Luo Zheng asked Shi Qingshan to take the people to evacuate back, and he stayed to look for Lan Xue. If the pangolin said Luo Zheng was deeply touched. Wherever he lost it, he could find it somewhere.

Shi Qingshan thought for a while, but did not insist. After leaving some supplies and equipment and a satellite phone to Luo Zheng, he led the team to withdraw first. Luo Zheng came to the cliff and looked at the bottom of the cliff, feeling it carefully and imagining it. Lan Xue was in a predicament at that time. In that state, what would Lan Xue do?

Those left behind could only wait to die or be captured. This is not the style of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade. Jumping off a cliff is undoubtedly the last option. There are clouds and mist below the cliff, and it looks very deep. I believe Captain Wu Jin has sent someone down to check, but , why didn’t Captain Wu find anything unusual?

Luo Zheng looked at the collapsed mud and rocks under the cliff, thinking that this was the place where Lan Xue jumped off the cliff. It had been more than ten days. Even with the ability of Captain Wu and the help of nearly 10,000 elite soldiers, Lan Xue could not be found. Where did Lan Xue go back? Can he really find Lan Xue? Where to look for it?

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't find anything, but one thing is for sure. Captain Wu has searched everywhere he can find it, but there is still no result. If he searches around, he may not be able to find it. This means that the idea of ​​​​searching is wrong. At this time, The pangolin's words came to Luo Zheng's mind again: Wherever you lost it, look for it.

"Wherever you lost it, look for it?" Luo Zheng tasted these words with a sad face, and stared blankly at the bottom of the cliff. What is the correct way to search? Can we really find the footprints of Lan Xue falling off the cliff by going around the cliff?

The answer is no. Luo Zheng has no doubt about this. It has been half a month and Lan Xue still has no clues. I am afraid that she is no longer alive. If she is left to live alone in the world, what's the point of living? Forget it, forget it, since we can't live together, let's die together.

Luo Zheng looked steadily at the bottom of the cliff, a look of absolute despair flashed across his face, and he shouted sadly: "Xue'er, wait for me, I'm coming." After saying that, he jumped into the clouds and mist of the cliff, tragically The sound echoed on the cliff for a long time, and the sky and the earth changed color.

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