The strongest soldier

Chapter 553 There is a hole in the cliff

After walking continuously, everyone was exhausted and fell to the ground to rest. Luo Zheng acted as a sentinel, inspected the surroundings and then came to the edge of the cliff. He stood on a boulder and looked down. His sight was blocked by a protruding stone. Unable to see the situation below, I sighed helplessly to myself, and was about to retreat when I suddenly saw a light spot on the cliff on the opposite side of the valley.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly raised his sniper rifle and looked through the sniper scope. The cliff opposite was dark, and the moonlight was blocked by the cliff under his feet. He could not see clearly at all, but the bright light was unusual on the dark cliff. Conspicuous, Luo Zheng observed for a while through the sniper scope and found that the light was flashing. It was very weak, but it was real.

It was a very strange light. Luo Zheng observed it for a while and found that the light suddenly disappeared. He pondered in surprise. There could be no phosphorus in the show off. If this could be ruled out, what else could it be? Apart from man-made light, what other natural phenomena can move the light?

Luo Zheng thought for a moment, but couldn't figure it out. He woke up the scholar and briefly explained the situation. The scholar also looked at the cliff in front of him in surprise, wondering what it was. The two chatted for a few words. Suddenly, the light on the cliff appeared again. , Luo Zheng handed the sniper scope to the scholar for observation.

"It is not caused by natural phenomena. The speed of the bright light is not slow. Moreover, the light does not weaken or strengthen at all. It is fixed and the trajectory is also somewhat irregular. But overall, the range of movement is limited, and it is more like a person holding The lanterns and the like are moving around." The scholar analyzed in surprise.

"Human? Horse lantern?" Luo Zheng was startled, his face became solemn, he suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise: "So, there are people living on the cliff, and there are caves and the like inside the cliff?"

"Hiss? Are you saying that it's possible that Tulu's people are hiding in caves on the cliffs?" The scholar asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nodding solemnly, after thinking about it, it was entirely possible, and he couldn't help but said: "It's very likely. The canyon below is Death Valley. Once the government troops attack, they can block Tulu as long as they block the entrance and exit. It is impossible to have no escape route. Tulu has identified this place as its lair, and there must be secrets that we don't know."

"Yes, the cliff cave is his retreat. When encountering a strong enemy, Tulu can evacuate from the cave and counterattack the enemy. With Tulu's shrewdness, there must be a reason for choosing this place as his lair, and the cave is one of the reasons. Come and see." Luo Zheng pointed at the canyon below and said.

Shucheng moved closer, looked at the surrounding terrain, and listened carefully.

"This is a pocket-shaped canyon. It looks like a naturally formed sinkhole from a high altitude. The canyon is very deep, and there are fast rivers. There is no shortage of water. Tulu has ships to transport supplies to ensure logistics. No matter who attacks, there is only one road on the ground. That is the dirt road. The dirt road is narrow and large troops cannot enter. It is not a big threat and it is difficult to pass by water. There are many armed ships in Tulu. Even if they are defeated, they only need to lock one section and the ships will not be able to get in. From then on, It's useless to attack from above. We are hiding in the cliff cave. How can we fight? Unless long-range cruise missiles will flatten the entire canyon." Luo Zheng analyzed with a solemn expression.

"One more thing." Shucheng said thoughtfully: "This is Tulu's territory. No matter who comes to attack, Tulu will grasp it immediately. There will be enough time to arrange defenses. The possibility of a large army attacking is very small. We The target is small, and it’s hard to find if you hide here, but there’s no way to attack from above. Now that we’ve discovered that Tulu’s people are hiding in a cliff cave, we can’t attack from above. What’s the next step?”

Luo Zheng did not answer the scholar's question immediately, and was lost in thought. The scholar knew Luo Zheng's habits, so he left quietly without disturbing him and went on guard duty. After a while, Luo Zheng began to patrol around and walked along the edge of the cliff. Observe the surrounding terrain carefully.

Thinking that Tulu might be hiding in a cliff cave instead of under the canyon, Luo Zheng became worried. There was no point in throwing the grenade when people were in the cave. It would be great if they could find the exit of the cave. However, the surroundings were full of ups and downs. The mountains are densely wooded and overgrown with weeds. This exit must have been disguised and difficult to find.

After a round of inspection, he found nothing. Luo Zheng returned to the camp and found a place to rest. He used the breathing method passed down by his family to heal his wounds. The rib injury on his heart improved a lot, but he couldn't be careless. He fell asleep unknowingly. Waiting When I woke up, the sky was already bright, and everyone was in high spirits after a night's rest.

Everyone was busy making fires to cook. Yesterday, they seized some rice and cooking oil, which were just in time for use. Everyone put the rice in their helmets and put it on the bonfire. Water is not a problem. The most indispensable thing in the tropical rainforest is water. There is water everywhere. Yes, the water in kudzu vines, grape vines, kiwi vines, schisandra vines, etc. contains high levels of vitamins and can be eaten directly, which is better for cooking.

Someone caught two pheasants, smeared them with clay and simmered them under the bonfire, and cooked beggar's chickens. Luo Zheng didn't need to worry about these life problems. Luo Zheng came to the cliff and looked around, and found that the canyon ground was very flat through the sunlight. There are heavy human traces, which just proves the existence of caves. The gravel used to dig the caves is used to level the ground.

This time Luo Zheng observed very carefully and found that the underground of the canyon was very open, with two trucks parked, and an artificial lake by the river with a tin boat docked. It was dusk when we first arrived here, and everyone observed briefly for a while. We marched at night to rob the river, and it was night again when we came back. This was the first time for us to observe like this in broad daylight.

Luo Zheng set up a sniper rifle and observed the cliff on the opposite side through the sniper scope. While adjusting the focus, he found that the cliff was full of pits. Some places looked like caves, but they were far away and blocked by raised rocks, making it difficult to see clearly. , Luo Zheng was surprised and changed the place to check, and found that the suspicious place did look like a cave.

The scholar also came over. Luo Zheng briefly explained what he had discovered. The scholar took the sniper scope and observed it for a moment. His face darkened and he whispered: "It can be seen from this that this is a man-made cave. The entrance and exit are deliberately concealed. The raised Stones can not only block the view, but also serve as a good cover and fortification. People can attack by hiding behind the stones."

"It makes sense. Fortunately, we didn't attack by force. Otherwise, once we go down, the enemy only needs to guard the entrance and exit, and we won't be able to escape." Luo Zheng said with a solemn face, a hint of worry flashed in his eyes, but more of it was Anger, hatred for Tulu.

"The upper reaches of the river is wide open. After passing through the canyon, it becomes narrow and passes through a crack in the ground. You see, in the downstream direction of the river, there is a sloping hole above the river. It becomes more and more sloping as it goes up, forming a gap no more than three meters wide at the top. , like a crack in the ground, I followed the crack in the ground to investigate, the crack is about one kilometer long, after rushing out of the mountain peak, there is flat land in front." The scholar said seriously.

Luo Zheng knew about this crack in the ground, and the opening was at the top of the mountain, but he didn't expect that it was more than a kilometer long, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, making it impossible for people to get down. Luo Zheng looked over, and a ray of sunlight illuminated his eyes, as if the crack in the ground was like a flower. It seemed like it was broken into pieces. I couldn't help but be surprised. I was overjoyed and an idea came to my mind.

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