The strongest soldier

Chapter 552 Seizing Weapons

"Boom!" The sound of the motor was getting closer and closer, and two larger iron boats appeared in everyone's field of vision. There were more than twenty people standing with guns and ammunition on each boat. There seemed to be many more in the cabin. The total number of people added up to five Sixty people, this is a large armed force. The heavy machine guns mounted on the two ships emitted a death-like light from their muzzles, aiming at both sides of the river bank. They all looked vigilant.

"Should we fight?" the scholar asked in a low voice through the headset.

Luo Zheng couldn't see the situation inside the cabin and didn't understand what was being transported, but there was no reason not to eat the fat meat that reached his mouth. If it was just at the beginning, Luo Zheng might be a little afraid, but he seized a heavy machine gun. The firepower has increased sharply, and there is no reason to let go. Moreover, there are three brothers still on the boat, and they will definitely be discovered. This battle must be fought.

"Get ready, sniper, aim the heavy machine gun for me, and use the sound of my gun as a signal." Luo Zheng said coldly, and quickly started searching. The heavy machine gunners are dealt with by snipers, so don't worry about it yourself. After Luo Zheng searched, He spotted a man carrying a radio on his back and quickly aimed at him.

At this time, the iron boat in front drove towards the attacked iron boat. The people on the boat were attracted to the iron boat that had been attacked. Even the heavy machine gun on the deck moved to aim at it. Luo Zheng did not expect that there would be I couldn't help but be overjoyed at this unexpected gain. A cold light burst out from my slightly closed eyes, and I moved my index finger.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet screamed. With Luo Zheng's surprise and endless killing intent, he rushed over like lightning and hit the target directly on the back of the head. A blood arrow flew wildly. The target was thrown to the ground by the powerful bullet. The purpose of killing the radio station is to block the news. This time is different. Who knows if there are other radio stations on the ship? After this ambush, we will definitely have to change places.

The sound of gunfire was the order to attack. The scholar who was paying close attention to Luo Zheng opened fire quickly. The general-purpose heavy machine gun let out a devastating roar. The bullets roared away, like evil spirits released from hell, opening a bloody barrage towards the target. Fangs, ferocity and indifference.

The snipers also opened fire. On the deck, the two men manning the heavy machine guns were confused when they heard Luo Zheng's shooting. Before they had time to react, their heads were blown open. Red and white objects were flying in the void, especially under the scorching sun. Weird, the body flew far away.

"Tong Tong Tong!" The heavy machine gun instantly destroyed an iron boat beyond recognition. The people on the boat had no time to react, and their lives were indifferently taken away by the fierce bullets. The bodies were either beaten to pieces, or fell into the river and disappeared. The people on the other boat were not attacked by the fierce heavy machine gun. They reacted quickly and aimed at the river bank to shoot. They looked at their own heavy machine gun. When they discovered that the machine gunner had been killed, they immediately panicked.

Someone rushed up and tried to control the heavy machine gun. As soon as he rushed to the deck, he was accurately shot by a sniper. At this time, the three soldiers hiding on the ship also opened fire. The distance was close and the angle was good. Under the sudden attack, The few survivors on the iron boat that were swept by heavy machine guns were shot to death.

The scholar was excited to kill. When he saw that the iron boat in front was almost gone and the one behind was about to run away, he quickly moved his gun to aim at it and pulled the trigger. The fierce large-caliber bullets roared away, with the excitement and fighting spirit of the scholar. It will throw the person wearing it to the ground without mercy, swallowing the life.

"Tong Tong Tong!" The heavy machine gun continued to roar until there was no counterattack from the iron boat, and then it stopped. Luo Zheng looked at this scene calmly, breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted: "Sniper, fire surveillance, brothers in suit, Move quickly, go over and see what’s there.”

"Understood." The three soldiers lurking in the iron boats immediately swam over. One soldier climbed onto one of the boats and carefully looked around. After making sure that there was no living person outside, he used force on his hands and rolled his body up, holding a gun. He cautiously observed the surroundings and came to the cabin. After confirming that they were all killed, his eyes fell on the bottom of the cabin.

There was an iron door at the bottom of the bilge. The soldier opened the iron door and saw that there were many wooden boxes stacked inside. He quickly went down and pried open one of the boxes and found that it was a grenade. When he looked at the others, they were all bullets. He was shocked. He quickly informed the headset of the discovered situation and put it out.

When Luo Zheng heard that it was arms, he immediately became interested and asked the other party to sail over. What was also found on the other boat was arms. This made Luo Zheng very excited. This piece of arms must belong to Tulu. After fighting for several days, Tulu The losses are not small, and the arms are urgently needed to be replenished. After intercepting this arms, Tulu's combat effectiveness cannot be increased.

"Great." The scholar also realized the importance of this weapon to Tulu, and shouted excitedly: "Even if we don't use it, it will explode. We absolutely can't leave it to that bastard Tulu."

Luo Zheng calmly looked at the two ships approaching and pondered. Not long after, the ship docked. Everyone boarded the ship to check and found that in addition to grenades, they were AK47 bullets with different calibers and could not be used in sniper rifles. Luo Zheng had some Disappointed, but seeing the boxes of ammunition brought out made me feel better.

With so much ammunition, it is impossible for everyone to move it away alone. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Bring enough bullets and take away as many grenades as possible. We cannot attack the canyon. These grenades may be able to do the job." Function, do you have any questions?"

"No problem." After hearing this, everyone responded in unison. According to Luo Zheng's order, they moved out the grenades first. However, there were too many grenades and everyone could not move them all. It was cheaper for Tulu and Luo to keep them. Zheng thought for a while and asked everyone to throw all the excess into the river, and then drove the boat to the middle of the river and blew it up.

After finishing all this, Luo Zheng gave an order. Everyone chopped wooden sticks to use as poles, tied up wooden boxes with tree vines, and picked up four boxes for each person. Luo Zheng also picked four boxes, which is six for fifteen people. There were ten boxes, all of which were grenades. Each person had several ammunition chains tied to his body and walked forward happily.

Seizing so much ammunition at once was definitely a heavy blow to Tulu. Luo Zheng was also very excited. Along the way, everyone stopped and walked, talked and laughed, and felt in a good mood. After dark, the team returned to Tulu's home base again. Looking at the piles of ammunition on the nearby mountain peak, everyone laughed, thinking that they could not launch an attack on the canyon and use grenades to blow it up from above. With so many grenades, Tulu would be frightened half to death even if they couldn't kill him.

Seeing Luo Zheng's heavy face and worried look, the scholar couldn't help but ask: "Captain, do you have a plan?"

Luo Zheng nodded and looked towards the canyon. The moonlight was blocked by the towering canyon and could not shine down. It was gray below and it was difficult to see the situation. In such a high canyon, even if a grenade was thrown, the grenade might not have time to fall down. It exploded in the air. How to fight this battle requires careful planning.

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