The strongest soldier

Chapter 550 Blocking the Exit

Night falls.

The dense forest was gray, and a few large birds that returned at night sang happily and disappeared into the woods without making a sound. After the heavy rain, the tropical primeval forest became even more sultry, and the air was mixed with the smell of putrid corpses, slowly being blown away. The wind blew away, and a bright moon stood in the sky, looking at this ancient land with no sadness or joy.

Luo Zheng and others took a short rest on the mountain peak to recover some strength. The scholar trotted up, sat down in front of Luo Zheng, and whispered: "Captain, the observation post found that there was no special movement in the valley, but the winding road entering the valley There are several cars coming and going, and I don’t know what they are pulling. The valley is too big, the distance is long, and it’s dark, so we can’t see clearly. Otherwise, let’s wait here and talk after daybreak.”

The terrain of Tulu's lair has been imprinted in Luo Zheng's mind. This terrain is difficult to attack. There is only one way into the valley. It is unlikely to use a rope to descend from the mountain peak. In addition, the cliff is too high and the boulders are abrupt. From above, It was difficult for them to clearly see the situation below. They could only take a general look. Attacking rashly would definitely not work. Luo Zheng said helplessly: "Then let's see clearly before talking. However, Tulu must know that we are nearby, and it is inappropriate not to express it." ."

"What do you mean?" the scholar asked curiously.

"Create panic, don't let them live in peace." Luo Zheng whispered, and glanced at the valley not far away. It was gray and the situation below could no longer be seen clearly, so he continued: "There is only one way into the valley, we are in From the top of the mountain, you can see the road, but you can’t get down, so I arranged for two snipers to keep an eye on the road and not allow anyone to enter or exit the valley.”

"What if they pursue me?" the scholar reminded.

"We are just sealing the road. Even if we pursue it, it will be tomorrow. Tulu will never dare to move before dawn." Luo Zheng analyzed nonchalantly. Seeing that the scholar was still a little worried, he continued: "As long as the entrance and exit are sealed, the inside will be safe." People will feel the pressure. The valley is not small, but there is no farmland. In other words, food needs to be brought in from the outside. If we cannot attack, we will cut off their food routes. We will act according to the opportunity."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." The scholar wasn't sure how effective this would be, but he didn't mind causing trouble for Tulu's people. Anyway, he had nothing to do, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to arrange for people to block the passage, so he agreed to the deployment.

Luo Zheng sat quietly and quickly figured out the strategy. Not long after, he heard the sound of several sniper rifles. He couldn't help but was startled. Soon, a voice came from the headset, "Report, three armed men were found leaving the valley just now and have been killed."

"Good job, just do it like this. Don't let anyone out, and don't let anyone in. Even if it's a car, just beat it down there." Luo Zheng warned, and after a few words of encouragement, he ended the call in a different mood. There was no trace of joy. Tulu's lair was not easy to reach, and he didn't know what happened to Lan Xue and the others.

"Report, a team has been pulled out of the canyon, about thirty people in number." A voice sounded in the headset.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he quickly rushed over with a gun and summoned others to follow him. Not long after, everyone rushed to a hillside with several large rocks. They looked down and saw the entrance and exit road in the distance. A small team rushed out of the canyon very fast.

The effective range of Ak47 is about 400 meters, which is simply out of reach. Luo Zheng set up his sniper rifle and quickly aimed at it. Under the influence of the night, he could only vaguely see the outline of a person. His face sank and he said: "How is the terrain reconnaissance? Along the way. Go towards the highway. Is there any location on the mountainside that is close to the highway?"

"After checking, this is the closest location. The road is farther away. The river below becomes more open as it goes forward, and the terrain is also much more open. There is a village two kilometers away." A soldier said quickly.

"Phew." Luo Zheng pulled the trigger without hesitation. Just because the AK47 can't reach it doesn't mean that the Type 88 sniper rifle can't reach it. The effective range of the Type 88 sniper rifle is 800 meters, but it doesn't mean that it can't hit places 800 meters away. , the effective range is not the maximum rate of fire. Luo Zheng had measured the range when he asked just now. It was about 650 meters away from the road, which was within the range of the effective rate of fire.

In the sniper scope, there was insufficient light to see clearly. Luo Zheng vaguely saw the target falling to the ground, and continued to calmly aim at the second target. He moved the muzzle downward, locked on the opponent's body part, and continued shooting.

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng kept firing, his face as calm as iron, his slightly closed eyes sharp. The bullet casing popped out of the gun chamber and landed on the stone next to it, making a crisp sound, like the grim smile of the god of death, accurate shooting. Kill the enemies that appear on the road one by one, and the few remaining ones turn around and run back to the canyon.

"We don't have many bullets, so take aim. Scholar, arrange two posts to keep an eye on this place. We must not let them leave. It's dark and we can't launch an attack. The same goes for the enemy. They are all living targets when they come out." Luo Zheng He said coldly.

Everyone nodded and agreed without hesitation. They were stunned by Luo Zheng's wonderful marksmanship just now. He aimed and sniped with the moonlight from a distance of 650 meters. You must know that there were irregular crosswinds on the road. In such an unfavorable sniping environment, Luo Zheng's gun bite Meat, this made everyone realize that Luo Zheng not only has tactical command skills, but also has very strong personal sniping ability. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with eyes full of respect.

The scholar knew about Luo Zheng's marksmanship, but he did not expect such great progress. Seeing that the morale of the brothers was greatly improved, he felt happy and agreed, shouting: "Brothers, you have seen it, what is sniping? With your level It’s not enough, put away your pride and learn from my captain.”

Luo Zheng looked at the scholar in surprise. When he saw the scholar wink, he suddenly understood. The scholar wanted to help point out everyone's sniping skills. After thinking about it, he said, "It's okay, everyone." Let’s communicate, the enemy will come out and say something soon, and we can communicate in actual combat.”

"Thank you, captain." Everyone shouted happily and followed the scholar's call.

Luo Zheng was too lazy to correct the title, and was not in the mood. He motioned for the scholar to come to the side. After turning off the headset, he whispered: "Blocking the exit can only create a little panic, but how effective it is is hard to say. Without heavy weapons, there are not enough This battle is not easy to fight with the manpower, what do you think?"

"Our sniper bullets are limited, and we won't be able to block it for long if we continue to fight like this. We don't have enough manpower, and the terrain is not conducive to us. If we want to attack, we can only use heavy weapons. How about we find a way to get some?" The scholar suggested.

"Heavy weapons? Do you have any good ideas?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Tulu is guarding his lair and we can't attack it, but Tulu's people scattered in other places can still be attacked. We need to find this. Unfortunately, I don't know the situation here." The scholar suggested.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

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