The strongest soldier

Chapter 549 Tulu’s Lair

In the dark night, in the dense forest, Luo Zheng led his team on the road all night long. With the night vision goggles, there was no problem on the road. Two consecutive big wins made everyone morale high and full of confidence in the mission, but Luo Zheng was sullen and thinking about something. , there was no trace of joy. Seeing Luo Zheng's serious expression, the scholar signaled everyone to stop talking and speed up and hurried on.

After traveling all night, everyone found a place to stop and rest until the morning. They ate some compressed biscuits and drank water to rest. Seeing that Luo Zheng was in a serious mood, everyone said nothing and looked at the scholar. The scholar didn't know what Luo Zheng was thinking. What? He signaled everyone not to ask any more questions. He came to Luo Zheng and asked in a low voice: "Are you worried about the brothers who left? In addition, the enemy is powerful. Do you want to call the headquarters and send people over to assist?"

"It's a lie to say we're not worried, but just transfer people. We're in a neighboring country, and it won't take more than three or five days for reinforcements to arrive. Strike while the iron is hot. We must destroy Tulu as soon as possible. After a long time, the guy said Maybe he is hiding with his team." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Yeah, judging from the fight, that bastard was very merciful and not afraid of death. Also, did you notice that with so many casualties, those militants actually kicked Tulu to death without retreating at all, which shows Tulu's prestige. Very high, this battle is not easy to fight, what do you think?" The scholar whispered with a solemn face.

Luo Zheng knew that not only scholars wanted to know this question, but other people also wanted to know. However, he was not sure about it, but he could not say this out loud, otherwise it would damage the morale of the army. After thinking about it, Luo Zheng said in a low voice: " I have some ideas, but they have to be combined with the terrain. Let’s see when the time comes. Let the brothers have a good rest, get some sleep, and set off in two hours.”

"Understood." The scholar agreed and arranged for vigilance and rest.

Luo Zheng sat on the ground and adjusted his breath using the breathing method passed down from his family. In the previous breakout battle, Luo Zheng felt that two or three ribs in his heart were broken, which was very painful. During this journey, Luo Zheng endured it, so as not to worry everyone. He was rushing all night Sometimes I used the breathing method passed down from my family to adjust my breath, and I felt better. Now that I stopped to rest, Luo Zheng would naturally not miss the opportunity for treatment.

With the scholar around, Luo Zheng could worry less and adjust his breathing with peace of mind. Two hours later, Luo Zheng opened his eyes and felt that his heart didn't hurt so much anymore. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to see everyone waking up one after another. Come on, after a short nap, everyone's spirits improved obviously, and the team continued to set off.

Walking and stopping along the way, no trace of the enemy was found. Luo Zheng was not only unhappy, but his face became serious. The lack of trace of the enemy meant that Tulu had reduced his troops and was preparing to defend his home base. This was very detrimental to everyone, but Luo Zheng did not update A good idea is to order the team to speed up. The sooner everyone rushes, the less prepared Tulu will be, and the better it will be for everyone.

They are all well-trained special warfare elites. Everyone naturally understands this truth and marches all the way. When it gets dark, everyone comes to a mountain ridge and lurks. They look forward and see that there is a huge canyon in front of them. The mountainside is full of There are lush trees, there are faint wooden houses, and the smoke is curling up. There are many wooden buildings in the canyon, and there are also smoke coming from the rooms and rows.

There is a river winding away in the canyon. The water is fast and the river is open. Some people are fetching water by the river, and armed personnel can be seen faintly training. There is a dirt road at the mouth of the canyon, two tall watchtowers, and heavy buildings on both sides. The machine gun positions are piled with sandbags. The dirt road extends to an unknown place. One side of the dirt road is a towering cliff and the other side is a river. This road is the only way into the canyon. There are heavy machine gun positions there, so it is impossible to attack hard. possible.

This kind of pocket-shaped canyon is difficult to attack. Luo Zheng observed it for a while, and he was lost in thought. The entrance could not be attacked. The peaks on both sides were towering into the clouds, the cliffs were steep, and there was a gentle slope of about ten meters high to the ground. There were trees on the gentle slope. It was lush, and there were many wooden houses. It was unknown which ones were occupied and which ones were not. Moreover, Luo Zheng was worried that there were landmines on the gentle slope, so it would not be appropriate to attack rashly.

At this time, the scholar suddenly whispered: "Captain, the cliffs on both sides are so high that you can't get down at all. If you try harder, you may be discovered and attacked by people on the gentle slope. Look, the wooden houses on the gentle slope almost emit smoke every now and then." The density is very high, which means that there are many people living inside. The buildings inside are backed by a cliff, and the cliff is as steep as a mirror. There is no way to climb it. Even if we have a rope, we can't get down. It is too high. Judging from the terrain, , the entrance and exit of the canyon are the only passages, what do you think?"

"There is some trouble." Luo Zheng observed Tulu's lair while thinking about countermeasures. This pocket-shaped canyon is surrounded by steep cliffs, and it towers into the clouds. It is difficult to get down even if there is a rope. Even if you get down, you will easily be trapped by the people below. People discovered that there was only one way into the valley. How to attack this kind of terrain?

"How about we observe for a while first to see if there is a chance to penetrate it. It will be dark soon, and the brothers are tired from the continuous journey. Why don't we take a rest first?" The scholar suggested in a low voice.

"Okay, arrange for someone to keep an eye on it and notify you at any time if anything unusual is found. The others will retreat and rest for a while." Luo Zheng agreed. The defense of Tulu's lair is not special, but it is high and surrounded by cliffs and people. It is difficult to climb down. If you try too hard, you will be discovered by the people below.

If there were enough troops, Luo Zheng wouldn't mind attacking from the cliff at night, but there were only fifteen people in front of him, and they had been tired from fighting for several days. They were severely exhausted and had no heavy weapons. How could they fight? It would be great if there was a helicopter. If not, just contact the headquarters and ask the headquarters to coordinate with the neighboring government forces to send helicopters. However, Luo Zheng gave up after a second thought. Doing so would mean exposing everyone's identities. When the time comes, how to explain?

According to international practice, soldiers are different from armed police or public security. When entering the country, it is regarded as actively provoking a war. If neighboring countries know that everyone is coming, they may attack indiscriminately. It does not matter if everyone dies. It will bring endless diplomatic troubles to the country. It seems that, You can only rely on yourself for everything.

Luo Zheng lay on the ground to rest while recalling the siege and suppression of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group's base. At that time, the tactics of polluting water sources were used to force the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group to evacuate. Although there is a river in Tulu's lair below, the river is fast and any pollution The virus will be washed away by water, which is of little significance.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng recalled the last attack on the Japanese pirate research base. At that time, poisonous smoke was used to attack. The problem was that there was no necessary poisonous weed here, and the poisonous smoke tactic did not work. What should we do? Time and no wait, Luo Zheng became anxious.

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