The strongest soldier

Chapter 537 Escape intact

Upon hearing this, the sniper knew that it was time to retreat under fire cover. He quickly took off the grenade hanging on his body and threw it wildly forward. Normal people can throw it 40 meters, but for well-trained special forces, 80 meters is not Question, those with strong strength can throw nearly 100 meters.

Twenty or thirty grenades roared away and landed just around the enemy, making a series of explosions. The fragments of the grenades exploded and hit the armed men who stood up to pursue. There were screams and explosions. At this time, Luo Zheng gave the scholar an order to retreat, and the ten snipers turned around and ran away using the smoke wall to cover them.

If the enemy's attack had been more flexible and not so determined, Luo Zheng might have held his position until dark, but the enemy's attack was too fierce and he charged with no regard for losses, which created huge pressure on Luo Zheng and had to retreat early, and The retreat plan was adjusted.

The first and second teams evacuated from the east hillside, but Luo Zheng led the third team to the south. Everyone grabbed the ropes and rushed down. Cliff rappelling is a subject that must be trained for special forces. With ropes in hand, the cliff is For everyone, there is not much difference in peace.

The sniper who was the first to go down grabbed the rope and rushed down. With one jump, he reached the protruding rocks on the cliff. This one was about ten meters long. After landing, he squatted down, dissipated the momentum, and then bounced down. Jump, hold on to the rope with one hand, and wear tactical gloves on your palms, so you don't have to worry about wearing them.

There are three ropes, and three people go down each time. The third team plus the scholar and Luo Zheng have exactly twelve people, and they can go down four times. When the second group went down, Luo Zheng saw a large number of armed warlords rushing up the hillside. , immediately ordered the people still on the cliff to shoot, attracting the attention of the pursuers, and providing cover for those retreating to the east.

As soon as the gunshots were fired, the militants immediately chased them. After so many people died, they finally managed to attack the hillside, but the people on the hillside were missing. Tulu was furious and would not give up when he heard the gunshots. Luo Zheng saw A large number of armed men chased him, but they laughed.

After several rounds of shooting, the third group of people also went down. Luo Zheng quickly shouted: "Brother scholar, give me your gun. You and the captain of the third team will retreat quickly."

"What about you?" The scholar shouted in surprise.

"Leave me alone, hurry up." Luo Zheng didn't bother to explain and shouted loudly.

The scholar hesitated for a moment, and then he and the captain of the third team grabbed the rope and went down. Luo Zheng did not go down immediately, but hid behind a raised rock and shot at the enemies who came up. This group of militants were also fired. , charging regardless of death, roaring and screaming, intensive firepower hit around Luo Zheng, sparks flying, the situation was worrying, Luo Zheng had to raise his gun and fire based on feeling.

After holding on for a while, seeing that the pursuers were less than a hundred meters away, Luo Zheng estimated that the scholar and the captain of the third team had landed, and could not wait any longer. He quickly pulled out a Japanese sword and rolled over. The Japanese sword took advantage of the situation and looked at it. After cutting the rope, Luo Zheng quickly climbed up, took two steps forward, and a tiger pounced on it, cutting the other rope as well.

"Da da da!" A dense barrage of bullets came over, leaving a mess all around. Luo Zheng was startled. He felt a bullet hit his body and throbbed in pain. Fortunately, he had a bulletproof vest specially made by the equipment brigade to avoid the bullets. The effect is much better than that of special forces, otherwise you will definitely die.

Without enough time to check the wound, Luo Zheng rolled over, grabbed another rope, and rolled down. He was in the air, and the arm holding the rope exerted force. His body twisted strangely, stabilized his center of gravity, and quickly landed vertically. On the raised rocks, continue jumping down.

The sound of bullets ringing in his ears was getting closer and closer. He estimated that the enemy had rushed to the top of the cliff. He did not dare to continue descending with the rope and jumped to a raised rock. Luo Zheng stopped and looked up. The top of the cliff was covered by The protruding rocks blocked the view, so he cut off the rope with a wave of his Japanese sword.

"Captain." Someone shouted loudly from below, it was the scholar.

Luo Zheng heard that the sound was not too far away. He estimated that he was almost at the bottom. He looked around and saw that the lower part was also blocked by raised rocks and could not see clearly. He quickly asked: "How high is it? Can you see me?"

"I can't see it. I only see the falling stones. The sound shouldn't be too loud." The scholar shouted.

"Take the ropes on the left and right sides of the rope quickly and leave the middle one for me." Luo Zheng shouted.

The rope is an important tool for coming down. Although it has been cut, it must not be taken away by the enemy, otherwise it will be in trouble. After Luo Zheng gave the order, he tied the rope in his hand to a raised stone and pulled hard. Pull, and when you feel stable, grab the rope and continue jumping down.

"Da da da!" There was a dense sound of gunshots on the top of the cliff, hitting the rocks, sparks flying, and stray bullets flying. Luo Zheng was shocked and hurriedly took shelter under a raised stone. He could not see the top of the cliff. But the dense bullets hitting the rocks will form ricochet. If you are not careful, you will jump over and you will die.

"Captain." Under the cliff, the scholar shouted anxiously.

"It's okay, everyone hides." Luo Zheng shouted, while observing the surroundings, he chose a route and waited patiently. After a few minutes, it was estimated that the militants on the top of the cliff had vented enough, so the shooting stopped, and Luo Zheng grabbed the rope and quickly Jumping down, after a few ups and downs, you can see the river below.

Just when Luo Zheng was about to jump down, he suddenly felt small stones rolling down from the cliff. He couldn't help but was startled. He quickly looked up and saw more small stones rolling down. He knew that the pursuers were chasing him down by climbing on the stones. Yes, this method of pursuit is very slow, but it cannot withstand too many pursuers.

Luo Zheng jumped down quickly. The river was deep, cool, and the current was not fast. Luo Zheng came up to the water and saw everyone hiding under a huge stone slope, looking at him anxiously. The scholar even came over and felt in his heart I warmed up and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Everyone is fine, everyone is fine." The scholar asked quickly.

"It's okay, everyone, retreat quickly. The enemy is chasing us. Immediately notify the first and second teams to gather at the top of that mountain." Luo Zheng said, pointing to the highest peak on the surface. The height of the mountain is easy to identify. He saw two snipers. He put the rope away with his hands, put it on his shoulders, nodded approvingly, and walked forward.

Everyone waded across the river and rushed south quickly, with firm eyes and strong morale. In the battle just now, countless enemies were killed and everyone evacuated safely. Everyone was full of confidence in Luo Zheng's tactical command ability, and they were also full of confidence in the mission he took on.

After conveying the order, the scholar looked at Luo Zheng's back and sighed secretly. During this encounter, the scholar found that Luo Zheng's tactical command ability was much better, and a touch of reverence for the strong emerged in his eyes.

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