The strongest soldier

Chapter 536 Blocking the Battle

The battle order spread quickly. Everyone entered the second trench, prepared all their magazines and grenades, and waited sternly. They stared coldly ahead, fighting spirit boiling again. Luo Zheng looked at the sky, it would soon be over. It was getting dark. As long as he persisted until dark, his blocking purpose would be completed. Lan Xue and others could get rid of this group of people and retreat. A large number of armed men had gathered in front of them. How long could they hold on?

At this time, there were figures flashing in the woods ahead, and the armed warlord had already begun to attack. Fortunately, the slope was not wide enough to allow the armed warlord to deploy his troops. In addition, the slope and trees were blocking the attack, and the attack would not be able to speed up, otherwise it would be even worse. , when the armed warlord rushed to a distance of 600 meters, the sniper began to show off his power. As long as it was visible, he would never hold back and bite the flesh with his gun.

The battle has become intense since the beginning. The sniper rifle can hit far and has high lethality. The sniper's shooting accuracy is high. In addition, he is condescending and has a relatively good vision. Every step forward by the armed warlord has to pay a huge price. The corpse The ground was covered with blood.

Luo Zheng observed for a while and found that the armed warlord's attack was more determined than the last time. He couldn't help but laugh. If the previous attack had been so determined, he might have been on the run. He shouted to the scholar: "Tell the brothers, don't kill them." , just hit the injury, it’s best to aim for the legs.”

"Huh?" The scholar looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. On the battlefield, there was a life-and-death struggle. If you wanted to survive, you had to kill the opponent. Why did you hurt him? But out of absolute trust in Luo Zheng, he still conveyed the order through the headset. When the sniper heard the order, he had the same idea as the scholar, but he still resolutely carried out the order and aimed the gun much lower.

"Boom!" More than a dozen snipers showed off their power at the same time. Each time they fired, they could focus on a dozen enemies. They were killed before. The Type 88 small-caliber sniper rifle is not as lethal as a large-caliber sniper rifle. It only takes one hit on the body. It was just a hole and could never cut a person into two pieces, but after the sniper lowered the muzzle of his gun, he knocked down the armed warlords who rushed up to the ground, letting out painful screams.

Soon, there were screams in the woods, which were louder than gunshots. Such screams immediately shook the determination of the armed warlords to attack. Everyone lost their courage and became hesitant, and the attack speed became even slower. When we reached the 400-meter line, the screams and wails in the woods could be heard far away, and everyone hiding on the hillside could hear them clearly. Everyone immediately understood and admired Luo Zheng's tactical arrangement. Incessantly.

Different sniping positions produce completely different effects. Although sniping at the head can be fatal, kicking the legs can also eliminate the enemy's combat effectiveness. More importantly, it can also create panic. When the scholar saw this scene, he admired Luo Zheng's tactical adjustments. No matter what, it is a small detail, but it plays a big role in the entire battle situation.

However, Luo Zheng was not at all happy, and the enemy's weapons were not ordinary. Nearly a hundred people attacked at the same time, and countless firepower was fired at them wildly. It may not be accurate enough, but the firepower was dense and the threat could not be ignored. If not for everyone hiding behind In the foxhole, only the head is exposed, and there may have been casualties.

The enemy and we were fighting fiercely, and the intensive gunfire was shocking. Luo Zheng watched this scene with a firm face, and found that the enemy had already rushed to the 200-meter line after paying the price of nearly a hundred lives. The militants' shooting accuracy Suddenly it was much higher, and with the intensity of firepower, everyone was almost beaten to the point where they couldn't even lift their heads.

"This can't go on like this." Luo Zheng's face turned cold, a hint of worry came over his sharp eyes, and he shouted to the scholar: "Quickly, burn the bonfire. The first team will withdraw from the battle and retreat from the east. The second team will take over the defense. , the sniper team continues to provide cover fire."

"Yes." The scholar couldn't understand why Luo Zheng changed his mind again and retreated from the east. What about the rope to the south? But he also knew that it was not convenient to ask at this time, so he immediately sent the order through the headset. The gunshots became more and more intensive, and the situation became more and more dangerous. After conveying the order, the scholar looked at Luo Zheng, waiting for new orders.

Luo Zheng saw the second team rushing up to take over the defense, and the first team quickly withdrew. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and found that the enemy had entered the 100-meter line and was getting closer. At this time, the first line of defense piled up flammable The object was ignited, and black smoke rose. The second team fired calmly, blocking the enemy's charge.

Nearly a hundred armed men charged and were evenly divided among ten special forces. Each of them only had to face ten people. This was not difficult for the well-trained people, but there was an endless supply of militants on the front line. The total force of the charge can always be maintained at close to a hundred, and the advance speed is also fast, which puts great pressure on everyone.

When the armed warlords rushed to the 50-meter line, the flammable materials were completely gone. The billowing smoke immediately formed a smoke wall above the enemy and ourselves, blocking everyone's sight. Because of the previous lessons, the armed warlords did not directly Instead of attacking, he quickly found a place to hide and fight back.

More people took cover, and those behind opened fire wildly, using intensive firepower to cover the companions in front as they climbed up. Luo Zheng saw this scene, his face darkened, and he quickly shouted: "The second team will attack with grenades, and retreat quickly after two rounds." , go east, catch up with the first team as soon as possible, and the sniper team will be behind."

"Yes." The scholar shouted loudly: "The second team will attack with grenades. After two rounds, quickly retreat eastward and catch up with the first team. Move quickly and don't embarrass me."

After hearing the order, the second team climbed out of the foxhole without hesitation, hunched over and retreated wildly. The speed was very fast, their footwork was erratic, and they ran out of the standard bullet avoidance step. The sniper team did not move. The black smoke blocked the line of sight, but it could not completely block the fire points. The snipers continued to aim and shoot according to the exposed fire points. They all had firm expressions and cold eyes, without any trace of panic.

The enemy's crazy attack paid a huge price, but it also posed a huge threat to Luo Zheng. Facing a strong enemy, he had to retreat, otherwise the entire army would be annihilated. Fortunately, the special forces led by the scholar had good combat effectiveness. , well-trained, and acted decisively, attacked with two rounds of grenades, scaring the armed warlords to the point of lying down, not daring to move, and everyone took the opportunity to withdraw.

Soon, the armed warlord continued to fire. Seeing that the second team had withdrawn, Luo Zheng's determined face became more relaxed, and he shouted in a low voice: "Quick, sniper grenade attack, throw all the grenades to me, the faster you move. The better, retreat immediately."

"Yes." The scholar quickly conveyed Luo Zheng's order through the headset.

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