The strongest soldier

Chapter 517 Bats are ferocious

The moonlight is like water, softly falling on the tree crown, as if it is covered with a layer of silver gauze. Among the dense leaves, countless strange big birds fall on the branches, dark and dense, one by one. They are like ghosts from hell. Their soybean-sized eyes exude a chilling light that makes people shudder. Their bodies are swaying with the branches, and each one is as big as a hen.

"What is this?" Luo Zheng was horrified, watching this strange scene motionless, forgetting the panic just now, his whole body muscles stiffened, as if he was not obeying the control, the veins in the hand holding the tiger tooth were exposed, like an earthworm Crawling, my palms were covered in cold sweat.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng found that these things did not move and had no intention of attacking. He was relieved. After calming down, his observation became much sharper. He found that these things looked like bats, but were there such big bats? ? Luo Zheng had never seen it before. Bats are also aggressive and should not be alarmed. Luo Zheng's sleepiness disappeared and he observed vigilantly for a while. The densely packed bats could not be seen to the side.

Looking at the atomic watch in his hand, it was already four o'clock in the morning, not far from dawn. If he didn't run, it would be too late. Luo Zheng climbed from the crown to the middle of the tree, grabbed the vine and swung forward, unknowingly arriving At the edge of the forest, this deep forest was too scary, and Luo Zheng did not dare to go further inside.

There are thick bushes outside the woods, and there are piles of bonfires. There are patrols from time to time. It is definitely not easy to get out silently. Luo Zheng observed for a while. The enemy defense is very tight and there are no loopholes to exploit. He can swing to the other end with the help of tree vines. , and found that the defense was equally tight, and there was no way out except walking deeper into the woods.

The depths of the woods were too dangerous. Luo Zheng did not dare to take risks. He slowly swung to the edge of the woods and hid himself in a big tree. He observed carefully for a while and found a direction as a breakthrough point. If it didn't work, he forced his way in. However, Tian Wei It's bright, you can't see the road clearly, and it's dangerous to rush out hastily.

"Do we have to wait for dawn?" Luo Zheng watched the front vigilantly, while thinking about escape strategies. He had a pistol, a tiger tooth, and a captured Japanese sword. The weapons were limited. Luo Zheng couldn't help but touch his waist. The belt was still there. There were still a hundred iron nails. Luo Zheng felt a little more confident and decided not to wait any longer. Although dawn was advantageous, it also had disadvantages, and the disadvantages outweighed the advantages.

Luo Zheng slowly came down from the tree. When he landed, he stepped on a stone and almost sprained his foot. He looked down and suddenly had an idea. He picked up the stone and weighed it in his hands. The weight was moderate. Luo Zheng moved forward. After a few steps, he picked up the stone and threw it towards the tree crown in front of him.

The stone hit a bat on the crown of the tree. The bat was frightened and screamed. The other bats suddenly woke up and screamed strangely. They fell down, but they soon spread their wings and flew around in random directions. Thousands of bats were flying around. The frightened scene was extremely terrifying. Bats were flying around like headless flies, in small groups, and scattered in all directions. Many flew high into the sky, but more flew around the woods.

The suddenly frightened bats also startled the armed warlords stationed there. They thought something had happened. Some people were even more frightened and shot at the bats that rushed towards them. As a result, the scene became even more chaotic, with the frightened bats running around, and even more. Many bats came over listening to the noise, and it was completely dark.

The armed warlords of Tulu were full of fear and jealousy of the Devil's Forest. They had no idea what was going on. They only heard strange screams and saw strange things flying towards them. They thought the devil had appeared and fired in panic. In this way, The bats were completely angered. A large number of bats rushed towards people. The screams echoed in the forest, completely breaking the tranquility of the forest. The panic situation was terrifying.

The armed warlord opened fire in a panic, killing many bats. The bats were also completely angered and started to attack. Darkness is the world of bats. Gunshots and shouts are the best guiding lights. Countless bats rushed towards them and flew all over the sky. , immediately frightened the armed warlords and retreated one after another.

People in the forest were in awe of nature. When Tulu saw this scene, he panicked, thinking that he had alerted the devils in the forest. Just as he was about to order everyone to retreat, a short Japanese pirate ran over and said hurriedly: "Let everyone lie down." Come on, don't move, be careful that bastard takes the opportunity to escape."

Tulu shouted angrily: "This is the devil of the Devil's Forest. Don't mess with it. Retreat, otherwise no one will survive."

"It's just a bat. As long as it doesn't move, they won't be able to find it." The short Japanese pirate shouted coldly.

"Bat?" Tulu was shocked. After taking a closer look, he saw that it looked exactly like it, but it was too big and beyond the scope of recognition. He shouted: "Bat is the embodiment of evil and the messenger of the devil. We can't mess with it."

"Do as I say, otherwise no one will survive." The short Japanese pirate shouted coldly, wishing to chop Tulu.

Tulu gritted his teeth and couldn't run away anyway, so he quickly shouted in the local dialect: "Stop shooting, get down here, don't talk, don't move even if you are bitten to death, it's just a bat, it's okay."

Upon hearing this, everyone lay down and hid themselves, not daring to move anymore. The tall reincarnation killer walked up to Tulu and whispered: "Quick, let everyone get as close to the bonfire as possible, bats are afraid of fire."

Tulu saw bats flying around in the air and not attacking anyone who was still. He felt a little worried and quickly shouted a few words in the local dialect. Upon hearing this, everyone rushed to the bonfire and watched the flying bats warily. No one dared to move due to the bats. Those who had no time to escape were grabbed and bitten by the bats. They fell to the ground and rolled over. Someone stepped forward to help, grabbing the bats and throwing them away, and dragging the people to the bonfire.

In the woods, Luo Zheng watched this scene calmly, his face serious. He didn't expect these people to remain calm after being attacked by bats. It seemed that it was unlikely to cause chaos and escape. What should I do? Do we have to go into the deep forest? However, Luo Zheng's scalp went numb when he thought of the horror of the forest and gave up the idea.

At this time, Luo Zheng discovered that something unusual happened to the armed warlord. Bats were still flying in the sky with no intention of leaving. The armed warlord on the ground was hiding by the bonfire. The bats did not attack, but some people became manic. Luo Zheng saw a The militants suddenly raised their guns and fired wildly into the sky, shouting and getting angry.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng discovered that more people were shooting at bats, completely out of control. Just as he was surprised, Luo Zheng discovered that one of the militants suddenly fell back, and the gun in his hand continued to shoot. The bullet hit There was an explosion all around, and countless people left the bonfire and ran around.

At this time, the eager bats in the sky rushed over ferociously, biting at the armed men who left the bonfire. The screams rang out again. Luo Zheng stared at this scene dumbfounded, and he was completely confused. What was going on? thing? Kill each other?

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