The strongest soldier

Chapter 516 Giant Snake Infestation

The dark night has fallen, the bright moon is in the sky, the tropical forest is covered with gray, and various birds and beasts have returned to their nests. Only the wind is blowing slowly, and the leaves are rustling. In a dark forest, Luo Zheng is hiding under a big tree. In the canopy of trees, they were quietly observing the front. Tulu's people had already dispersed, with one post every three steps and one sentry every five steps. There were bonfires everywhere. It was easy to be discovered when they rushed out. They could only wait for the moment when the enemy relaxed. , find the flaw.

After experiencing the horrific mosquito incident, Luo Zheng was wary of the depths of the forest and did not dare to go in. However, after waiting for more than three hours, he found that there were more and more people in Tulu and blocked all the surrounding roads. There was no way out. There were only two ways in front of him. One was to force his way out, which was unlikely, and the other was to go deeper into the forest to see if there was any chance of getting rid of the pursuers, but the dangers were also there.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng felt a little sleepy. After running for a day, he was really tired. He was drowsy and his eyelids were as heavy as mountains. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly shook his head to wake himself up. But soon, Luo Zheng Zheng felt a strong sense of sleepiness again, knowing that it would definitely not work if he continued like this. He looked around and saw that except for trees, there was no place that was safe. He thought that it was time to find a place to sleep, and we could wait until tomorrow to talk about anything.

With a decision in his mind, Luo Zheng cut down some thin vines, then climbed up to a branch in the crown and sat astride it. The danger in the crown was not as great as on the ground. As long as he did not fall, it would be fine. It was already dark and the enemy would not enter the forest. There was no big safety problem. Luo Zheng used thin vines to secure himself in twos and twos, allowing his body to blend into the branches and sway with the wind.

After sitting through all this, Luo Zheng felt more sleepy. His eyelids slowly closed, and he used the breathing method passed down by the Luck family to adjust his breath. He held the tiger fang in his hand just in case. In a daze, Luo Zheng felt something. Things were crawling on his body. He was so tired that he couldn't even open his eyelids. Luo Zheng didn't want to move and didn't care.

Not long after, Luo Zheng felt that the thing crawling on his body did not leave, but crawled onto his face, which was wet. He suddenly woke up, but the hunter's instinct told Luo Zheng that he could not move at this time, otherwise it would be very troublesome. Luo Zheng held his breath. , if you feel it carefully, it looks like a snake.

Luo Zheng waited for the thing to leave his face and slowly opened his eyes. Under the gray night, there was a giant snake with a thick arm and a length of about five or six meters. Its tail was wrapped around a branch, and the upper part was wrapped around its neck. He circled around and swam to his back. Fortunately, he didn't move. Otherwise, the giant snake would definitely attack. The snake's head couldn't be seen clearly, and he didn't know if it was a venomous snake, but the body was golden yellow in the moonlight and it was slowly squirming. It was extremely weird. , unparalleled in horror.

In the quiet deep forest and the dense canopy, anyone who is stared at by a giant snake will burst into fear. Even though Luo Zheng has been hunting since he was a child and is so bold, he can't help but his scalp is numb, his whole body is stiff, he doesn't dare to move, and he even holds his breath. He blinked his eyelids very carefully, for fear of disturbing the snake, and secretly prayed that the snake would leave as soon as possible.

Before it was confirmed whether it was a poisonous snake, Luo Zheng did not dare to move. He could only pretend to be dead and wait for the snake to pass by. However, the snake had no intention of leaving. On the contrary, it became very interested in Luo Zheng, and its body twisted strangely. It poked out from Luo Zheng's head, spitting out the letter, and wrapped his body around Luo Zheng's neck a little tighter.

Luo Zheng was horrified, fearing that the other party would attack. Being wrapped around the neck by a giant snake would definitely be fatal. More importantly, he was not sure whether it was a venomous snake. Non-venomous snakes were easier to deal with. He could give it a try, but a bite from a venomous snake would be troublesome. Luo Zheng Zheng was holding his breath tightly, his face turned red, he didn't dare to breathe, let alone make the slightest movement. His whole body was like a tree trunk, letting the giant snake swim around his body.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have collapsed in fear. Luo Zheng was also scared to death, but he had not lost his mind yet. Knowing that fear at this time would only lead to faster death, he held the tiger-tooth saber in his hand a little tighter, forcing himself to calm down. Get down, carefully feel the surrounding situation, and look for opportunities to make a move.

Not long after, the giant snake, perhaps losing its patience with Luo Zheng, slowly swam down the tree. Its body slid across Luo Zheng's neck. It was wet, sticky, and cold, which made people collapse. At this time, Luo Zheng didn't dare to move anymore. , desperately holding his breath, the snake will instinctively shrink into a ball when frightened, Luo Zheng did not dare to disturb the giant snake, lest its neck be strangled.

The giant snake was gliding very slowly. This process was so frustrating that every second seemed like a century. Luo Zheng felt like he was about to explode from holding back the pain. He couldn't stand it any longer, so he suddenly reached out and grabbed the giant snake's body with force. Pulling it to one side, gasping for air desperately.

The giant snake that was crawling leisurely was disturbed, and its body instinctively wrapped around Luo Zheng's neck. As soon as Luo Zheng took a breath, he was tightly entangled again. He was frightened and pulled hard. At this time, the giant snake's Turning his head over, he spit out a long letter, which was very strange under the moonlight.

The giant snake was a triangular-headed, venomous snake. Luo Zheng could clearly see it through the moonlight. He was horrified. During the struggle, he saw the giant snake attacking like lightning and opened its mouth. Luo Zheng suddenly became furious, and his blood surged. Even if Even if it meant death, he would pull the giant snake onto its back, give up the struggle, and chop off the giant snake's head with the tiger fangs in his hand like lightning.

His neck was entangled and it was difficult to breathe, but his hands were still free. Luo Zheng knew that he only had one chance and could not afford to waste it. This knife almost gathered all the strength of Luo Zheng, it was fast and cruel, although the speed of the giant snake's attack was also It was quick, but Luo Zheng still took a fancy to it.

The sharp blade of the tiger fang instantly cut into the giant snake's body and spine, cutting the snake into two pieces. The giant snake's attack immediately collapsed, and its head flew into the void and disappeared, but the body was still wrapped around it, and the snake's vitality was also It's very strong, and it won't kill you completely if your head is cut off.

Luo Zheng knew the nature of snakes. With a move of his hand, he threw the tiger's fangs, and used his hands to break open the snake's body wrapped around its neck to avoid being entangled and suffocated. The giant snake was very powerful, and the instinctive reaction to death made it even more powerful. But Luo Zheng's strength was not small, and he just broke open part of the snake's body to make his neck feel better, and he gasped for air.

After the fresh air entered the body, Luo Zheng became energetic and continued to break it open. The snake lost its head, and the subsequent attack power of the body weakened. Luo Zheng slowly opened it completely. Without the threat of head attack, Luo Zheng used all his strength to deal with the body. After breaking it apart to a certain extent, lift the giant snake's body from the head and throw it to the ground.

"Huhuhu." Luo Zheng breathed heavily, staring at the falling snake body. He was secretly grateful. Fortunately, he didn't move just now and deceived the giant snake. Otherwise, he would have been in trouble. He checked After confirming that there was no danger to his body, he relaxed completely, pulled out the Japanese sword, and looked around vigilantly to see if there were any other dangerous creatures around.

Seeing that it didn't matter, Luo Zheng turned pale with fright.

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