The strongest soldier

Chapter 46 Late Night Assassination

Late at night.

Luo Zheng lay on the bed to rest for a while, feeling a little uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong. To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng loaded the bullet, put the pillow under the quilt to disguise himself, and left with the Mitsubishi Army Spur and the Type 65 Army Dagger. , thought for a while, came to rest in the private room in the dining room, closed the door, locked it, pushed it against the table, lined up the stools in a row, and lay down on them to rest.

While he was drifting off to sleep, Luo Zheng suddenly heard a strange noise and couldn't help but woke up. He quickly came to the door and looked inside through the crack in the door. He didn't know when three people had arrived in the dining room. He couldn't help being startled. indivual? Not two? Isn't it the enemy, or is it that the enemy has increased its troops?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng gently took the sniper rifle with the safety open and prepared for battle. While observing carefully, he found that this group of people went straight to his bedroom with ease. This was not in line with common sense. If they were enemies, they would not Li Li was so familiar with the place where he slept that he couldn't help but be suspicious and observed it carefully.

Not long after, Luo Zheng found that one of them carefully pushed open the bedroom door and fired several shots inside. The other two took gasoline and poured it into the room, then lit it. The three of them quickly evacuated. Under the firelight, Luo Zheng clearly saw the three of them. Everyone had their faces covered and couldn't see their appearance, but the figure of one of them was very familiar. He suddenly thought of Song Yang. The more he looked, the more he looked like him. He couldn't help but get angry. He didn't expect that this guy actually wanted to kill him. Isn't it just a small festival? , as for killing? Why? He raised his gun and was about to take action, but then he thought about it and endured it.

It's easy to kill someone in anger, but what about after the killing? If he didn't go to the military court, he would be kicked out of the team. Wouldn't it be a betrayal of Lan Xue's wishes? Before he had absolute strength and power, he could endure the calm for a while. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng pointed his gun down and poured out his hatred. It was deeply imprinted in my mind, and I swore secretly that one day I would settle this account.

The fire exploded and ignited the room in an instant. Luo Zheng opened the door of the private room and quickly ran up to put out the fire. He picked up a bucket of water and threw it on the bed. The fire was much smaller. Luo Zheng did not dare to neglect and continued to carry water to put out the fire. It didn't take long for the fire to be extinguished, but the room was already dark and the bed was completely burned and could not be used again.

The sentry in charge saw the fire and came over. He looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know what happened, but the room suddenly caught fire." Luo Zheng keenly noticed a flash of surprise on the sentry's face, and said coldly, the room had been burned into a mess and there was no way to trace it.

The sentry observed for a while, said nothing, and quickly ran to the instructor to report the situation. Luo Zheng guessed something, sneered, and didn't ask any more questions. After waiting for a while, the sentry left and returned, coldly facing Luo Zheng. Said: "Hey, the instructor said that because your fault caused the fire, all losses will be borne by you, and the expenses will be deducted from your subsidy. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection." Luo Zheng said coldly, suppressing his anger with all his strength.

At this time, Lan Xue hurried over and glanced at the scene of the burning house in surprise. After seeing that nothing happened to Luo Zheng, she relaxed. After the sentry left, she asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

"It's okay." Luo Zheng replied, not wanting to say anything more.

Lan Xue observed the scene again in surprise, guessing something, her face turned livid, thinking of Luo Zheng being retaliated against by the Song family because of her, she said apologetically: "Be careful, I'm leaving first, come to me if you need anything."

"Yeah." Luo Zheng nodded, keeping his hatred in his heart, and went to the private room to rest.


The next morning, the training team was training at the training ground as usual. A military vehicle roared over, flicked its tail beautifully, and stopped with a screeching sound. A burly middle-aged man jumped out of the vehicle, with a height of 1.8 meters. He was about five years old, with a strong back and sharp eyes on his resolute face. He came in long strides, and every step seemed to be measured.

When the instructor saw the person coming, he took two quick steps to meet him, immediately saluted and shouted respectfully: "Hello, captain."

"I'm here to take the liberty of not interrupting your training, right?" the man called the captain said, but his eyes swept around the others, and he glanced at Lan Xue intentionally or unintentionally.

"Don't bother me. What instructions does the captain have for this visit?" the instructor said politely.

"The training team is a place that supplies fresh blood to our special force. It's up to you to take care of it. I'm very relieved. There are no special instructions. It's just that the snipers of the special force are in short supply. Come and see if there are any good ones?" the captain said with a smile. .

"Sniper?" The instructor looked at the team leader in surprise, pondered for a moment, and found that there were really no particularly good prospects among the members of this training team, so he said, "I don't have to say whether they are good prospects or not. They must have real abilities. , otherwise, how about I waste some of your time and go through the live-fire training in person?"

"This is a good idea, so hurry up." The captain said with a smile: "By the way, my time is limited, so I can't read them one by one. Let the sniper coach choose ten people. Ten targets will be shot at the same time. I'll take you away right away if it suits you, is that okay?"

"No problem." The instructor had a vague feeling that something was wrong, but couldn't see what was wrong. When the captain came to pick someone, the instructor couldn't say anything on the face of it, so he had no choice but to agree, waved Lan Xue over and said, "You are the sniper. You know best who is responsible for selecting ten team members for sniper training. The captain is watching and tells those bastards to show their true skills."

"Yes." Lan Xue replied in a hoarse voice.

The captain looked at Lan Xue leaving, dumbfounded. His sister looked calm and cold, but she was just as difficult to deal with as the other ghostly sister. He didn't criticize her and waited patiently for a while.

The instructors didn't even know that the captain was here to select people, and the others even more so. They just regarded it as an ordinary training and didn't take it seriously. When they saw that the sniper coach asked Luo Zheng to go out, no one was dissatisfied. The instructor looked at it with confusion. Luo Zheng glanced at him. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he couldn't vent it out in front of the captain. After seeing Lan Xue ask Song Yang to join the team, he felt better. After all, Song Yang's sniper performance was at the top of the training team, so it was reasonable to pull him out. .

The candidates were quickly decided. Lan Xue asked everyone to get their sniper rifles and take their respective positions. The ten sniper positions were lined up from one to ten. Then he ran over to salute and asked if he wanted to start.

The captain glanced at Lan Xue in surprise, without giving any hint. He didn't know who the good prospect Lan Xue was talking about, so he couldn't help but become interested. He waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, my time is limited."

"Then let's get started." The instructor agreed and told Lan Xue.

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