The strongest soldier

Chapter 45 Defeat powerful enemies

"Whoosh!" Two more shots were fired, hitting somewhere in the darkness respectively, but the enemy still didn't make any movement, as if they suddenly disappeared. Judging from the direction of the shooting, it should be two people, one of our own? Luo Zheng couldn't help but think about Lan Xue, whether the other person could be the instructor.

There were two guards in the camp, and the number of enemies was unknown. Moreover, he seemed to be very patient. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless. He used the traditional breathing method to adjust his breathing, integrating himself with the surrounding environment to avoid exposure, and closed his eyes slightly. Observe around calmly, use your ears to carefully distinguish the surrounding sounds, and don't miss the slightest movement. Facing the master, any carelessness will result in one word: death.

"Da da da!" In the camp of the training team, several soldiers picked up their guns and fired violently at suspicious places in the dark night, trying to draw out the enemy's firepower, but there was silence in the darkness and there was nothing. The training team members did not dare to be careless. After a clip, it quickly retracted.

"Whoa!" Another scream sounded out, and someone was shot.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng's face turned livid with anger. He realized that he still underestimated the enemy's strength. He didn't dare to express his anger. He continued to search for places where Heiye might be hiding, but nothing was found. The training team members also calmed down, and the training camp started again. Falling into silence, only the wind blew past his ears, making a rustling sound.

The moon emerged from the dark clouds and the earth was hazy, but the visibility was much improved. Luo Zheng still found no trace of the enemy. He suppressed his anger and forced himself to calm down. Suddenly, he heard a slight rustling sound coming from the side. The sound was very weak. The movement was very rapid, like the sound of human footsteps.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed. When he looked back, he saw a dark shadow running towards him quickly. The direction he was running towards was the sand pit. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "Does this guy also want to occupy this place?" He saw that the other party was about to run up, and he was so fast. It's incredible, like a car running at high speed.

"Go to hell." Luo Zheng aimed at the opponent, pulled the trigger, his eyes suddenly opened, and a murderous aura burst out. The person who was rushing towards him felt the murderous aura, and his body froze. At this time, Luo Zheng had already decisively taken action, "Whoops." !” The bullet roared out, carrying scorching flames, and rushed towards the person.

In the darkness, Luo Zheng noticed that the other party was on one side, staggered, and then quickly ran towards the way he came from. A gun fell on the ground not far away. He couldn't help being startled, and immediately became excited. No matter whether he was injured or not, he thought of himself. If your position is exposed, quickly roll to the other side and hide.

"Boohoo!" A three-round shot came over and hit the spot where he was hiding.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He broke into a cold sweat when he saw three craters appearing on the sand pit. It was so amazing. He accurately judged his position with just one shot. Fortunately, he avoided it. Then, Luo Zheng saw the barracks. A shot was fired from two directions. After the gunshot, the dark night fell into silence again.

After this time, both sides did not fire again and waited patiently. Luo Zheng felt the oppressive atmosphere of death enveloped the entire valley. He did not dare to move. He tried his best to relax and carefully feel everything around him. This kind of thing could kill him at any time. The sense of oppression is suffocating,

After a while, the searchlight of the camp suddenly turned on and fired towards the enemy's possible hiding place. Luo Zheng was shocked. He was afraid that the searchlight would hit him, so he quickly huddled up and covered himself with the sand in the bunker. He secretly cursed the person who turned on the searchlight. After waiting for a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief when no searchlight came over him.

At this time, the lights in the barracks were brightly lit, and a dark shadow came from the periphery of the camp. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly took aim. Under the searchlight, he found that it was an instructor. He breathed a sigh of relief and released his index finger on the trigger, but still did not move. Who knew that the enemy was there? Didn't leave?

At this time, the instructor shouted loudly: "Attention, everyone, work in groups of three to thoroughly investigate the valley."

"Yes." The members of the training team agreed and came out of the barracks one after another to check around.

Luo Zheng thought that the enemy must have run away, otherwise such a good opportunity would not be missed, but when he thought that the enemy might be targeting him, he still did not move until he found Lan Xue rushing towards him from the outside gate. , secretly relieved, and quickly got up.

"Are you okay?" Lan Xue asked bluntly.

"It's okay." Luo Zheng looked Lan Xue up and down. Seeing that Lan Xue didn't have any signs of injury, he was relieved. Thinking of the enemy he had hit, he quickly stepped forward, picked up the weapon on the ground and saw that it was The style he didn't recognize was handed to Lan Xue.

Lan Xue looked at the gun in her hand, looked around with a solemn expression, and then asked, "Did you hit him?"

"Probably, it's too dark to see clearly." Luo Zheng replied.

"Good job." The instructor came forward. He didn't know what happened when he saw the gun. He said sincerely: "I saw him coming towards your hiding place. He must be trying to seize this position. Once he hides, In the sand pit, it would be difficult for us to shoot him, but it would be easy for him to shoot us. I didn’t expect you to be in it, but fortunately you were not frightened and knew how to shoot."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

Lan Xue glanced at the instructor and didn't say anything. He threw the gun to the instructor and gave Luo Zheng a look. The two of them walked towards the barracks. On the way, Lan Xue lowered his voice and said, "They may be the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. I didn’t expect two of them to come this time. Be careful tonight, maybe they’ll come back and fight back.”

"I know, be careful yourself." Luo Zheng gratefully agreed.

"Well, it seems that they won't give up until I kill you. The defense here is not strong enough and it is easy for them to find loopholes. It seems that they can't stay here any longer." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue in surprise. Seeing that Lan Xue didn't want to say much, it was difficult for him to ask any more questions.

At this time, Song Yang rushed over quickly, glanced at Luo Zheng bitterly, quickly ran to the instructor, and said in a low voice: "Tonight is a good opportunity."

"What do you mean?" the instructor asked in surprise.

"Find a way to kill him, and then the blame will be placed on the person who came to attack." Song Yang said in a low voice.

"Huh?" The instructor looked at Song Yang solemnly, feeling dissatisfied but not opposed. He thought about it and whispered: "I don't care what you do, just do it cleanly, otherwise I won't be able to wipe your butt. Yes, that kid looks weird to me and I’m afraid it’s hard to deal with him. The sniper instructor is protecting him, so it’s hard to deal with him.”

"It's okay. Let's wait until he goes back to his room to rest. Then he will say that the enemy killed him with a carbine and set him on fire. No one can find out anything." Song Yang said fiercely, with a vicious sneer in his eyes. .

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