The strongest soldier

Chapter 445 Attack Plan

In the cave, Luo Zheng sat quietly by the bonfire and thought about his plan. He closed his eyes slightly and stared at the drizzle outside the cave. His mind was filled with the outline of the Japanese pirate research base. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that there was no chance of winning in a strong attack. Not to mention that the enemy has nearly a thousand troops and is well-equipped. Once the battle begins and the armed helicopter takes off, no one can escape. If you want to defeat the enemy, you must first deal with the enemy's armed helicopter.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng had a plan. He called everyone over and asked Hook to listen. He drew a rough outline of the research base on the ground. He looked solemn and said seriously in international language: "The top priority is to kill the enemy's armed helicopters. Without helicopters, our chances of winning can be improved."

"That's the truth. What's your plan?" Lan Xue asked.

"Sneak attack." Luo Zheng continued calmly: "The peaks on both sides are not far from the valley, about two thousand meters. If we get to about one thousand meters, we have a chance to blow up their helicopter with a sniper rifle."

"This can be achieved. The problem is that after destroying the helicopter, we will face endless pursuit. How to stop the attack?" Lan Xue continued to ask.

"We choose a retreat route and set it full of traps. The area should be large and the density should be high. Then we will take advantage of the chaos to hide in the dark and shoot the pursuers, killing as many enemies as possible. After the enemies panic, we will Let's evacuate the scene quickly, it's not difficult to evacuate." Luo Zheng said seriously, looking at Hook.

Hook's eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately and said: "Leave the trap to us, the route is here." He pointed to the back of a mountain peak in the east, and added: "There are bushes here, which helps the vision, which is conducive to concealment, and It’s also very suitable for setting up traps. After the enemy gets into the trap, our people can hide in the dark and fire cold arrows.”

"Are the bows and arrows everyone uses coated with venom?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, I will seal my throat when I see blood." Hook said confidently.

"Is there any chronic venom? It's the kind that takes three or two days to die. It's best to be contagious." Luo Zheng said coldly, with firm eyes. In order to complete the task, Luo Zheng risked his life.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, but no one objected. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. A soldier's goal is to complete the task. The process and means do not matter. Hook has lived in the virgin forest since he was a child and has seen many dead people. He hated the Japanese pirates and wanted them all to die. After thinking about it, he understood the benefits of doing this. Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he turned around to discuss with the people around him.

"Brother, your move is cruel enough." Guishou gave a thumbs up.

"If there really is a contagious virus, then the mission will be easy to handle." Snow Leopard also sighed.

At this time, Hook turned around and said with some regret: "There is nothing contagious, but it is still possible to let the enemy die after two or three days."

Luo Zheng smiled regretfully. Thinking about it, if it was true, these people would have used it long ago. Why do they need to wait now? Then he said: "That's fine, let them get injured. The wounded soldiers not only need people to take care of them, but also reduce the morale of the Japanese pirate army, which is beneficial to us."

"Understood. In the past, we thought of killing them to relieve their anger and used the most poisonous ones. We didn't think so much. We need some time to prepare." Hook said seriously.

Luo Zheng looked at the sky and saw that the rain was still falling lightly. After thinking for a moment, he said, "If the rain stops tomorrow afternoon, how about we set off after lunch, prepare for half a day, and launch the attack during dinner time?"

"Half a day is enough to set up the trap. Okay, it's settled." Hook agreed. When he told the people around him, they all became excited. Some strong people were given a few words by their respective leaders. Everyone walked out of the cave and did what they wanted. Getting ready to go, Luo Zheng was curious about how these people prepared, but didn't ask much.

After the plan was finalized, Lan Xue also asked everyone to prepare and maintain the weapons. Luo Zheng saw Hu Ke arranging people to sharpen arrows and take care of his weapons, then he closed his eyes and rested. With these natives around, it really saved his mind. too much.

Time gradually passed. Early the next morning, the rain did lighten up a lot, and it no longer hindered the battle. After a night of preparation, the ground was full of arrows. Old people and children applied venom to the arrows. Some strong men were lying down and sleeping, raising their heads. Recharge your batteries and prepare for the afternoon battle.

After breakfast, Luo Zheng and others checked their weapons again, packed the supplies, and made preparations. Luo Zheng came outside the cave and saw many natives coming back, holding bamboo tubes in their hands. They didn't know what was in the bamboo tubes, and they looked very careful. , after these people handed the bamboo tubes to the busy old people and children, they also ate something and went to find a place to sleep. They all looked very tired.

"These people have been busy outside all night, probably to collect venom. They are indeed people who have lived in the jungle for generations and are very familiar with this place. It seems that your decision has been proven right again." Lan Xue walked over and whispered.

"It depends on the actions in the afternoon." Luo Zheng said seriously. He looked at the pattering rain outside, feeling depressed. After thinking for a while, he said: "After today's battle, I believe the enemy's morale has dropped sharply. When the time comes, we will see another opportunity. If we launch a few attacks, I believe we still have a chance, I hope we have enough time."

"I hope so." Lan Xue said with a worried look.

The two chatted for a while, and saw that the people who collected the venom were back. There were too many arrows, and it would take some time to apply the venom. Fortunately, everyone was very skilled, and people who woke up also came up to help, and the speed was not slow.

At noon, everything was ready. Everyone distributed the arrows. Luo Zheng received a pot. The pot was made of bamboo tubes. The joints were opened. It was not a big problem to put arrows in it. There were about thirty arrows in a pot. Luo Zheng saw that Everyone tied the arrow pots to their backs and tied them in the same way.

After everyone was ready, Luo Zheng gave the order and everyone walked out of the cave and set off towards the research base in a mighty manner. Luo Zheng asked the mountain eagle to explore the way ahead. After Huk exchanged a few words with everyone, he said to Luo Zheng Said: "Langsen is good at running and spying, let him help."

Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally. Many people were confident. Soon, Luo Zheng saw a strong man running forward with three people. He was barefoot and like a cheetah. He moved very fast and quickly caught up with him up the mountain. The eagle disappeared into the dense forest together, without a trace.

"Don't worry, Langsen's tracking ability is the best here. No one can hide from his eyes. Plus your brother, it's not a big problem. For the sake of safety, we suggest sending more people to go up from both sides. , to prevent any mistakes, what do you think?" Hook suggested comfortingly.

"Oh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect this group of people to be quite cautious, so he couldn't help but glance at Hu Ke. This guy was just trying to have fun that night, which exposed everyone and almost killed him in battle. After thinking about it, he said, "Okay, let's Everyone, be careful, don’t act rashly when you discover the enemy, and report back immediately.”

ps: Friends who are reading in the bookstore reported that there are too many typos. I will try my best to pay attention to it. Since interactive communication is not possible in the bookstore, friends who have suggestions and questions can contact the Jungle Wolf Book Club: 172543956 to discuss "The Strongest Soldier King" together. Thanks.

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