The strongest soldier

Chapter 444 So that’s it

There were not many people coming in this time, more than thirty, but they were very special. The leader was actually carrying an AK47 assault rifle. Luo Zheng's expression changed and he looked at the other person carefully. He had a very ordinary appearance and an unusual figure. Tall and lean, his body exudes an aura of iron and blood, like a warrior who has been on the battlefield.

"Huh?" Lan Xue and others also stood up, and calmly touched the pistol on their thighs. Their expressions became serious. Luo Zheng saw the middle-aged man approaching, looking very happy, chattering and carrying a gun. After talking to the person, he pulled the person to Luo Zheng.

Like the others, this person first gave Luo Zheng respectful luggage, and then suddenly asked: "Chinese? Korean? Or?" He used international lingua franca that he was half familiar with, but he could understand it.

Luo Zheng was immediately overjoyed. He finally had someone he could communicate with. He was almost suffocated. He looked at the other person up and down, took a deep breath to keep himself calm, and then said: "Chinese."

"Thank you for saving my tribe. My name is Hu Ke. This is my father Hu Ke. These are Xiong Bi, Bao Li, Lang Sen and Shaman." This man introduced Luo Zheng enthusiastically.

At this point, Luo Zheng knew that the middle-aged man was called Hu Ke, who was his father, that the elder was a wizard, that the bald man was called Bao Li, and that there were two other people who came and also picked up the number, and said: "Hello, everyone, My name is Ghost." The name is a state secret. The army has regulations and cannot be said randomly.

"Ghost?" The man named Hu Ke looked at Luo Zheng with a shocked face. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't seem to be lying, he immediately started talking excitedly to several leaders-looking people around him. He spoke very quickly and looked very excited. Luo Zheng was surprised to see it. It's just the name, isn't it?

Soon, Luo Zheng realized that something was wrong. Everyone was kneeling on the ground and bowing in obeisance. Their expressions were unusually respectful. They didn’t know what they were saying. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly supported Hook and asked, "What are you doing?" ?”

Hook did not answer immediately, but solemnly packed his luggage and stood up and said excitedly: "You are the person we are looking for. You are finally here. Now we are saved."

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

Hook exchanged a few words with a few people around him, signaled everyone to stand up, and said solemnly: "Thirty years ago, the Japanese pirates came to build a research base here and captured many people to build fortifications, but they all left and never returned." At this point, Hook looked sad and angry.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Hook in surprise. He didn't press him and waited patiently.

After a while, Hook calmed down and continued: "In the past thirty years, we have been fighting against them, but we have never won a single victory. We had to move. Twenty years ago, our great wizard predicted that there would be an Eastern Warriors came from the sky and appeared on the day when the tribe's sacred fire was extinguished by evil. They defeated the monsters flying in the sky and saved us from water and fire. The wizard had never seen a helicopter and didn't know its name. The tribe had moved. My father was entrusted by the wizard to take him with him. Some people are living in the same place, waiting for you to appear. That day, you soared into the sky and saved our people. My father also said that he saw you blow up the helicopter with his own eyes, which was completely consistent with the prediction."

"It's just a coincidence, why do you think it's me?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"First, your appearance is almost the same as the predicted date. Second, the Japanese pirates have entered the village in the past, but they only grabbed a few things and left. This time is different. They killed people and set fire, extinguishing the sacred fire of our tribe. You charged from the mountain. Go down to save people, which is consistent with the prophecy of falling from the sky; third, you blew up the monster flying in the sky, which is the helicopter, which is consistent with the prophecy; fourth, you are an oriental; fifth, you are the successor of the great wizard, that is, the elder I have done a divination and determined that you are the Eastern Warrior. One and two points are coincidences, and all five points are consistent. There is no mistake." Hook explained seriously, with a respectful expression.

"Even so, seeing as you are holding a gun, do you think you can fight the Japanese pirates with just the bow and arrow in your hand?" Luo Zheng said seriously, leading a group of natives and well-equipped people to fight, this is not to risk death. ?

"Everyone has to die." Hook insisted: "You have the final say on how to fight. We listen to you. As for death, too many of us have died. Thirty years of hatred must be avenged. Please don't." We are all prepared to fight to the death if we have concerns.”

"What do you do?" Luo Zheng asked.

"In order to learn about outside civilization and learn to fight, we sent ten people out of the virgin forest to join various armed forces, including guerrillas and drug traffickers. I am the only one alive. I am just an ordinary guerrilla. The news came right away. He has become a deserter and cannot go back again." Hook explained seriously.

"You have received training and know how to fight. Why didn't you come back earlier and lead everyone to fight back?" Luo Zheng continued to ask. What happened was too sudden and unreliable. He felt unsure. He led such a group of people to fight. The face is even more hopeless.

"I'm just an ordinary soldier. I don't know anything except the gun in my hand. How to fight? Moreover, I am not the person in the prophecy. They will not listen to me." Hook said truthfully.

Luo Zheng fell silent. Seeing Lan Xue's glare, he walked over and whispered in Chinese: "You have also seen the situation, what should you do?"

"I didn't expect you to become the savior, haha." Guishou said with a smile.

"You are still joking at this time. This is too unreliable. A group of people without formal training are using bows and arrows to fight against a group of well-equipped regular troops. However, there are still nearly a thousand regular troops. If you look at this place again, it is fully calculated, no more than two Bai, you can still laugh?" Mountain Eagle scolded in a low voice.

"You can't say that. What you see are only disadvantages. Everything has two sides. They are familiar with this place, they are fast, they can shoot arrows, they can't catch them, they are good at sneak attacks, and they have good tactics, so they are not without the strength to fight." Gui. Hand explained with a smile.

"How many people will die?" Snow Leopard reminded.

"No one can die in a war. Besides, they avenge a bloody sea of ​​​​blood and do not regret it even if they die in battle. By following us, they can kill more enemies. For them, this is a good thing. For us, it is a big help. It's a good thing, we have a common enemy, and cooperation will benefit both sides, why not?" Gui Shou asked.

"It makes sense." Luo Zheng pondered. In the face of a blood feud, even without everyone, these natives will take revenge and kill people. If everyone cooperates, both sides will benefit. As for the prophecy, there is no need to believe it. On the battlefield, life and death are on the line. To win, you can only rely on yourself, not prophecies. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes became firm and he had some calculations in his heart.

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