The strongest soldier

Chapter 440 Exposing whereabouts

After finally infiltrating, I definitely can't give up, but how to attack? Luo Zheng thought about it and decided to focus on the mission. These simple rooms cannot be research rooms. The research room should be underground. The top priority is to find the underground entrance. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng quickly communicated with Gui Shou and others through military sign language. , everyone understood and nodded in agreement.

At this time, the mountain eagle pulled Luo Zheng's arm and pointed to the helicopter in the distance. Next to the helicopter, there was a simple awning, a few wooden piles, and boards spread over it. There were people watching inside, so it was not easy to succeed, but Luo Zheng understood. After understanding what the mountain eagle meant, he thought about it and shook his head. Everyone's task is to destroy the toxin. Killing the helicopter is important, but it will be exposed, and no one can escape by then.

The mountain eagle nodded in understanding and gave a wry smile. Everyone went to the back and soon entered an alley. Suddenly, the middle-aged man grabbed Luo Zheng, stretched out his bow and arrow, and aimed forward. His eyes were as sharp as a blade. Luo Zheng was startled and fixed his gaze. At first glance, there was an alley ahead. There was no one in the alley. Just as he was wondering, he noticed two people passing by in a hurry.

"Whoosh!" A black light flashed, like a death scythe that seduced people in the dark night, and it instantly penetrated one of them's neck, and shot through the other person's neck. The person next to him looked at his companion in horror, and opened his mouth to warn. Suddenly, another It was a black light that flew away like lightning and entered the opponent's mouth in an instant. The man screamed, but it was covered up by the rumbling thunder. His body fell in the rain alley, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at the middle-aged man, and then at another strong man next to the middle-aged man. The arrow behind him was his masterpiece. His face turned cold and he shouted in a low voice: "Quick, see if there is any Discovered." But he was furious inside. The middle-aged man took action rashly, killing everyone happily, but it might expose everyone's whereabouts, and all the previous efforts would be wasted.

However, Luo Zheng's worries soon turned into reality. Everyone rushed forward and saw two people standing in the alley on the other side. Looking at this scene with greatly changed expressions, one of them quickly raised his gun and took aim. Luo Zheng was shocked. , pulled the middle-aged man to retreat, his face became solemn, and after a lot of hard work, he finally killed two Japanese pirates. What does this mean?

However, Luo Zheng knew that the middle-aged man was eager for revenge. It was reasonable for him to have no formal training, no tacit understanding, and no cooperation. It was not easy to blame him. He could only blame him for not explaining it well before. However, because of the language barrier, Luo Zheng was also powerless. Listen. When he saw the intensive gunshots rang out in the alley, he knew he was in trouble, so he quickly said: "Quick, retreat immediately."

"It's too late." Ghost Hand shouted, his expression serious.

"Snatch the helicopter? Anyone who escapes will count." The mountain eagle shouted.

At this time, the middle-aged man screamed a few times, and the other three people dispersed, each grabbing a corner, setting up their bows and arrows, calmly aiming and shooting, with a look of absolute determination. Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that these guys were He didn't want to get out alive, so he drew his bow and said, "Brothers, try your best. Killing just one person is not enough. Please be careful and live well."

"Ghost, fire prevention creates chaos." Ghost Hands had an idea and shouted.

Luo Zheng glanced around and saw people rushing towards him from several directions. The dense bullets made it impossible for the natives of the four tribes to fight back. His face was anxious, his eyes were cold, and he looked like he was going to fight desperately. He quickly grabbed the middle-aged man, While shouting: "Brothers, you guys are on fire prevention, be careful."

"Fight it." Guishou and the others roared angrily, smashed open the wall made of wooden fence, rushed in, and struggled with the people in the room. After finishing the people in the room in twos and twos, they pulled off the wires and created a short circuit. , the leather cord burned, forming sparks, which ignited the dry grass on the roof, forming a fire.

"Spread out and grab weapons." After Luo Zheng shot two enemies who tried to rush over with his bow and arrow, he shouted loudly. Without waiting for anyone to reply, he rushed out of the alley and ran down the alley like a cheetah in attack. , the speed was very fast. At this time, a Japanese pirate who was hiding behind the house and was suppressed by a bow and arrow appeared. Just as he was about to raise his gun to shoot, he saw a group of black shadows coming towards him. He couldn't help being surprised. He secretly said that he was going so fast. , pull the trigger quickly.

Then, the soldier found that the trigger could not be pulled at all, and he was being held tightly by someone. His face changed drastically. Then his neck hurt, his vision went dark, and he didn't know anything. Luo Zheng had the gun in his hand, and he suddenly felt confident. Da Zeng, squatted down and touched for a while, and took out a magazine from the opponent. Seeing that the fire that had finally started was extinguished by the heavy rain, his heart sank, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he shouted: "Get closer to the place." He rushed passed.

While running, Luo Zheng saw a big bow drawn open and a cold arrow aimed at it. He was horrified and quickly shouted: "It's me." While doing a dodge, the owner of the big bow may have realized something. After shrinking back, Luo Zheng ran up in a few leaps. When he saw several enemies appearing on the other side of the alley, their positions were exposed by the spray of bullets. He immediately aimed at them and fired a sweep.

"Da da da!" Several enemies were beaten down, and it was unknown how many people died in the dark night. Luo Zheng shouted: "Are you all here?"

"Get in position, what's the plan?" Ghost Hand shouted.

After Luo Zheng waited for everyone to be in place, he shouted: "Take out the lights in the room, create chaos, fish in troubled waters, everyone, please don't run away."

"Good idea." Guishou and others were shocked, and they aimed at the bright place and fired. At this time, Luo Zheng realized that everyone had snatched the weapons. He was worthy of being the king of soldiers, and his movements were neat. Luo Zheng quickly pulled the middle-aged man , signaling the other party not to run around. I don’t know if the other party can understand, and I am very depressed.

"Da da da!" Luo Zheng aimed the gun in his hand at the bright room and fired, smashing the light bulbs. After a while, the surroundings were pitch black and nothing could be seen. Luo Zheng shouted: "Brothers, come to I move closer.”

After a while, everyone came closer. It was so dark that they couldn't see anything. They all relied on their feelings. At this time, a bolt of lightning exploded in the night sky. Luo Zheng then brightened the light and found that there were many of them. Everyone was not far away from each other, and his expression changed. Rin whispered, "Have you noticed that the gunfire in the southeast corner was particularly loud. I suspect it was reinforcements coming up from underground. The underground entrance should be in the southeast corner."

"Then what are you waiting for? Now that we have reached this point, we can only die. Let's fight." Guishou shouted coldly.

"Fight." The mountain eagle and snow leopard agreed. They were discovered and surrounded by the enemy. They were weak and weak. Instead of waiting to die, they might as well give it a try and die happily.

"Don't worry, we're not at the end of the road yet." Luo Zheng calmed down. Whenever he was in a crisis, his thinking was extremely clear. He looked at the noisy sound coming from the southeast corner. There were many people coming around, and the distance was getting closer and closer. He came close, his face was as serious as iron, his eyes were cold, and he shouted in a low voice: "Abandon the gun and follow me."

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