The strongest soldier

Chapter 439 Infiltration

Half an hour later, everyone came to a mountainside. Below the mountainside was a valley. There were dense trees on the mountainside, and the rain washed the ground. It was dark in front, and nothing could be seen. Luo Zheng's stern eyes scanned the surroundings, and then Lightning discovered a piece of The stone was so big that it required three people to hug it. Most of it was exposed to the outside. The rain had washed away the soil, and the stone looked very loose.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and came to the stone and said: "Brothers, use this to clear the way. You can break any trap if you slide down. Come on, help me." After saying that, he squatted down and started to move. Guishou and others understood and immediately The middle-aged man came to help. The middle-aged man didn't understand what Luo Zheng was doing, but he came to help.

What's more, the boulder was moved away, and everyone worked together to push it down the mountainside. The boulder was stressed and rolled down, making a thumping sound. Then, everyone saw a huge explosion, like thunder on a rainy night. , his face suddenly changed, they looked at each other, and then smiled. If it were normal times, this thunder would be enough to attract the enemy, but on a thunderstorm night, who would doubt it?

The boulder continued to roll after being hit by the shock wave of the explosion, and soon detonated another landmine. It hit a big tree and stopped behind a big tree. With a bang, Luo Zheng and others untied the ropes tied to their bodies and arrived here. , no need to worry about getting lost, everyone lined up in a column and went down the mountain along the route where the stone rolled. Soon they came to the stone and worked together to push the stone down again.

The boulder rolled and detonated three landmines again. When it encountered a big tree, it stopped. Everyone went up and pushed the boulder again. This was repeated for about twenty minutes. The boulder rolled down the mountainside and hit the barbed wire fence, making the sound of electric current. , everyone was secretly frightened when they saw this scene. They quickly rushed to the mountainside and squatted next to the boulder.

Luo Zheng observed the barbed wire fence for a while and said affirmatively: "You can't touch the barbed wire fence. It contains high-voltage electricity and is too high to climb over. What do you think?"

"There is no one who is good at it. Otherwise, you can cut a tree trunk and jump over it, or dig a hole to get through. Now, it's difficult, so you can only dig a hole." Guishou said helplessly.

There were no handy tools, so he could only work with his bare hands. Fortunately, after the boulder rolled down, it knocked the barbed wire off the ground, forming a small opening. Luo Zheng looked at the empty flat land in front of him. The dark wall was blocking the flat ground. The building complex, I didn’t know what it would be like inside, but I was already here, and there was no way I could leave empty-handed. I quickly got down, picked up the sticks on the ground, and pulled up the soil. Fortunately, the soil was not very hard.

Everyone helped and took turns, and the passage became larger and larger. Even the middle-aged man and his companions picked up hard rocks to help. After ten minutes, a passage large enough for people to crawl through was formed. The mountain eagle got through first. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly reminded: "Watch your steps, be careful of landmines."

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed, lying on the ground and crawling forward. Then the lightning flashed and looked carefully to see if the ground was flat. Whether there were landmines or not was easy for everyone to see at a glance. Luo Zheng and others also climbed up one by one. When he came over, he saw the middle-aged man crawling inside, and Luo Zheng quickly stopped him. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand the language and no one understood what he was saying, so the scene was a bit tense.

Guishou was trying to smooth things over by saying: "Forget it, let them do it. You can only avenge the blood feud by yourself. What we are looking at is that each person should take one with him, just in case they get separated."

"Okay." Luo Zheng reluctantly agreed. He pointed at the middle-aged man and motioned to follow him. He didn't know if the other party understood. Luo Zheng climbed up along the route that the mountain eagle had climbed. He saw that the middle-aged man had the same attitude. Following the example, I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although these people were less exposed to civilization, they were very alert to danger and were familiar with this forest, so it was a good idea to follow.

After climbing a few meters forward, the mountain eagle stopped and said that it had found a landmine, and motioned for everyone to wait. Luo Zheng asked hurriedly: "What kind of mine is it? Can it be discharged?" Looking back, he saw the middle-aged man behind him still climbing forward, and hurriedly He stepped on the opponent's shoulders with his feet, shook his head, and saw the middle-aged man nodded in understanding and stopped, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He had no formal training, and his tacit understanding was not enough. It would be good if he could obey orders.

"Anti-infantry mines, it's a no-brainer." The mountain eagle agreed, carefully pushing aside the soil around the mines with his hands to reveal the mines. After carefully destroying the mine detonation device, he breathed a sigh of relief and motioned for everyone to continue moving forward. Continue to crawl forward by yourself.

Perhaps it was because of the thunderstorm night, no one came out to patrol, the rain was pouring, and the visibility was very low. We used lightning lighting and carefully groped forward. Each lightning flash only lasted a few seconds. In these few seconds, the mountain eagle must remember as much as possible in front of it. It is a very energy-consuming job to ensure that there are no mines in remote terrain.

After about ten minutes, the mountain eagle did not dare to persist, so as not to harm everyone. He shook his dizzy head and motioned for the people behind him to come up. Behind him was Luo Zheng, who quickly climbed forward, replaced the mountain eagle, and continued to move forward. After a while, another mine was discovered, and the detonating device was exposed, clearly visible, especially under lightning.

When Luo Zheng was in the Special Operations Brigade of the Military Region, he learned blasting from Captain Li, who was known as the "King of Thunder". The deminers were quickly dispatched and he led everyone to continue crawling forward. The team pulled up on a thunderstorm night. Long, like a wild wolf approaching its prey, cold and silent, but carrying murderous intent. Once it breaks out, the world will collapse.

After another half an hour, everyone successfully arrived at the fence. The fence was three meters high, but it was not difficult for everyone. Snow Leopard leaned against the wall with his hands crossed on his abdomen. Luo Zheng took a running start and stepped on Snow Leopard's hand. The snow leopard let go, and Luo Zheng jumped up. He climbed on the wall with his hands, and scanned the surroundings with stern eyes. There was an open space under the wall, the ground was flat, the lights in the building were dim, and there were figures, as if someone was watching.

On such a bad thunderstorm night, the flashlight will conduct electricity and be struck by lightning. Without the sight, no one can rush. If Luo Zheng and others had not had the help of the local indigenous people, relying on their familiarity with the terrain and the lightning to illuminate the direction, they would have been able to It's impossible to get here in time.

The sentry was careless and relaxed his vigilance. This was a good thing. Luo Zheng was immediately overjoyed. He turned over, jumped off the wall, and carefully moved forward. He walked extremely carefully, fast and fiercely, like a ghost in the night, and rushed to the wall in one breath. Beneath a wall, I squatted down and looked back. Everyone was rushing over, quietly in the heavy rain.

After everyone came over, everyone leaned against the wall and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked around. The rooms were scattered, some were independent, and some were connected. There were alleys between the houses, and the alleys were not wide. , the house is made of earth and stones, surrounded by wooden sticks like a fence, and the lights inside are dim. How to attack?

ps: I’m asking for rewards and recommendations. For the sake of updating five chapters every day, is that okay?

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