The strongest soldier

Chapter 437 Thunderstorm Night

The language barrier made it difficult to communicate. It was embarrassing, funny, and even more irritating. Luo Zheng looked at the middle-aged man with a firm face, pointed at the bow and arrow, and then pointed at the gun in his hand. He shook his head, only to find that the middle-aged man The man's face turned red and he shook his head desperately, with a look of unwillingness. Luo Zheng had an idea and immediately cleared the ground, picked up a stone and started drawing. After a while, the topographic map of the Japanese pirate research base was outlined, with mountains, water, The room was clear at a glance, and then he looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man saw the picture on the ground. Although it was not very clear, the outline was visible. He pondered for a while, his face changed drastically, he kept nodding, walking and wiping his neck. His expression was sad, angry and anxious. Luo Zheng suddenly understood Come here, these people know this place and hate it very much. However, Luo Zheng didn't know what to say when he saw the bows and arrows in these people's hands.

Let a group of people who survive in the primeval forest fight with well-trained and well-equipped troops. Isn't this asking for death? Luo Zheng pointed at the middle-aged man, then at himself, and made a walking gesture. Then, Luo Zheng pointed at the others, and made a waving gesture, indicating that the other person would lead the way, and the others could forget about it.

The middle-aged man looked at Luo Zheng blankly, thinking deeply. He didn't know if he understood. Luo Zheng was speechless. He took out a compressed biscuit and started eating it. The middle-aged man returned to his side, and after a while, he took a large piece of it. The dried meat came over. The dried meat seemed to be smoked and dark. Luo Zheng raised the compressed biscuit in his hand to indicate that he had it.

However, the middle-aged man insisted and stuffed the dried meat into Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thought that this might be a gift or other custom. Aren't there many ethnic minorities in the country like this? He had no choice but to take it and looked at Lan Xue next to him with a wry smile. Lan Xue said coldly: "Let's bake it over a fire and eat it."

"I'll go get some dry firewood and come back." Ghost Hand said.

"I'll go on the alert," the mountain eagle said.

The two left the cave. The middle-aged man retreated and sat on the ground with a sad expression. He didn't know what he was thinking about. The women comforted the children. The men gathered next to the middle-aged man and whispered something. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged words. He glanced at me and waited.

After a while, the ghost hand came back with dry firewood and a hare. Everyone burned a bonfire and put the hare and the piece of meat on the bonfire to roast. Luo Zheng saw that the middle-aged man glanced at the bonfire and made no sound. He also sat cross-legged and meditated, using the breathing techniques passed down from his family to restore his physical strength.

After a while, the meat was roasted and everyone shared it. Luo Zheng thought for a moment and gave the children one piece of compressed biscuit to show respect. The children did not take it, but looked at the middle-aged man. After the person nodded, the children took it and ate it quickly. For them who have never been exposed to the outside world, the civilization of the outside world is full of mystery and temptation. The compressed biscuits that everyone could hardly swallow became delicious food in the children's mouths.

After eating and drinking enough, it was already afternoon. After running all night, and the battle just now, everyone was exhausted mentally and physically. They all took turns to rest. Unconsciously, it was evening. Luo Zheng looked at the dark sky and dark clouds. The wind was blowing at the top, carrying the fishy smell of the sea. It was going to rain.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to move tonight?" Lan Xue came over and said with a worried look on his face. The stipulated time was getting closer and closer, and he couldn't go back to deliver the work until he completed the task.

"Not necessarily. It depends on the situation in the second half of the night. If it rains heavily, the enemy will not expect us to attack in the rain. Maybe there will be a chance. Let's continue to recharge our batteries. What do you think?" Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"That's fine." Lan Xue thought about the truth. Although attacking in the rain is dangerous, it can catch the enemy off guard. Maybe there is a chance, so he agreed, glanced at the surrounding tribesmen, his face became solemn, and continued: "Their level of civilization is really too low. They can't communicate at all. They can't even understand simple gestures. I'm afraid this guide has no choice. Does he still want to stay with them?"

"Do you still remember the five people who left the village just now? They were all strong and strong. It is inappropriate for these people to let five strong and strong people leave at this time. Why did they do this?" Luo Zheng said thoughtfully, looking into the eyes of the night sky. Shining like stars, containing extraordinary wisdom.

"You mean they might find someone to help?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but there must be a reason. Let's wait and see what happens." Luo Zheng said lightly.

The two returned to the cave and rested back to back. The cave was quiet. These people did not cry miserably because their relatives were killed, as if they were used to life and death. Maybe it was because of living in the virgin forest? Luo Zheng thought, killings are happening every day in the virgin forest, and dead people are really nothing.

"Boom!" A thunder exploded, piercing the night sky. The huge lightning illuminated the cave, and darkness soon returned. Luo Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the dark outside of the cave, and hurriedly got up and came to the entrance of the cave. , saw that the middle-aged man was also there, looking into the distance with a solemn expression.

"Stab!" Another spider web-like lightning pierced the night sky, bright as day, and the entire sky seemed to be enveloped by this spider lightning. It was extremely spectacular. The thick trunk and small branches each contained terrifying energy. , the power of heaven and earth is so shocking.

This was the first time Luo Zheng saw this kind of spider lightning. His scalp was numb, and he was secretly frightened. It was such a terrifying lightning. At this time, Luo Zheng noticed that the middle-aged man's solemn face became gloomy, and he was slightly worried. He couldn't help but feel worried. I was stunned, and wanted to ask, but I couldn't understand the language, so asking was in vain. I smiled bitterly, and when I saw Lan Xue coming, I whispered: "This posture may be a heavy rain."

"Yes, I'm afraid this rain will last all night, or even several days. It seems that our plan has to change. It's fine all night, but it will be troublesome in a few days. We don't have much time left." Lan Xue said worriedly.

"Let's take a look first." Luo Zheng said helplessly. In the face of nature, human beings are so insignificant.

The two chatted for a while, and after seeing the heavy rain coming down, they returned to the cave. Luo Zheng found that the middle-aged man was unmoved and continued to stand at the entrance of the cave, letting the rain fall on his body with a solemn expression. He didn't know what he was thinking. Said: "This guy is not simple, he should be the leader of this group of people, but it's a pity that he doesn't understand the language."

"Don't worry, let's take a look first." Lan Xue comforted weakly.

"Brother Ghost, it is not impossible to move tonight. There is lightning, and it is inconvenient to use guns. It can easily cause lightning strikes, which is not good for us. It is also the same for Japanese pirates. But we can use bows and arrows? As long as we don't carry any metal objects with us, touch Enter the research base and act according to the opportunity, maybe there will be a chance." Guishou suddenly suggested.

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