The strongest soldier

Chapter 436 Recognition of Gifts

After the two met, they walked towards the cave. From a distance, they saw a middle-aged man standing on a stone on the side peak, waiting. He looked at Luo Zheng with a respectful look and a smile on his face, showing his white teeth. This touching picture Seeing this made Luo Zheng want to laugh, but he held it back, nodded and walked towards the cave.

The middle-aged man said something loudly, looking very excited. The others looked at Luo Zheng with wild eyes and moaned strangely. They didn't know what they meant. Lan Xue whispered: "I'm probably thanking you. The middle-aged people who went out with me also saw the bombed helicopter gunships, and they were paying their respects to you."

"Maybe." Luo Zheng found a place to sit down nonchalantly. When he saw the middle-aged man coming over and squatting in front, mumbling something and gesticulating with an anxious look on his face, Luo Zheng was dumbfounded. He spoke military sign language, but found that the other party could not understand it at all.

For a while, Luo Zheng and the middle-aged man stared at each other, unable to communicate. They sat down on the ground. Thinking of the excited middle-aged man's expression just now, they couldn't help but smile bitterly. The middle-aged man obviously had something to say, but he couldn't. When communicating, it was impossible to clearly understand what the other party wanted to say. The other party could barely understand one or two of the few signs Luo Zheng made, but it was difficult to communicate, so Luo Zheng had to give up temporarily.

"He seems to have something to say." Guishou came over and whispered.

"Yeah, seeing how anxious he was just now, it's a pity that he couldn't communicate." Luo Zheng said helplessly. Seeing these people getting up while the middle-aged man was talking, and preparing to walk outside, Luo Zheng was startled and thought about them. Maybe he wanted to go to the tribe and gather his companions, so he said through the headset: "Brothers, let's go and follow us." This group of people's houses were destroyed and their families were killed. It's miserable enough. Please help as much as you can.

Everyone walked out of the cave and saw these people walking with sad expressions. Luo Zheng felt sympathy. Seeing that the direction of travel was indeed the tribe, he did not stop him and signaled the mountain eagle to clear the way. Everyone watched the surrounding woods vigilantly, just in case. Unknowingly, I came to the tribe where these people lived.

The burned houses had been burned to ashes, and the ground was covered with corpses. Luo Zheng found that these tribesmen were not in pain or excited, but were instead chanting something sadly. They lined up in three rows and walked forward slowly with neat steps. They walked solemnly and solemnly, as if they were performing some kind of ritual.

"Everyone, let's spread the word." Luo Zheng suggested. Everyone was affected by the atmosphere and panicked. They agreed, spread out, and hid in the woods to be on the lookout in case of accidents.

Four people, four directions, Luo Zheng stayed, accompanied by the middle-aged man, came to the village, watching these people singing neat melodies, surrounding the city, sitting quietly in an open space, continuing to sing something, He had no intention of restraining the corpse, his eyes were pious, and his expression was sad and angry.

Gradually, Luo Zheng seemed to see the battlefield of gold and iron, saw the thunder and thunder of war drums, saw countless naked warriors holding spears, bows and arrows, charging without hesitation, dying without regrets, bloody, brutal and fearless, which made people's blood boil. Finally, the fighting stopped, and the ground was full of corpses. A group of ferocious beasts came over and ate the corpses. The souls of the sacrificed warriors left their bodies. With a smile of relief and happiness on their faces, they rose into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

The Sanskrit singing stopped suddenly. Luo Zheng woke up, shook his head, and looked at everyone with a shocked face. It felt so weird. At this time, the middle-aged man gave an order, and everyone got up and got into their houses one after another. The middle-aged man The person crossed his hands on his chest, half-bowed, and said something respectfully. Unfortunately, Luo Zheng couldn't understand it. He saw the other person took off an ornament from his neck, put it in the palm of his hand, and held it up with anticipation in his eyes.

Luo Zheng took a closer look and saw that it was a wolf tooth, worn with hemp rope. The wolf tooth was thick and different from others. In some years, the hemp rope was simple and made of bark, but it was very strong. Luo Zheng pointed at the wolf. Ya, pointed at himself again, and when he saw the other person's happy smile, he was sure it was for him, so he bowed his head.

The middle-aged man hung the wolf fang around Luo Zheng's neck and cheered, wailing strangely. Luo Zheng heard many people around him wailing in response, and when he looked around, he saw other people coming out of the house with bows and arrows in their hands. , the bows and arrows are simple, made of wood, but thick. Some people are even straddling their shoulders, holding a simple quiver with simple arrows in their hands, and their eyes become sharp.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at the middle-aged man in surprise. The middle-aged man pointed to the corpse of the Japanese pirate on the ground and made a gesture of wiping his neck. His eyes were firm and sharp, revealing a murderous aura. Luo Zheng immediately understood that they were Wanting revenge? He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Revenge with only these crude bows and arrows?

The middle-aged man probably knew that there was no way to communicate, so he didn't say more, but said a few words to the others. These people screamed strangely. Soon, five strong men came out of the crowd, lined up in a line, and looked at each other. Looking firmly at the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man struck these people in the heart one by one. The five men came to Luo Zheng in unison, crossed their hands and half-bowed, looked in reverence, then screamed strangely, and rushed in different directions. Entering the forest, he suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving Luo Zheng stunned.

"What are they doing?" Lan Xue asked through the headset in surprise.

"I don't know." Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man said something anxiously, and finally gave up, beckoning the others towards the woods. Luo Zheng saw these people holding daily necessities and food in their hands, as if they were moving, and ignored the bodies on the ground. , thinking of the dream just now, and thinking about it, could it be a sky burial, handing the body to the wild beasts in the forest?

Because of the language barrier, no one could answer this question. Seeing that everyone didn't care and had no intention of caring, Luo Zheng walked towards the woods and found that the direction these people were walking was the cave just now, which was also a hiding place, so he said: "Brothers, it looks like they are going to stay in the cave temporarily. Let's go and stay and have a rest."

"This is the only way. It's really hard for these people to communicate." Guishou said with a helpless smile.

"That's right, even if they are willing to be guides, they can't communicate." Mountain Eagle reminded.

The reason why everyone helped was to find a base and a guide. But now, the base was burned down, the language was blocked, and the guide was difficult. Luo Zheng didn't see it that way, and smiled: "Don't worry, the guide is still useful. If it hadn't been for them just now, we would have been chased by helicopters."

"That's right, it's just too strenuous. You're responsible for this kind of work, brother." Snow Leopard agreed.

Everyone came to the cave, found a flatter place to sit down and rest, and checked the equipment. Luo Zheng found that the middle-aged man asked everyone to rest on the opposite side, keeping a certain distance from everyone, then walked over and pointed at the bow and arrow. He made a walking gesture. This gesture was still copied from Luo Zheng's.

Luo Zheng saw this scene and asked: "Revenge?" Suddenly thinking that the other party didn't understand, he smiled bitterly.

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