The strongest soldier

Chapter 418 Biohazard

In a quiet courtyard in a restricted military area in the capital, there are an old man and a young man sitting in the living room. The old man is not angry and has no authority. He still has a strong body and sits upright. His eyes are kind, and he exudes a murderous aura of a superior. , it was Mr. Li, the top person in charge of the National Blade. Sitting respectfully diagonally across from him was Wu Jin, the captain of the National Blade's special operations brigade who had been ordered to come. His firm eyes were red with dissatisfaction, and he obviously hadn't had a good rest either.

"How is the situation?" Mr. Li asked calmly, but he gave people an unquestionable majesty.

"Chief, the military factory is still peaceful at the moment. No one has attacked from yesterday to today." Wu Jin naturally understood what Mr. Li wanted to ask. Although he was curious about why Mr. Li called him here in such a hurry, he still replied respectfully: "The ghost also sent out a signal. The drunkard will lead a team to rescue. I believe there will be no problem."

"That's good." Mr. Li said lightly, he pondered for a moment, and his face turned stern. Wu Jin felt a sharp golden murderous aura coming towards him. He couldn't help but was shocked, but found that this murderous aura suddenly disappeared, and heard Mr. Li continue. Said: "I asked you to come here for an important task. Do you remember Shadow?"

"I know, Shadow is the ace of our special operations team, but hasn't he disappeared for nearly a year? What does the leader mean?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

"The intelligence brigade has sent news about him." Mr. Li said, his eyes were condensed, with light shining inside. He was lost in thought, and his face became solemn.

The National Blade is divided into the Special Operations Brigade, the Intelligence Brigade and the Equipment Brigade. The top leader is Mr. Li, who is directly loyal to the head of state. Although Wu Jin is the captain of the Special Operations Brigade, he does not know the core secrets of the other two brigades. I heard that It was the news from the intelligence brigade. Knowing that the news was definitely not false, I couldn't help but gleam in my eyes. When I thought about it, Shadow was the ace of the special operations brigade, the strongest among the elite soldiers, and the one with the best chance of becoming the strongest soldier. , accepted a secret mission personally deployed by Mr. Li a year ago, and disappeared until now. Unexpectedly, there was news suddenly. It seemed that something had happened, and Wu Jin couldn't help but cheer up.

After a while, Mr. Li seemed to have figured out something and said seriously: "A year ago, Shadow accepted a secret mission and left for more than a year. We all thought he died for the country. Unexpectedly, news suddenly came. But it’s not good news.”

"Chief, what happened?" Wu Jin asked with a solemn expression.

"An hour ago, news came from the embassy in Japan. A gangster came to the embassy to collect the reward. He said that someone asked him to do this. I won't go into the details. The message was: June 6th, behead the dragon and eat meat. The meat in the middle means that the country is not in the country, the shadow in the dark is the flower in the moon." Mr. Li explained.

"What do you mean?" Wu Jin was a little confused and looked at Mr. Li in surprise while savoring these words.

"It's impossible to say something straightforward. It's a code word. This sentence was passed to the intelligence brigade. The intelligence brigade said it was sent by their intelligence officer Tuberose. At that time, she cooperated with the shadow operation." Mr. Li explained .

Wu Jin didn't know the core secrets of the intelligence brigade, and was unfamiliar with the name Ye Laixiang. He thought it was Mr. Li who arranged it, so he didn't ask any more questions. He looked at Mr. Li and waited patiently.

"Intelligence personnel have deciphered the meaning of this sentence." When Mr. Li said this, his face darkened and his expression became ugly. Wu Jin's heart skipped a beat, knowing that something had happened, his face became anxious, and he looked at Mr. Li. He took a breath, calmed down, and continued: "On June 6th, the dragon's head will be cut off. The words are a bit cryptic, but you will understand when you know that the head of state will visit the country on this day."

"Ah? Are you saying that someone is detrimental to our head of state? Who?" Wu Jin was startled, and immediately stood up angrily, his face livid and murderous.

"Don't worry, sit down and tell me, you won't be able to guess the code if you think about it." Mr. Li said seriously.

Wu Jin was startled and sat down. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Meat among the flesh, the country will not be a country. The latter sentence is easy to understand. It means that the country will be destitute, that is, something big will happen. The head of the country will be beheaded. This is indeed a big thing." , but, what is meat within meat?”

"It's a kind of poison. It's also a task of shadow pursuit." Mr. Li explained with a dark expression.

"Poison? What poison is so powerful?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

"A kind of toxin botulinum extracted from raw pork." Mr. Li explained.

"How powerful is Clostridium botulinum toxin?" Wu Jin asked in surprise.

"Aren't the world's top toxins such as acacia toxin, sarin gas, VX neurotoxin, and anthrax toxin scary?" Mr. Li asked rhetorically.

"Of course." Wu Jin nodded without hesitation. Everything Mr. Li said was shocking. For example, a tablespoon of VX toxin volatilized in the air, killing all the people in the nearby 8 streets, and 5 gallons of VX poison spread in the big city. In the sky, there will be 500,000 corpses in three days. Is it more than just a horror?

"Compared with this kind of toxin botulinum, these toxins are like children." Mr. Li explained with a stern expression. Seeing Wu Jin's surprised face and knowing that Wu Jin didn't believe it, he explained: "I have consulted relevant experts. This toxin, botulinum toxin, is the most poisonous thing in the world. 700 millionths of a gram can kill an adult, which translates to half a kilogram, which is enough to kill all human beings. Fortunately, this thing is not easy to refine. "

"Hiss, so powerful?" Wu Jin's expression changed drastically.

"Because it is extracted from raw pork, it is called meat in meat. It is a special phrase set by the intelligence brigade for the mission. They can decipher it at a glance. As for the shadow in the dark, the flower in the moon, it means that there is no news about the shadow. , according to the rules, the task is dominated by Shadow, assisted by Tuberose, and all news should be handled by Shadow. Now that Tuberose is risking exposure to spread the news, it can be seen that the situation is very serious." Mr. Li continued to explain.

Wu Jin sorted out and summarized the situation that Mr. Li just said, couldn't help but shudder, and quickly asked: "This group of Japanese pirates with such a heartless conscience have actually developed such a heart-rending toxin. Chief, please give us an order." What should the special operations team do?”

"Very good, I like your courage to move forward. Toxins are not scary, but people are scary. Once you deal with people, toxins are dead things. However, this mission is very difficult and there is no room for sloppiness. Are you going to send someone to Who will execute it?" Mr. Li asked with satisfaction.

"When will we act?" Wu Jin asked seriously.

"The sooner the better." Mr. Li said seriously.

"Huh?" Wu Jin pondered. He still had a month to go. He took stock of the personnel in the base. Most of them were performing different tasks. Most of the personnel left behind also had arrangements, or they were not suitable. Mr. Li did not urge him. , This kind of thing cannot be done carelessly. After a while, Wu Jin said firmly: "Ghost."

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