The strongest soldier

Chapter 417 Frontal Attack

"Bang!" Suddenly, a crisp gunshot sounded, followed by a clang.

Luo Zheng felt like a heavy blow on his back. He couldn't help being shocked. He rolled under the tree next to him and raised his ears alertly. In his ears, the wind continued to blow gently and the leaves rustled. Other than that, there was no sound. Seeing the movement, Luo Zheng's eyes widened. Unexpectedly, he was taken advantage of by the opponent. He picked up the black long knife at the back and took a look. The scabbard was hit, a white mark appeared, and the bullet disappeared.

"What a hard scabbard." Luo Zheng reacted immediately. The fatal shot just now was blocked by the scabbard. The scabbard was strong and the bullet failed to penetrate. In total, this was the second time that the black long knife saved his life. Luo Zheng felt even more close to this life-saving knife. Although it was taken from the hands of the Japanese pirates, he was already a dead brother.

"Thank you, good brother. Let's continue to kill the enemy." Luo Zheng inserted the black long knife into the belt on his back, held the gun in both hands, and shouted coldly: "Who are you?"

"Bang!" Luo Zheng's answer was to shoot without hesitation. The bullet hit the tree and lifted up a large piece of bark. Luo Zheng, who was hiding behind the tree, was startled. He followed and curled up into a ball, trying his best to The area under attack was reduced, and the sound of bursts of gunfire rang in my ears again.

"Bang!" Luo Zheng shot backhand at the enemy's approximate position. This kind of shooting is very blind and has no accuracy. It is purely a fire deterrent.

However, the opponent didn't care about Luo Zheng's firepower deterrence at all, and continued to shoot. The bullets continued to hit both sides of the tree, suppressing Luo Zheng from running around. The rate of fire was very fast. Luo Zheng keenly sensed the rhythm of the opponent's rate of fire. Flustered and frightened, he could not help but sneer, prick up his ears, and dodge motionlessly, waiting for the opportunity.

"Click!" The sound of the pistol being empty came from the nose. The sound was not loud, but it was still detected by Luo Zheng, who had a keen hearing. He knew that the bullet was empty, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. No matter how strong a person is, it takes a while to change the magazine. Time, and this amount of time often determines life and death in a battle between masters.

The opportunity was rare. Luo Zheng jumped out of the bunker, raised his hands together, and fired with one hand. The other hand was ready for fire support. He rushed towards the target hidden tree. The opponent fired several times in succession. Luo Zheng had accurately determined the opponent's lurking position from the sound of gunfire.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Luo Zheng was charging and shooting when he saw a black shadow ducking from a tree to the foot of a fallen tree not far away. He pursued it without hesitation, the gun in his hand constantly firing. When the target was less than 20 meters away, he found that the target quickly changed position again. Luo Zheng chased after him without hesitation. After firing the bullet, Luo Zheng threw the pistol away and continued with the gun in his other hand. sounded.

While running, Luo Zheng pulled out the gun he had confiscated when he killed the man in black. It was also filled with bullets. The gun did not fire immediately, but was raised straight and aimed forward. His eyes were firm and sharp. The bullets fired continuously cover the distance between the target and the target.

The gun ran out of bullets again. Luo Zheng was too lazy to change the magazine. He just took out the new pistol and continued to fire. He suppressed the target behind the big tree, preventing the opponent from raising his head to observe and resist. He was only five seconds away from the target. At the meter position, the sound of the trigger emptying sounded in my ears.

Luo Zheng's sharp eyes flashed, and he smashed the pistol forward, pulled out the long black knife, kicked hard with his feet, and his body was like a shell being discharged from the barrel. He jumped high and rushed forward, holding the long black knife high. With a fierce murderous aura, it was as if the invincible God of War was flying from nine days away, tyrannical, ferocious, and as powerful as a rainbow.

Perhaps he heard the sound of the pistol emptying, and there was no sound of gunfire. Hiding behind the fallen tree, the man in black finally had a cold smile on his lips, stood up quickly, and raised the pistol after changing the magazine. When I got up, I was shocked to find a dark cloud rushing towards my face in front of me, with the breath of death rolling in the dark cloud.

"Pfft!" The black long knife was like the scythe of the god of death, drawing a sharp line. The blade penetrated the flesh and blood spattered.

The man in black felt that his vitality was losing crazily, and looked at Luo Zheng with horror on his face. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng not only did not dodge after he was out of bullets, but also started fighting in this cold weapon era. A thought flashed in his mind Lai: So fast. Immediately afterwards, the man in black felt his lower abdomen being kicked by gravity, and his body flew backwards.

"Plop!" The man in black fell heavily to the ground, most of his neck was cut off, and his head hung down irregularly. It was extremely terrifying, and the blood was flowing uncontrollably.

When Luo Zheng saw that the attack was successful, his heart dropped. His cold eyes glanced at the half-dead man in black and landed on the long black sword. There was a mark there, which was left by blocking a bullet. He couldn't help but said with emotion: "Brother, thank you."

Invisibly, Luo Zheng seemed to feel the long black knife roaring in joy. When he looked at it carefully, he saw that the knife was still the same, nothing special. Luo Zheng put aside his distracting thoughts, walked quickly to the man in black, and kicked the pistol next to him. Open, look at the other person warily, only to find that the other person's cold eyes have a touch of relief, and the corners of his mouth are curved, as if he is laughing at himself, and as if he is laughing at this cruel world, he closes his eyelids and bids farewell to this world completely. .

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was surprised. He squatted down and searched him, but still couldn't find any valuable clues. He couldn't help but wonder, who are these people? Why is there such a look of relief? Are you living in the pain of not being able to do it yourself? The killer also has his own souvenirs, why?

At this time, Luo Zheng couldn't help but think of a word in his mind: Dead soldiers, he couldn't help but be shocked. Modern society is different from the past. Where can such people still exist? However, the more Luo Zheng thought about it, the more it made sense. Only dead men would live in pain. Death is a kind of relief, the only relief.

In ancient times, aristocratic families raised dead warriors, but modern society does not allow it. Where did the dead warriors come from? Luo Zheng felt that he was thinking too much and was a little confused. He shook his head, put aside his distracting thoughts, and collected dry firewood and fire-making materials on the ground. Half an hour later, Luo Zheng used the method of drilling wood to make fire and lit three fires. Build a bonfire, wait for the fire to start, cover it with wet branches, and soon thick smoke will rise into the sky.

At the border, three helicopters were circling anxiously. They quickly spotted the fireworks and sent their location to Wu Jin, who was waiting anxiously at the border. Luo Zheng's location was in a neighboring country. The helicopters could not cross the border for rescue, and could only be used for high-altitude observation. Fortunately, the distance was not too far and the visibility was very low, so we could see clearly.

When Wu Jin heard the news, he was overjoyed. Just as he was about to lead the team over, a strong man ran away. After saluting, he said, "Captain, Mr. Li has something urgent. I want you to come over immediately." Wu Jin couldn't help but look at it. The drunkard was on standby. The drunkard nodded and led the team quickly towards the forest.

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