The strongest soldier

Chapter 3995 A new journey (finale)

A week later, Conference Room 1 of the Mystery Bureau.

Two days ago, Luo Zheng came back from the Valley Base. After two days of rest, he hurriedly organized a summary meeting for everyone. In the battle at the Valley Base, all parties worked hard to eliminate the Dark Church in one fell swoop and eradicate the cancer of this terrorist organization. It is gratifying. There is a lot of experience that needs to be summed up carefully. The only regret is that nothing was gained from the underground base and no valuable clues were found.

At the meeting, everyone spoke freely and expressed their feelings one by one. Each department also reported on its work. Luo Zheng listened quietly while thinking about various possibilities, hoping to find clues. Unfortunately, he had no clue. Xuelian There are no clues about the submarine there, and Hong Meihua, who is in charge of intelligence work, has found nothing. Fortunately, the anti-terrorist alliance base is being built smoothly and will be put into use soon, which is good news.

After summarizing, everyone found that the Dark Church seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. If it weren’t for the clue of the submarine, everyone would definitely suspect that the Dark Church had been wiped out in the valley base. After discussing for a while, no one could figure it out. Luo Zheng and others After everything was said, he took over and announced: "Everyone, since there is no news, let's take a break first. The troops are all tired, so I decided to give everyone a break."

"Holiday?" Everyone's eyes lit up and they looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Thinking about it, they haven't had a holiday for a long time. Everyone was really exhausted physically and mentally and needed a good rest and adjustment.

"Yes, let's take a holiday for a month first. However, the Intelligence Department cannot take a holiday. They need to continue to follow up on submarine clues. People in the Information Department can take turns and make sure that there are people on duty." Luo Zheng looked at Hong Meihua and Lan apologetically. Xing said that it was really embarrassing to leave two departments to continue working since everyone was on holiday.

Hongmeihua smiled understandingly and said: "It's okay. How can we take a day off when we do intelligence work? We are always on call. When nothing happens, we take a day off every day. Unlike combat troops, we don't take a day off. Brothers can also understand."

"There's no problem with the information department, don't worry." Blue Star also understood and immediately expressed his position.

"That's good." Luo Zheng said and looked at Lan Xue, thought for a while, and added: "The pension will be distributed as soon as possible. In addition, the brothers who are on vacation will receive six months' salary. This should be regarded as a reward for everyone to go on vacation. It’s not appropriate to have no money, especially when you go home to see your parents, you can’t go empty-handed.”

"Understood." I will arrange it in a moment.

"That's good. If you don't have enough money, look for my sister." Luo Zheng warned. My sister controls a fund that has expanded to tens of billions, which is enough for everyone.

Lan Xue nodded and agreed. After Luo Zheng announced the holiday date, everyone dismissed the meeting and happily walked out of the conference room. While walking, he chatted with the people around him and asked how he was spending the holiday. Luo Zheng did not move and sat quietly in the distance. Lan Xue didn't move. After everyone left, Lan Xue came forward, walked around behind Luo Zheng, pinched Luo Zheng's shoulders, and whispered: "Although there are remnants of the Dark Church who have escaped, they will be lifted out in a short time." Don’t worry if there’s no storm.”

"Well, we have to take a good vacation. Where do we go?" Luo Zheng smiled apologetically.

"Well, let me think about it." Lan Xue smiled, her face filled with happiness.

At this time, Luo Zheng noticed that the cell phone on the table was vibrating. He picked it up and saw that it was a familiar call. He quickly answered the call and asked, "Hello, Chief, it's me."

"Come to my place right away. No, it's too late. Go directly to the supreme leader. We will meet at the door. I have something to ask you. It's top secret." Mr. Li's voice rang through the microphone.

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed quickly, hung up the phone, and looked at Lan Xue apologetically.

"Who?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"Top secret." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"I understand, go ahead and get busy. I'll arrange the funds." Lan Xue said knowingly and walked outside. As a qualified soldier, Lan Xue knew the discipline and couldn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, even if it was a couple.

Luo Zheng gave a helpless smile. Discipline in the military is greater than heaven. Since it is top secret, people around him cannot tell it. He quickly went back to the office to clean up. He hurriedly went out and drove away from the base. Not long after, he arrived at the door of the supreme commander's office building. There were loaded guns and live ammunition. The police sentry came up for questioning. Luo Zheng showed his ID and was allowed to park nearby, but was not allowed to enter.

Not long after, Mr. Li's car came over. Mr. Li personally greeted the guard. The guard called in and asked for verification before letting him go. The two drove in and soon stopped at the door of a mottled villa. Luo Zheng got out of the car. Then he glanced at the guards swimming around, glanced calmly at the sniper ambushing in the hiding place, said hello to Mr. Li, and followed Mr. Li in full of doubts.

There was a man sitting in the lobby of the villa, reading a newspaper. When he saw the two people coming in, he smiled warmly and gestured for them to come over and sit down. Luo Zheng recognized the other person as the supreme leader, quickly stepped forward, saluted solemnly and shouted : "Hello, Chief, Luo Zheng is reporting to you, please give me your instructions."

"You're still so principled. That's good. Sit down." The leader smiled and waved his hand to signal Luo Zheng to be polite.

Luo Zheng was naturally not polite, so he found a place to sit down, glanced at Mr. Li who was also sitting down, and became puzzled. Seeing that the chief and Mr. Li were engaged in household chores, he did not interrupt, and waited patiently with his eyes and nose, nose and heart. .

After a while, the chief and Mr. Li exchanged glances. Mr. Li nodded firmly, then stood up and left, obviously wanting to avoid the mystery. The chief smiled after watching Mr. Li leave, and then looked at Luo Zheng and asked, "Luo Zheng." Zheng, I’ve given you a task, do you dare to accept it?”

"Please give me the order, chief. Everyone in the Secret Bureau is always ready to fight for the country without any regrets." Luo Zheng knew that the matter was not simple when he saw Mr. Li avoiding him. He stood up and saluted solemnly and said, I had a vague feeling that something had happened. You must know that under normal circumstances, Mr. Li would give orders directly, and there would never be such a meeting.

"Very good. If you have the energy, the country needs generals like you." The chief smiled with satisfaction: "After organizational considerations, we decided to set up a strategic force, which I will personally command, to be responsible for handling national strategic security issues, but this force The unit has no public designation and is an invisible force. Are you willing to take the lead?"

"National strategic security issues?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "Isn't there a national strategic security department?"

The Ministry of National Strategic and Security has jurisdiction over departments such as the Crime Bureau and the Secret Service, which are responsible for national security work. Luo Zheng glanced at Mr. Li in surprise, then looked at the chief and asked: "Please tell the chief what to do specifically. I'm worried that my ability is limited." , cannot do the job.”

"Your ability is obvious to all, and it doesn't matter. As for the specific work, this unit is only responsible for strategic level matters. It is at the same level as the National Strategic and Security Department, but it cannot be made public and can only be done in secret; secondly, tactics Level-level tasks will be the responsibility of the Ministry of National Strategic and Security in the future, and domestic strategic-level tasks will be handed over to this unit; thirdly, this unit does not exist in the country and will not be publicly recognized by the country, but it has the highest authority; thirdly, any actions of this unit are by I will personally sign it and the person in charge of the unit will implement it specifically. Once something goes wrong, the country will not recognize it. In other words, this unit will become the sharpest knife in the country. I can only tell you so much at the moment unless you are willing to lead the unit." The chief is serious. explained.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Luo Zheng solemnly agreed. As a soldier, all actions are subject to command. Luo Zheng vaguely felt that this unit will have a larger stage and space in the future, and he can fully display his strengths. Soldiers pursue What is it? Glory, platform and trust.

"Very good." The chief was overjoyed and said solemnly: "This unit does not have an official designation and does not belong to the military. It directly obeys the orders of the supreme leader. Anyone else's orders can be ignored. In addition, I hope that this unit will The troops are everywhere like dragons, but nowhere to be found. They suddenly appear when needed, tear the enemy into pieces, and then disappear into nothingness. There is no applause, no flowers, and no honor. All they have is loyalty to the country and love for this country. Can you protect the land?"

"Yes." Luo Zheng's face turned solemn and he solemnly agreed.

"Very good, I officially announce the establishment of the 'Dragon Teeth' force. It will be adapted by your Secret Bureau. The necessary people will be retained, and those who do not meet the requirements will be left to the National Strategic and Security Department, which is the original unit. Remember, this force There are not too many tasks, but every task is strategic level, that is, the highest level. The country's most thorny tasks, the most difficult tasks, and even the most mysterious and weird tasks will be handed over to you. Your code name is Dragon head, your base is called Dragon Nest. I hope you will protect this country like a dragon. We are the descendants of the dragon. The dragon is the highest totem of our nation. Each of you is the fang of the dragon, sharp, strong, and tearing. All enemies who dare to invade the country, I hope you will not insult this code name." The chairman stood up, looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said, his eyes shining with a bit of determination and desire.

"Dragon Tooth?" Luo Zheng was startled and couldn't help but think of various weapon orders. Dragon Tooth Shield, Dragon Tooth Bullet, Wolf Tooth Knife, Dragon Tooth Armor, etc. were all ordered with Dragon Tooth. Is there a certain number? His face became solemn and his blood boiled. He seemed to have seen the smoke-filled battlefield. He led his brothers to conquer hundreds of battles in the south and fought bloody battlefields. He also saw brothers falling down with roars. For the sake of the country and the nation, Luo Zheng Without hesitation, his eyes were shining like the stars hanging in the sky, and he shouted with a solemn expression: "Yes, we are sharp dragon teeth, tearing apart all invading powerful enemies for the country, and we will die without regrets. Please rest assured, organization." "

"For the country!" The chief held Luo Zheng's hand with emotion, his eyes full of trust and expectation.

"For the country!" Luo Zheng also responded with emotion and a firm tone. As a soldier, fighting for the country and serving the people, what could be better than this? Why not die?

A new journey belonging to Long Ya is about to begin!

A legend belonging to Dragon Tooth began.

ps: The new book "The Strongest Sniper" has been published with more than 100,000 words. It has a different story and a different passion. Please appreciate it!


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