The strongest soldier

Chapter 3994 Final Doubt

Heroes act in a unique way, are not influenced by external things, and will not give up until they achieve their goals. Once they are in a desperate situation, they would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed. They are full of courage. Faced with desperate situations and death, the Holy Lord of the Dark Church resorts to poison in desperation. It is reasonable to kill the close men around you, blow up the base, and destroy all clues and valuable materials.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said angrily: "Yeah, it's been so long and I haven't found any information. All electronic equipment has been burned together. This is a premeditated self-destruction." After a long time of hard work, nothing was found in the end. This result made Luo Zheng extremely depressed.

After saying that, Luo Zheng looked down at the corpse on the ground, his eyes fell on the Holy Lord, and added with some comfort: "Anyway, the Holy Lord is dead, which is a good gain. I will take pictures of these people and send them back to the headquarters immediately." , let the headquarters identify themselves. As for the observation group, put away the masks and don’t let them know who the elder, holy king or holy master is. You come out here, I will avoid it and go to the underground base for a walk."

"My face is pale." Shi Qian agreed and looked back at the observation group outside. Luo Zheng was really difficult to deal with at the scene. He had many ways to refuse to answer any questions. He saw Luo Zheng giving the brothers outside the group a pass to observe. After receiving Tuan's gesture, he hurriedly left and took out his helmet camera to take pictures.

The Holy Lords, Holy Kings and Elders of the Dark Church all have extraordinary identities and have shocking public identities. It is not difficult to trace them. For example, Child, Sean, etc. Luo Zheng left his posthumous affairs to Shi Qian, He took Sora Ishii to the underground base in a hurry.

The underground base was completely out of shape, and its original appearance could not be seen, and the cavern had basically collapsed. Fortunately, the soil had been basically cleared out, and the appearance was still there. The think tank in charge of directing the excavation on site hurriedly came forward, pointed around and explained. : "A large number of motorcycles were found there."

Luo Zheng followed what the think tank expected and saw an open area. All the motorcycles had been cleaned and transported back to the country. The think tank continued: "In front is the cave cliff. There are not many intact cave chambers. The Holy Lord and the others are from the highest place. It was found in the largest cave. That cave had completely collapsed, but it was not at the center of the explosion, so the body was still intact. Is that where it was?" He said, heading higher.

"Are there any other discoveries there?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, looking up to the heights. There was indeed a larger cave there, but it also collapsed out of shape.

"There were some daily necessities, drinks, food, furniture, beds, etc., but they were all destroyed. It should be the Holy Lord's living room. The deceased was sitting around a nanmu table. The nanmu table was very strong and relatively well preserved. The sofa and other items It was destroyed. Judging from the scene, they must have gathered together for a meeting and found the mineral water bottle. They must have died of poisoning after drinking the water. I went up and took a closer look, and I can't be wrong," the think tank explained.

"It seems that our conjecture is basically established. The Holy Lord realized that he was going to die, so he simply led everyone to be martyred together, pretending that they all died here, and covering for another team outside that is responsible for the inheritance. I wonder where the team responsible for the inheritance will be? How many people are there? Unfortunately, they are all dead and there is no clue." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Yes, no matter what, the Dark Church has been destroyed by us and will not come out for a long time. We can also breathe a sigh of relief and have an explanation in all aspects." The think tank said in a deep voice, seeing Luo Zheng's face He nodded solemnly, thought for a moment, and asked, "What are you worried about?"

"Whether it is the Holy Lord, the Holy King or the Elders, these people only represent the Dark Church for a while. What I am worried about is that the high technology of the Dark Church will be preserved. I am also worried about how many people are responsible for the inheritance and what their abilities are. Since they are responsible for the inheritance , I think these people must have been carefully selected, so this is a headache. Unless this organization is completely eliminated, I will not feel at ease." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I suspect that those responsible for the inheritance are in the mysterious submarine." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"Submarine?" Luo Zheng was startled, and his face changed drastically. The Dark Church has three major high-tech weapons, aircraft, motorcycles and submarines. So far in the battle, all aircraft have been destroyed, many motorcycles have also been destroyed, and only the submarine has not appeared. Yes, the submarine is hiding in the sea, nowhere to be found.

"That submarine is so powerful that we can't find it at all. It is the most ideal hiding spot. I suspect that the person responsible for the inheritance is hiding in the submarine. Maybe the Holy Lord has already made arrangements for his funeral before he blew himself up. This is really troublesome." Think Tank He whispered with lingering fear and his eyes became serious.

"No matter what, we must find the submarine. If the submarine needs supplies, it must go ashore. There will be clues left behind, and it is impossible to find them." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and before the think tank nodded, he added: "You are here Commander, let’s see if we can find any clues and I’ll go out.”

"Understood." The think tank promised fully. Although the search for clues has been worthless so far, all the information has been burned, and the electronic equipment has been destroyed, the think tank is still unwilling to give in and agrees to command the troops to continue the search.

Luo Zheng hurriedly came outside and quickly came to the headquarters. He asked everyone in the headquarters to leave, leaving only the tentacle monster. He also signaled Ishii Sora to stand guard at the door and not allow anyone to approach, making sure that no one could overhear. He whispered to the tentacle monster: "Send a message secretly."

"To whom?" the tentacle monster asked curiously.

"Top secret, send it to Sister-in-law Xuelian, and ask her to secretly pay attention to the coastal reshipment docks around the world to see if she can find the mysterious submarine of the Dark Church. I suspect that the team responsible for the inheritance of the Dark Church is hidden in the submarine. In addition, inform Lan Xue, let Lan Xue organize the intelligence department to follow up on the ground. Remember, this information must be top secret and is not allowed to be leaked." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

The matter was so important that Luo Zheng didn't even dare to use the headset to contact Lan Xue directly. The tentacle monster nodded knowingly and responded in a low voice: "Don't worry, I will use a code that only Sister-in-law Xuelian can understand. Even if you are I won’t be afraid if people intercept me, and I will never leak the secret, I promise.”

"That's good." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the tentacle monster to send it out quickly. He came outside the headquarters and saw the people from the observation group pointing and talking around the bodies of the Holy Lord and others. After thinking about it, he walked up .

When the representatives of the observation group saw Luo Zheng coming, they gathered around him with smiles on their faces. One of them even said happily: "Congratulations on destroying a powerful enemy in one fell swoop and successfully completing the mission."

"Congratulations, the elimination of the Dark Church is a victory for mankind and the gospel of peace." Luo Zheng said politely.

Everyone laughed, said polite words enthusiastically, and had a great time.

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