The strongest soldier

Chapter 3990 Self-destruct base

"Rumble--" A dull sound rolled from the ground, as if the devil was roaring and hissing, with a suffocating and depressing atmosphere. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They were shocked by this scene. They were well underground. Why were there such huge serial explosions in the base? Was there an earthquake? Or a volcanic eruption? Everyone quickly rejected these inferences. This high mountain range was neither an earthquake zone nor a volcanic area.

Luo Zheng's stern eyes were fixed on the sunken peak. Although it couldn't be seen clearly under the moonlight, it felt very clear. Huge rocks rolling down from the top of the mountain and collapsed soil were everywhere. It couldn't be real anymore. Something happened in the underground base. Luo Zheng looked serious and shouted: "Quick, retreat quickly to prevent any unexpected events."

Although everyone was still in a safe position, and there was no sign that the main peak was sinking, for safety reasons, Luo Zheng led his troops to quickly evacuate the scene, flew away, and rushed to the other side of the mountain. As he ran, Luo Zheng Zheng never forgot to ask in a deep voice through the headset: "Who can tell me what happened?"

"Boss, the top of the main peak has collapsed, and the situation is unknown." A voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng heard the voice and judged that it was a brother from the fourth group, and immediately asked: "What is the specific situation?"

"The entire top of the main peak is sunken, and the surrounding soil has collapsed and slid. The details are unknown." The voice sounded in the headset again, with a bit of confusion.

"There must have been a big explosion in the underground base inside the mountain. The big explosion caused the mountain to collapse. Otherwise, this situation would not have happened suddenly. This is not an earthquake zone, nor is it a volcano. Unless there are human factors, it is impossible for the main peak of the mountain to collapse. " Ishii Sora said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng naturally understood this truth, but he just couldn't understand how such a violent explosion could occur in the underground base. The explosions were heard one after another, and there were still faint explosions. How much explosives did this require? With such a big explosion, can people underground still survive? Isn't this suicide?

The Dark Church has always given people the impression that it is ruthless, forbearing, and unscrupulous, and it is impossible to commit suicide. Luo Zheng was confused by all these changes, and without any time to think about it, he led his brothers to the top of a mountain and felt that the ground was not shaking. There are signs. This time I stopped and looked back.

The distance was a bit far, and the moonlight was hazy, making it difficult to see clearly. Luo Zheng removed the sniper scope from his sniper rifle and raised it to take a look. Only then did he realize that the top of the main peak was shorter, and there was mud rolling down the hillside. Next, dust was flying. Looking at the entrance of the cave, it was still quiet. No one came out. A large piece of mud and stone roared down, burying the entire entrance of the cave.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he saw this scene. He was stunned. What's going on? Is the Dark Church all buried under the mountain? Why was there a big explosion? Could it be that the Dark Church activated the self-destruct device? Luo Zheng's face changed greatly when he thought of this, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Every unit, pay attention, every unit, pay attention, search carefully for me, don't miss any details, see if the enemy has evacuated and escaped."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison. Such a big explosion cannot be for no reason. There is no reason for the Dark Church to commit suicide. There is only one explanation, and that is that the people inside have evacuated, so the underground base was blown up. Although this explanation is a bit far-fetched, But everyone would rather believe this explanation than believe that the Dark Church would commit suicide.

"It's so weird!" Xu Gang muttered to himself, staring at the main peak that was still on the landslide.

"It makes no sense. They can surrender. As long as they are alive, they will definitely have a chance to escape. There is no need to commit suicide. This is not in line with their style." Tie Diao also said in a deep voice.

The sudden change made everyone feel a sense of discomfort, as if they suddenly no longer had an opponent. Their hearts were empty and uncomfortable. Why did the enemy they had fought for their whole life suddenly disappear? Luo Zheng looked at the main peak that was constantly sliding, and whispered with a deep expression: "If the Dark Church detonated the bomb on its own, there is only one explanation. Destroy everything in the underground base, eliminate all traces of the Dark Church, and cover up the truth and clues. ."

"It makes sense, what is the purpose?" Xu Gang's face darkened, and he realized that this explanation was in line with the style of the Dark Church, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, what is the purpose of doing this?" Tie Diao also asked curiously, showing a solemn look.

Everyone knows that the Dark Church is not a person who is afraid of trouble. Every step has a deep meaning. There must be something weird about blowing up the underground base. Others also looked at Luo Zheng with questioning expressions in their eyes. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment, collected his thoughts and said coldly. explained: "There is only one possibility. Although this is the headquarters of the Dark Church, it is not all. There must be other branches. The enemy knew that they could not escape this disaster, so they blew up the underground base, destroyed all clues and information, and ensured The other members are safe, leaving a fire and hope for future development."

"Hiss, what a ruthless method. He is very cruel to the enemy and even more cruel to himself. This is the dark church that I am familiar with. However, the price of doing this is a bit high." Xu Gang's face changed drastically and he said in a deep voice.

"It's indeed big enough. Doing this can be said to be a huge loss of vitality. The Dark Church won't be able to make a comeback until a hundred years later. Is it worth doing this?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

"It's better to lose your vitality than to wipe out the whole army. It's a pity." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Hiss?" The expressions of other people around him also changed drastically, and they were shocked by the self-protection methods of the Dark Church.

For a while, everyone was silent and speechless. News from the headquarters kept coming to their ears. The remaining enemies on the periphery had been eliminated, and the suspicious troops that had secretly infiltrated had been wiped out. Everything was going in a good direction. Everyone had a big victory, but Luo Zheng couldn't be happy. He always felt that he had missed something. He kept a calm face and said nothing, and gestured for everyone to walk towards the headquarters.

There was a big explosion in the underground base. It was impossible for the people inside to survive. There was no need to continue to guard the cave. Everyone followed Luo Zheng in silence. No one spoke. They felt empty in their hearts, as if they had no direction to fight for. And the target, the biggest opponent was just gone, and it ended in a way that no one could have imagined. This made everyone very uncomfortable, and an unreal feeling filled their minds.

Not long after, everyone arrived near the headquarters. There were some corpses lying in the open area. Several guards were guarding them. More guards were stationed in all directions. Shi Qian hurriedly came up to meet him with a complex expression. He looked at Luo Zheng and hesitated to speak. Even though he knew what to say, he obviously hadn't yet reacted to such a result.

The think tank walked out of the headquarters tent, faced Luo Zheng, and said with surprise on his face: "Boss, we are victorious. I expected the enemy to blow up the underground base, hahaha."

"As expected?" Luo Zheng looked at the think tank in surprise, unable to react for a moment.

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