The strongest soldier

Chapter 3989 Weird Explosion

The underground base is extremely complex, and no one knows how many exits there are? Where is the exit? He didn't even know what was hidden inside. Such a battle was difficult to fight. Ishii Sora's reminder made Luo Zheng feel tight. After thinking for a moment, he helplessly whispered: "If there is an exit, there is nothing we can do. We don’t have enough troops, but fortunately it’s dark now, so even if the enemy escapes, they won’t be able to escape far. We have the Dragon Tooth Shield to monitor the surrounding area, as well as satellites and aircraft. We haven’t found any unusual troop movements so far, which means the enemy hasn’t come out yet.”

"What if the enemy breaks into pieces and a small number of high-level officials evacuate quietly?" Ishii Sora reminded worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, there are high mountains all around. Our troops are stationed on the outer strategic roads. There are two lines of defense. Even if the enemy hides the Dragon Tooth Shield and the satellite, they can't hide it from the defense line. Even if they hide it from the defense line, they can't run far. Don't worry. ." Luo Zheng said to himself, looking more like he was comforting himself.

We were short of manpower, and we had done what we could. If we still let the enemy escape, there was nothing we could do. Luo Zheng sighed helplessly, looked at Sora Ishii, fixed his eyes on the cave again, and continued: "You can't attack, the cave It’s so narrow that the enemy will die if they come out, and we will die if we go in. If we wait any longer, the air inside won’t last long, ten minutes at most.”

"That's fine." Ishii Sora responded in a low voice with understanding.

"How about I touch it in and take a look. I'm fast and protected by a mecha, so it shouldn't be a big problem." Tie Diao's voice sounded in the headset, with a strong fighting spirit.

"No, don't make fearless sacrifices." Luo Zheng rejected Tie Diao's request to fight without hesitation.

Everyone fell silent and continued to stare patiently at the entrance of the cave. It was pitch black inside. The incendiary bomb had exhausted the last bit of incendiary agent and extinguished the fire. Luo Zheng thought for a while and found that there was no more incendiary bomb. He waited patiently while contacting the headquarters. , understand other battlefield situations.

Not long after, the roar of fighter jets came to my ears, from far to near, deafening. Soon, the whole world seemed to be filled with the roar of fighter jets. A fighter jet passed over everyone's heads, as if a giant bird was gliding past. , a pitch-black mass under the night, exuding a cold murderous intent and going away.

Everyone looked up and watched the fighter jets whizzing past, and breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. Although the number of troops from the Anti-Terrorism General Administration that suddenly appeared was not large and was not a cause for concern, it was still like something stuck in their throats. It would be best if they could be eliminated. Then, everyone saw The two helicopters on standby at the top of the mountain also took off and chased in the direction of the fighter jets.

Not long after, everyone heard a huge explosion. They guessed it was an air attack launched by fighter jets against the enemy. They all glanced at Luo Zheng, continued to stare at the entrance of the cave, and tightened their guns. An invisible fighting spirit burst out, and in their eyes The light is shining brightly, and I wish I could rush forward and fight the enemy. Without reinforcements, the enemy should be desperate again, right?

Luo Zheng also stared closely at the entrance of the cave. His ears were filled with the sound of guns and artillery coming from other battlefields and the orders from the headquarters. The cave was silent and there was no movement. This made Luo Zheng startled and suspicious. The reinforcements were under attack. The news must not be hidden. The enemy will definitely counterattack wildly if they know that the reinforcements are blocked. What is they trying to do?

After waiting for a while, the surprised voice of the tentacle monster suddenly came from the headset, with a bit of urgency: "Report, boss, the few remaining enemies on the periphery suddenly changed direction and retreated, no longer running towards the valley."

"The enemy isn't coming to support?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked.

The enemies on the periphery have been attacking the defense line fiercely, trying to break through the defense line and rush to the valley for support. Now they suddenly turned around and ran away. There must be a trick here. The tentacle monster's urgent voice sounded again: "Report, the enemy's situation is unknown. It looks like he is running away. He is not planning to come." Valley to the rescue.”

"Order the troops to catch up and surround them all. Don't let any of them escape. These bastards are all terrorists with blood on their hands. We must not let them go lightly." Luo Zheng ordered with murderous intent.

"Yes." The think tank's quiet voice sounded in the headset.

"Report, the suspected Counter-Terrorism Administration troops that have infiltrated have been basically eliminated, and helicopters are conducting final searches." The tentacle monster's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng agreed and felt relieved. This unknown armed force suspected of being from the Anti-Terrorism Administration actually broke through the outer defense line and penetrated up. If it weren't for the Dragon Tooth Shield, I'm afraid they could have penetrated directly into the headquarters and faced the fighter jets and The helicopter's double blow meant that there would not be too many survivors, so it was no longer a concern. He immediately turned all his attention to the entrance of the cave in front, and it was still quiet in the dark cave.

Time passed by minute by second. The troops responsible for searching for the vents had already inspected the suspicious area and blew up all the vents found. The mountain eagle sent an invitation. Luo Zheng was worried that there were still fish that slipped through the net, so he ordered Everyone continued to search to make sure everything was safe. The enemies in the underground base had not come out yet. This was very unreasonable. If there was not enough air inside, it would be impossible for the people inside to hide.

Shan Diao and Shi Qian agreed and continued to search the vents with the assistance of the helicopter. A few minutes later, Luo Zheng heard a burst of rapid gunfire from the direction of the command headquarters. He was not alarmed and quickly asked through the headset: "Command Department, what happened, why were there gunshots?"

The headquarters is a top priority and cannot be missed. Soon, Tang Tiantian's urgent reply sounded in the headset: "Report, the secret sentry found a suspicious target and has been killed. It is suspected that a single soldier has infiltrated."

"It seems that there are missing enemies, or there are other enemies that have spread out and infiltrated. Be careful. If you find a large number of enemies, report it immediately. Shi Qian, take your people to the headquarters immediately to assist in the defense." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, Shi Qian's Everyone in the first group has good skills. The five teams searching for the mountain eagles at the vents are basically enough. It is more appropriate to free up the first group to assist in the defense headquarters for safety.

"Yes." Shi Qian's answer sounded in the headset.

"Boom -" Suddenly a muffled sound came from the ground, the earth shook, and the soil on the mountain ridge rolled down. Everyone was shocked. Looking up, they found that the towering main peak in front suddenly shrank down. It was very unreal. They didn't feel shocked, they blinked and looked carefully.

As far as the eye could see, everyone noticed through the cold moonlight that the towering main peak was slowly sinking downwards. It was a strange feeling, and their ears were filled with thunderous sounds, one after another. It was very depressing and dull, but very real. Everyone. He looked towards the bottom of the mountain almost at the same time, and the sound clearly came from beneath the main peak.

"Hiss, the underground base exploded? What happened?" Everyone secretly thought, their faces changed drastically, and they all looked at Luo Zheng, their eyes full of shock, incredible shock.

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