The strongest soldier

Chapter 3948 The enemy wants to run away

The Art of War says: Those who are good at attacking move above the Nine Heavens, and those who are good at hiding hide under the Nine Earths. The Dark Church is considered to be good at hiding. It actually found a natural cave in the ground and developed it into a cave for hiding soldiers, which is about 300 meters underground. If it weren't for the thermal imaging of the helicopter, if it hadn't accidentally discovered the figure, it would have found the fork in the road. , Luo Zheng will never find this hiding cave. Once he leads his troops to pursue him and enters the trap ahead, the troops in the hiding cave suddenly attack from behind. It will definitely be a devastating disaster. I can't believe it.

The exposed cave in the Tibetan Soldier Cave was blown up and blocked, and the other exits are unknown. It is really difficult for the enemy to hide 300 meters underground and cannot get out. The only way is to penetrate the ground with bombs, and conventional ground-penetrating bombs can drill through six meters thick. reinforced concrete fortifications and 30-meter-thick ordinary ground, but strategic-grade ground-penetrating bombs can penetrate the ground for about a hundred meters. If three ground-penetrating bombs attack a position at the same time, it will definitely be a huge blow to the Tibetan Soldier Cave 300 meters below. Threats, even if they can't be killed directly, they can still blow up the cave and bury the people inside alive.

As a soldier, Shandiao has received various military training since childhood and naturally knows about ground-penetrating bombs. However, because his previous missions were all special operations, local small-scale battles, and he ran away after fighting, he has not experienced large-scale battles. Unconventional weapons like bullets have almost never been used, so it was reasonable to not expect them at the moment, but soon after, he understood Luo Zheng's tactical intentions, and his eyes began to shine.

After chatting briefly for a while, Luo Zheng listened to the voices from all sides that were constantly ringing in the headset. There were people from the headquarters ordering helicopters to rush to support after discovering a new target, and teams from various countries reporting the situation after discovering the target. It was extremely lively. At this point in the battle, no one has absolute control.

The anti-terrorist alliance's special forces were shrinking the encirclement. They could naturally find various bunkers, positions and enemy tracks along the way. This was unavoidable in battle. When encountering a strong enemy, they immediately called for air support. The fight went smoothly. Luo Zheng listened carefully for a while and found out They were all fought by small groups of twenty or thirty people, and the enemy did not dispatch large troops. It seemed that the enemy's battle center was in this area, and the weight of victory rested on the people in the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng sneered. The cave was blown up. The people in the hiding cave must have spread the news. Five helicopters also went to investigate the suspected trap ahead. Next, it depends on how the enemy will play their cards. The four squadrons have not yet After arriving, Luo Zheng was in no hurry to take action.

"Report, no enemy situation found." The helicopter pilot responsible for detecting traps kept sending the same information.

Luo Zheng became confused after hearing the report. How could there be no enemies in the naturally formed valley trap? Are there underground fortifications there too? Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower exposed during the last attack on the valley where the aircraft was hiding. He was startled and immediately shouted through the headset: "Disperse the search, be careful of the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery."

"Boom -" Suddenly there was an explosion, followed by an urgent voice shouting: "No, I've been shot, the helicopter is out of control, it's landing, it's landing."

"Boom, boom, boom -" Immediately afterwards, another explosion sounded in the headset. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. The enemy finally didn't want to wait any longer and showed his fangs? He couldn't help but said eagerly: "Report the situation."

"Report, it is a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile attack. Ten targets were launched. Three helicopters were hit. Please give instructions whether to attack." A voice shouted urgently.

"Attack, kill them." Luo Zheng shouted angrily. The shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile has a guidance function and can chase the helicopter. If you can't hide, the best way is to attack and kill the launcher. As for the missile that has already been launched Luo Zheng believed that the helicopter pilot knew how to avoid the missiles that came out.

"Three?" Shandiao's expression changed greatly when he heard this number. Those were three expensive armed helicopters, and they were just gone. What did the enemy want to do? The mountain eagle frowned, looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "What do they want to do? Do they want to use attack helicopters to hope that our main force will go over, to achieve the purpose of attracting the enemy, so that the original plan can continue to be implemented?"

"It's hard to say. The enemy knows that we have discovered the hiding cave and that we have discovered the trap, so why do they still attack? Shouldn't they hide and not let us find it? At the very least, they should evacuate quietly." Luo Zheng shook his head and pondered. The behavior is contrary to common sense.

"There are helicopters monitoring the air. How are they going to evacuate?" the mountain eagle said thoughtfully: "Is it because they jumped over the wall after realizing that they were exposed, and the attack helicopters covered the evacuation of the ambush troops? There are not enough helicopters in the headquarters. Should we transfer the helicopters here? help?"

"It's not impossible, but the helicopters here can't move. What if the enemies in the hiding place suddenly come out and use the same method to attack the helicopters to cover the evacuation of the large forces?" Luo Zheng waved his hands in denial, his eyes flashing with concentration. Fighting intention, since the enemy wants to fight, then fight, and immediately shouted coldly: "Headquarters?"

"Please give instructions." The tentacle monster's voice sounded in the headset.

"Deploy fighter jets to help in the valley." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice. Fighter attacks on individual soldiers on the ground are like anti-aircraft cannons hitting mosquitoes. It is a waste. However, the headquarters does not have more helicopters at its disposal. Moreover, the dispatch of fighter jets can deter the enemy to a certain extent. Run around and mess up the enemy's evacuation arrangements, if the enemy really wants to take the opportunity to evacuate.

"Understood." The tentacle monster agreed.

Luo Zheng looked at the direction of the valley and frowned, and whispered to the mountain eagle: "Have you noticed something strange? There are suddenly more enemies on the periphery, attracting a large number of our helicopters to come over for support. The enemies suddenly take action. Are they covering for the battle here? , leaving us with not enough helicopters available?”

"It's very likely, what do you mean?" Mountain Eagle asked in a deep voice.

"The enemy realized that the plan failed and was not sure of victory. He wanted to run away, but he was afraid of the helicopters we deployed here, so he increased the offensive intensity from the outside, attracted all the helicopters from the command headquarters to rush to support, and then suddenly attacked and stayed here. The helicopters left us with no support. Once the attack is successful, they can evacuate smoothly. What a plan -" Luo Zheng sighed, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly shouted with murderous intent: "Order, the four squadrons increase their marching speed. , the enemy wants to escape, but there is no door."

"Understood." The tentacle monster quickly agreed.

"Let us do something?" Xu Gang and Tie Diao came over and asked for orders with fighting intent on their faces.

"Since the enemy wants to escape, there must be a complete evacuation plan. The attack helicopter only increases the success rate. Even if it fails, it will still evacuate. The enemy is launching in advance, and we really can't wait any longer." Shandiao also said in a deep voice, his face Full of excitement and fighting spirit.

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