The strongest soldier

Chapter 3947 Pre-war layout

Half an hour later, the helicopters circling in the sky failed to find any clues. Instead, the helicopters dispatched by the headquarters for reinforcements arrived and joined the search area. The helicopters that ran out of fuel returned to the camp to wait for the fuel and ammunition to be replenished. Then he quickly flew back and continued the search. Every helicopter had thermal imaging. As long as someone was walking on the ground, they could spot it. There were also satellites in the sky. Such a rigorous search failed to find any clues. There was only one explanation, and that was hiding soldiers. The enemy in the cave did not come out.

The mountain eagle has been following Luo Zheng on standby. Seeing Luo Zheng constantly observing the terrain, he couldn't help but ask: "Half an hour has passed and the enemy is hiding. It's the same as our previous analysis. What should we do next? You can’t just keep waiting like this, right?”

"Don't worry, it's better not to come out. We just need time to prepare." Luo Zheng looked into the distance and said in a deep voice. Seeing that the mountain eagle was about to speak, Luo Zheng didn't explain much, waved his hand to signal silence, and then spoke in a deep voice through the headset The order was: "Headquarters, transfer troops from the four squadrons. In addition, analyze immediately. If there is an ambush ahead, where is it most likely to be?"

"Understood." The tentacle monster quickly agreed.

The headquarters has think tanks, Jackson and Tang Tiantian. The three of them have rich combat experience. As long as the tentacle monster calls up the satellite aerial terrain map, it can analyze the terrain map where is the most suitable place for an ambush. Luo Zheng is very relieved about this and leaves it to the commander. As they finished their work, the mountain eagle next to them was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he said with some enlightenment: "You are saying that there may be an ambush ahead, and you plan to attack the ambush person?"

"You don't think so?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, there must be." Shandiao said quickly: "As you analyzed before, the enemy hid in the Tibetan Soldier Cave after evacuating, and did not cover up the traces of their evacuation. It can be seen that they wanted to lure us into pursuit. There was naturally an ambush in front, and a trap was set up. Wait for us, if we don’t go now, the enemy will be passive.”

"That's right, we don't understand. Traps cannot be moved, otherwise they will be exposed to satellites or reconnaissance helicopters. Infantrymen are looking for death when faced with helicopter attacks, unless they have anti-aircraft missiles. We have to guard against this until we find the trap. ." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. Anti-aircraft missiles are difficult to deal with. Even if the enemy has anti-aircraft missiles before the battle starts, they will not fire first, otherwise they will be exposed. The enemy is not sure that we have guessed their combat plan, so they are still waiting and watching. Moreover, When things develop to this point, we take the initiative and the enemy is passive. They can only wait, at least until we have no further plans, they can only move. However, once the enemy discovers our actions, it will be difficult to predict, and the possibility of escape is very high." Shan Diao analyzed excitedly.

Luo Zheng nodded and said nothing more. After a while, the think tank's voice sounded in the headset: "Boss, the four squadrons are rushing to the rendezvous at full speed and are expected to arrive within an hour. In addition, each squadron in the encirclement has discovered the enemy situation one after another, and helicopters We are rushing to support, but we cannot send more helicopters there. There is a valley about 20 kilometers north of the location inside, which is perfect for an ambush."

"What kind of valley?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"The valley is very strange. It is about five kilometers long and two kilometers wide. It is in an irregular S shape. At first glance, it seems that the mountains have retreated a bit. There are towering mountains in the front. It gives people a feeling that they don't even know it when they enter the valley. If you chase too hard and forget to pay attention to the surrounding terrain, you will easily rush in. The valley is surrounded by towering peaks, and it is suspected that there are fortifications inside the peaks." The think tank quickly explained.

"It's interesting. There is such a strange terrain. It is a natural trap. Select five helicopters to go over, send them the coordinates, and tell them to be careful about air defense and report the enemy's situation immediately." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, and made a test The decision to attack sexually, once the helicopter is gone, the enemy will definitely realize that it is exposed, will it fight back or retreat? Luo Zheng didn't know the enemy's choice either, so he waited and waited to see what would happen.

Fighting is like two masters fighting each other. Fighting with all your strength will only make you die faster. Unless you have an absolute advantage, the best way is to test, find out the details of the opponent and then attack with all your strength. Luo Zheng dare not Don't underestimate your opponent. The five helicopters are the first step in the exploratory attack. It is unknown how the enemy will respond, so naturally you cannot use all your strength to attack them.

To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng warned worriedly: "Command, tell more than three fighter jets to be ready to take off and provide support at any time."

"Understood." The think tank's voice sounded in the headset again.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, and after making sure that nothing was missed, he turned his attention to the front again. There were thousands of troops hidden down there, about three hundred meters deep. He didn't know where the entrance and exit were. The enemy couldn't get out. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry. Time It's important to the enemy, but it's even more important to yourself. The four squadrons still have an hour to arrive, so we can't start a full-scale war.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng signaled the others accompanying him to disperse their guard, leaving Shan Diao alone. Without hiding Shan Diao, he whispered directly through the headset: "Headquarters, secret communication channel."

"Understood." A voice sounded, it was Lan Xing.

Luo Zheng's headset also used a public channel, and others could hear the call content, but the secret communication channel was different. After a while, Lan Xing's voice sounded, and the communication channel was connected. In this way, others could not hear it. After reading the content of the call, Luo Zheng glanced at the mountain eagle and said in a deep voice: "Pick up Xue'er."

"I'm here." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"I need three strategic-grade ground-penetrating bombs. Can you prepare them in one hour?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Three? An hour?" Lan Xue asked in surprise. After receiving Luo Zheng's confirmation, he pondered for a moment and continued: "That should be enough. I will coordinate with the local government immediately. Their country should have earth-penetrating bombs. It will definitely not work if other countries fly over. , will cause disputes, it is best to contact the local country.”

"Leave it to you, launch an attack on the Tibetan Soldier Cave in an hour. The attack will be divided into three attacks. The same position must be attacked. The Tibetan Soldier Cave is three hundred meters underground. One earth-penetrating bomb cannot reach that deep. Three It's enough to attack the same position one after another." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a stern look in his eyes, and the flames of war were pulsing and suffocating.

When Shandiao heard this, he suddenly understood Luo Zheng's method of forcing the enemies in the underground cave. His face changed slightly, and he was immediately overjoyed. He nodded excitedly and gave Luo Zheng a thumbs up. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng ended the call. Then he said sincerely: "Brother, it's a good idea. I'm convinced. Why didn't I think of it?"

"The Hidden Soldier Cave is three hundred meters deep underground. Strategic-grade earth-penetrating missiles cannot attack more than a hundred meters. Ordinary earth-penetrating bombs cannot reach this depth, so it is normal to think of this method. However, I hope you can escape from the previous special operations. Theory and thinking, think more about the theories of major battles, so that you can be independent in the future." Luo Zheng whispered sincerely, full of expectations for the mountain eagle.

"Understood." The mountain eagle said gratefully, his eyes shining and his spirit flying.

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