The strongest soldier

Chapter 3905 Discuss Countermeasures

After returning to the base, Luo Zheng and others were sent to the treatment room. After careful inspection, everyone was allowed to be discharged after confirming that there were no problems. Those with problems must stay for treatment. This was the system Luo Zheng originally stipulated. In order to avoid brothers They left behind sequelae or hidden dangers on the battlefield. The person in charge of this matter is Wu Miao. Over the years, he has implemented it very well and avoided many problems. Naturally, Luo Zheng cannot violate this rule.

It was already the next morning after leaving the treatment room. The think tank and others stayed in the treatment room to receive detailed treatment. When Luo Zheng returned to the office, he saw a stack of information and some breakfast on the desk. Luo Zheng walked inside. I took a good rinse in the bathroom, tidied up, put on clean casual clothes, and went out to eat breakfast while reading information.

Luo Zheng asked Blue Star to collect the information. They were all information about the base provided by Tokugawa. Most of them were satellite aerial photos, as well as surrounding terrain maps, climate analysis data, and analysis briefings on the base, etc. Luo Zhengzu It took me ten minutes to read it all. Although the information was not complete, I still had a general idea of ​​the situation.

However, this general situation made Luo Zheng worried for no reason. Judging from the satellite aerial photos, there are no facilities on the surface. This is the same as what Tokugawa said at the beginning. However, the mountains are high and steep, with layers upon layers, and the tops are covered with ice and snow. Climb up. It's all a problem, let alone attack. In this complex mountainous terrain, there may be bunkers, tunnels, and even huge underground fortifications everywhere. What Tokugawa Tian saw may not be everything.

In other words, what should we do if the enemy is hiding in steep mountains with complex terrain and nowhere to be traced. There may be anti-aircraft weapons anywhere, and even air strikes cannot effectively attack them? Luo Zheng was obviously deep in thought. After a while, there was a knock on the door suddenly. Luo Zheng responded and closed the document.

Soon, Lan Xue and Lan Xing pushed the door open and came in. Luo Zheng motioned for them to sit down, looked at Lan Xing and asked: "Little sister, I have read the information. It is very comprehensive, but not detailed enough. Can you make it more detailed?" , this base is surrounded by mountains for hundreds of kilometers, and the base is steep, layered, and very complex. There may be enemy air defense weapons anywhere, and there may be enemy bunkers anywhere. If you go there rashly, you will obviously die. "

"My sister has also reminded me about this issue, but we can only do so much. I don't know why. The satellite cannot conduct local zoom-in observation of the area. The overview investigation is thanks to the software developed by Sister-in-law Xuelian and the tentacle monster. , it was only possible to upgrade the software to the satellite system. The magnetic field in the entire area is very chaotic and the satellite signal is weak." Blue Star quickly explained.

"It's troublesome if the satellite signal is weak." Luo Zheng frowned worriedly and started thinking.

"Don't worry, the Dragon Tooth Shield developed by the Tentacle Monster has been upgraded and added a signal transmitting function. It is powerful and can be transmitted up to three thousand meters. If you bring the Dragon Tooth Shield over, the signal can be transmitted to an altitude of three thousand meters and can be transmitted by satellites. Capture effectively and establish a smooth connection,” explained Blue Star.

"Great, this has completely solved the problem of communication difficulties in areas with turbulent magnetic fields. Well done. Since the Dragon Tooth Shield can emit a powerful signal source, does that mean that the brothers can use the Dragon Tooth Shield to operate in areas with no or no signal? To carry out effective communication in areas with great interference?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Yes, we are sure that we have already done simulation attempts and the results are very good." Blue Star said confidently.

"Okay, as long as there is no communication problem, everything else will be fine." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. Modern warfare is all about information. If the information is released, it will be impossible to obtain air support and establish effective contact with teammates, becoming blind and deaf. And the mute, how can we fight this battle? Now that everything is fine and all the problems have been solved, Luo Zheng felt at ease and smiled.

"Don't be too happy. Even so, things are not ideal. As you just analyzed, this base may be the enemy's headquarters. For example, it is heavily guarded. The enemy may build bunkers anywhere, and there may be air defense forces anywhere. How to fight this battle?"

"As long as there is communication, it will be easy. We can send a small group of troops to conduct reconnaissance first. If we find the target, we will immediately mark it, and then call for an air strike to destroy it at a fixed point. In order to ensure the speed of the attack, we can prepare a large number of bombers to assist, so that we can call at the same time. Bombing, in this way, we will bomb as many as we find. In order to prevent the enemy from escaping, we need to prepare fighter jets on standby, so that we are not afraid of the enemy running away." Luo Zheng smiled nonchalantly, everyone represents the force of justice, with the assistance of various countries in the Anti-Terrorism Alliance, and some resources, it is not difficult to achieve air strikes.

"I understand what you said. The problem is that the nearest country is four to five hundred kilometers away from the region. It will be too late to fly there. Moreover, the country is not a member of the Anti-Terrorism Alliance. It would be good if it does not cause any obstacles to oppose us. It's difficult for them to send troops," Lan Xue reminded helplessly.

"How many countries in this area can help us? How far away are they?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"There is one member country of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance. They can help. The problem is that they are too poor and do not have good fighter jets to help fight. It is difficult to ensure the idea you just had." Lan Xue reminded.

"As long as there is a runway." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly. Seeing that Lan Xue was a little confused, he explained: "Let each member country of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance send a bomber or fighter jet there to cooperate with each country's own special operations team. Logistics and ground support are all They will solve it themselves. This way, we don’t have to worry about armament issues, and their own combatants will feel more at ease. Moreover, this base is too big, it is not the headquarters of the Dark Church, and it is not low-level. I believe that all countries are willing to participate."

"It makes sense. They also need credit and need to show their military strength." Lan Xue said.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, looked at Blue Star and warned: "In this way, we, with more than thirty member states, will divide the periphery of the region into more than thirty regions. Each country will be responsible for one region. When the time comes, we will invest in it at the same time. After military reconnaissance, we found that we can bomb the target countries on our own and completely solve the peripheral problems. As for the core area, we currently have too little information. We will wait until the war breaks out and make a drawing with the coordinates clearly indicated to facilitate troop investigation and For calling air strikes."

"Understood, I'll do it as soon as possible." Blue Star promised.

"I'll leave the coordination to you. Is three days enough?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and asked.

"Let's proceed within two days. The enemy must have been alert, and they would have run away if it was too late." Lan Xue said with a smile. As an experienced veteran, Lan Xue was also quite familiar with the style of the Dark Church. After thinking about it, , asked: "How do you consider the number of troops sent by each country?"

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