The strongest soldier

Chapter 3904 On the way back

The destruction of the server means that all the data is gone, which means that the desire to find clues from the data has failed, and it also means that the opponent has been alerted and is hiding. Luo Zheng is very helpless about this, but it is not bad to destroy the command center. At least it was a fatal blow to the Dark Church. In the battle in the primeval forest, they killed hundreds of elite members of the Dark Church, and now they destroyed the command center. This was an unprecedented victory.

"We have already got hold of several people in the Dark Church's intelligence system. We can use them to spread false news and attract more people to be exposed, such as meetings, gatherings, or other things. There are ways to get more people to come over. We will keep the net open. There is still a chance. Yes." Hong Meihua suggested.

"Well, you know this better than we do, so just take full responsibility for me. I need results. It's up to you to see how much we can achieve in a month." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, agreeing with this idea.

"Yes." Hong Meihua solemnly agreed, espionage is Hong Meihua's job, and she is also the best at it. Seeing that the brother departments are doing so well, the Intelligence Department has not made any great achievements, Hong Meihua has been holding her breath, it is rare. When given the chance, a look of perseverance appears in a pair of wonderful eyes.

Luo Zheng didn't think too much. He fully trusted Hongmeihua and left professional matters to dedicated people. This is the quality that a manager should have. He does not doubt the people he employs and does not use them. He waved his hand and looked at Guishou and asked: "Brother Guishou, aren't you in charge of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance base? Why are you here? Did something happen?"

"Yes." Guishou's expression dimmed and he responded. He looked straight ahead and drove attentively while continuing: "Brother, I failed in my duty. Just last night, the Dark Church's aircraft attacked the Anti-Terrorist Alliance base. It’s not because you warned us in advance and made arrangements, otherwise the losses would be even greater. This time, two aircraft came, flying at ultra-low altitudes. Our radar did not detect them in advance, and the other side dropped a large number of bombs and ran away."

"What, two aircraft? How much damage was done?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly.

"Thirteen people were sacrificed, thirty-two were injured, and a large number of false targets were destroyed." Ghost Hand said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng's heart twitched when he heard it, and he felt heartbroken. The loss was too great. Seeing Guishou's painful expression, Luo Zheng sighed helplessly, thought about it, and said in a deep voice: "I can't blame you for this. The two aircraft are... Don’t be mentally burdened by things that none of us have thought of. Let’s settle this debt with the enemy later. Let’s talk about how the aircraft flies at ultra-low altitude? How low?”

"There are many mountains near the anti-terrorist alliance base, and the aircraft almost flies less than 20 meters above the ground. This is simply unbelievable. It is difficult for all kinds of international aircraft to do it, but they can actually do it, and they fly very fast and are very invisible. Gao suddenly appeared in front of everyone at night. Not only was it not detected by radar, but the observation post also did not detect it in advance. By the time it was discovered, it was already too late." Guishou quickly explained.

"How is the base?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked.

"The base is in a canyon, so it's not a big problem. We made a lot of false targets on the flat ground above the canyon, including models of cannons, tanks, airplanes, etc. All the false targets were blown up. The attack range of the micro missiles thrown by the enemy was an effective killing diameter of More than a hundred meters, no aircraft has carried ten micro-missiles, and I don’t know how they made them. They are so small, but the explosion power is so powerful." Guishou explained with some fear.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng also changed his face. The aircraft was not big, but it could actually carry ten micro-missiles, and the explosion range of each missile was one hundred meters in diameter. This is not good news. You must know that there are other things on the aircraft. There was a machine gun with eight barrels, and the density of the rotating fire was terrifying.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng sighed for no reason: "It seems that the enemy has not only made technological breakthroughs in making holy warriors, but also made new breakthroughs in weapons. This is something I didn't expect. The sneak attack on the base has brought us bad consequences." The impact also made us see clearly that the other party is powerful."

"Yes, I have arranged for people to redeploy the base, and this time I have prepared more camouflage. As for our real base, it is thickened underground in the canyon, which can prevent ground-penetrating missile attacks, even nuclear bomb attacks. It can be blocked, so it’s not a big problem." Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"That's good. The cause of counter-terrorism is long-term and arduous. We must tighten the fence, do a good job in defense, and stabilize the rear so that brothers can fight with peace of mind outside. It is necessary to reach nuclear-proof standards, and it was also decided by us in advance. If Maybe, we need to grab time to get the engineering troops to speed up the progress." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll coordinate with them." Lan Xue agreed.

"Don't force it, the project has its own laws, and the necessary construction period cannot be less. Listen to their opinions more, and the faster the best." Luo Zheng warned, and saw several police cars parked in front, and police officers were guiding them. Guishou slowed down the traffic, and when he passed by, he found a body lying on the ground. The ground was covered with blood. A small car was blown up and was burning.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng said in surprise.

"It should be our people who did it." Hong Meihua explained in a low voice.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Recently, many people have come to the headquarters in various ways to spy on information. We have increased our defenses and immediately arrested those who found them. Those who encountered resistance were killed directly. The public security team sent people to cooperate with the operation and be responsible for the finishing touches. This car looked like it had been The ones that were blown up still have bullet holes. I'm afraid it's another spy. I'll find out if I ask on the phone." Hong Meihua explained, taking out the phone and dialing.

Soon, Hongmeihua ended the call and said to Luo Zheng: "It has been confirmed that it was a person who tried to infiltrate into the headquarters. He evacuated after being exposed. The brothers caught up and fought here. They killed the other person and then retreated and handed it over to the police. Help with the aftermath, but the identity of the other party is unknown. Recently, many unidentified people have come up, initially suspected to be spies sent by various countries, and want to know the true situation of our mystery bureau."

"It seems that our combat power has scared all countries. I want to understand. This is a good thing and a bad thing. It can deter other countries and demonstrate national power. It is the pride and pride of our military generation, but we must not let them succeed. The conspiracy Everything in the Bureau is top secret and cannot be leaked." Luo Zheng warned.

"Don't worry, I have taken detailed defensive measures." Lan Xue smiled.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he also laughed. Lan Xue personally deployed the defense, so there must be no problem. Luo Zheng put the matter down and pondered the next step. The clues provided by Tokugawa were very valuable and must be acted upon as soon as possible. , too late will cause changes, and when the enemies have all run away, it will be too late.

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