The strongest soldier

Chapter 3890 The enemy is chasing

The terrain was flat, with no shelter, and no weapons. We alone could not hold the coastline at all. Everyone was worried, but they were stunned when they found that Luo Zheng was just looking around. The think tank asked in a low voice in surprise: "Do you have a good idea?" Others gathered around and pricked up their ears.

Luo Zheng smiled and said, "There is no way. Don't forget that there is only one assault boat in the inner dock of the iceberg. It will not be easy for the enemy to come over. There may be other means of transportation, but they are definitely not very threatening. As long as there are enough weapons, It’s not impossible to hold on, everyone listen to my orders.”

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

"The three of you seem to be relatively lightly injured. Follow me. The others will disperse immediately. There are many corpses of adventurers and leftover weapons on this ice field. The corpses have been frozen and are integrated with the ice field. They cannot be removed. Let's go see if the weapons are still usable. It depends on our luck. Remember, don't go too far. It's best to work in pairs and have someone to look after you." Luo Zheng said while looking at the three people who were less seriously injured. .

"Understood." Everyone agreed and dispersed one after another. They didn't know much about Luo Zheng's next tactics, but they didn't bother to ask more. In extraordinary times, time can't be wasted. After a while, everyone dispersed in twos and threes and quickly disappeared into the vastness. Missing in the moonlight.

The biggest threat around is the direwolf. With that black thing on everyone, there is no big safety problem. Luo Zheng let everyone leave with confidence. He immediately looked at the three remaining guardsmen and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that I destroyed the assault boat just now." The motor can only be used by people paddling. We have a cable on it, so we can get on the boat and use the cable to drag some ice floes ashore to use as a shelter. Move quickly."

"Yes." Everyone's eyes lit up, they understood, and quickly got on the assault boat.

The assault boat couldn't get up without a booster motor. Fortunately, there were two oars on it. Everyone said that the boat was rowing into the sea water. Luo Zheng chose an ice floe. After the assault boat slowly approached the ice floe, it stopped and used a rope. I made a looper, wrapped it around the ice floe and tightened it, and tied the other end to the stern of the assault boat.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng picked up an oar and said, "Brothers, hurry up and paddle."

Everyone agreed to paddle quickly and used water without oars. The Zodiac boat slowly rowed forward. Although the ice floe was not small, it floated on the sea with very little resistance. It was dragged by the Zodiac boat and moved forward. Everyone thought of a way. It was feasible, and I was even more excited and paddling even harder.

After a while, the assault boat docked. Everyone jumped ashore, grabbed the rope and continued to drag the ice floe toward the coast. When people are on the shore, they can exert their strength. With greater strength, the ice floe moves much faster. Everyone worked together, and the ice floe was like a monster running on the water. It splashed and quickly rushed to the shore. There was still a thick layer of ice on the shore and the ground was very slippery. Under the action of inertia, the huge ice floe moved. It stopped after five or six meters, which was just the right distance. Everyone looked at the ice floe and smiled.

The ice floe is not only big enough, but also strong enough. Even if bullets hit it, it is not easy to penetrate. It is a good bunker. Everyone did not have time to rest, so they jumped on the assault boat and continued to pull the ice floe. In order to improve efficiency, Luo Zheng specially Start with large ice floes close to the shore, small ones are useless.

In about half an hour, everyone pulled up more than a dozen pieces of ice floe. Everyone could get a piece of ice floe to hide in. Seeing that everyone had not come back yet, Luo Zheng looked worriedly at the depths of the deep ice field, but when he thought about it, he would be lost even if he got lost. We won’t go too far. We can find it at dawn or when we hear gunshots. There is no direction and no point in looking for it now. Let everyone rest for a while and then continue to pull the ice floe.

When everyone once again dragged an ice floe ashore, Luo Zheng saw a figure suddenly appear in front of the sea. A huge raft, tied together with wood, with some people standing on it, most of them were ninjas, carrying Japanese swords on their backs. The momentum was so fierce that Luo Zheng was taken aback and immediately asked everyone to hide and look around. The think tank and others had not returned yet. Without weapons, they could not shoot the chasing enemies from a long distance.

"It took these bastards so long to catch up. It turns out they don't have a boat and have gone to make rafts." One person muttered, but his eyes fell on Luo Zheng. He didn't have a gun, and with everyone's injuries, he was no match for him.

Luo Zheng naturally understood everyone's situation. Once these ninjas came close, the immortals would be captured again. This was something Luo Zheng would never allow to see. His face darkened and he warned: "You guys hide here until everyone comes. I'll go meet them, remember, no one is allowed to go to sea to support them."

"This?" Everyone realized that Luo Zheng was going to take risks alone, and they looked at each other, hesitant.

"This is an order, execute it." Luo Zheng ordered without hesitation. He picked up the Japanese sword and the pottery sword. These were the only two weapons on his body. The light machine gun was left on the top of the iceberg in order to pretend to be a ninja and infiltrate Once inside the iceberg, weapons such as light machine guns have to be given up.

Luo Zheng quickly pushed the assault boat into the sea. Everyone's expressions changed greatly when they saw this scene. However, the military orders were overwhelming and no one moved. They just silently watched Luo Zheng's leaving back. His eyes were moist, wishing he was not injured. , picked up the weapon and rushed forward to fight alongside Luo Zheng.

At this time, the think tank walked slowly with the support of Liu Qingqing, and happened to see this scene. He couldn't help being shocked, and quickly came up and asked: "What's wrong, what is the boss going to do?"

One of the brothers said in a deep voice: "Chief of Staff, the leader is going to the sea to stop the enemy. He ordered us to stand by here and not go over to support. Have you found a gun? Give me a gun and I will go help."

"There is a gun but no bullets. Even if you find the bullets, it is useless. The bullets have frozen into ice and cannot be used normally. It is too cold here and everything is frozen together with the ice." The think tank said casually, but his eyes were fixed. Looking at Luo Zheng's leaving figure, he was full of guilt and self-blame. If it weren't for himself, Luo Zheng wouldn't have to work so hard. If Luo Zheng had an accident, how would he explain it to his brothers?

"What happened?" Jackson also came over, looking at Luo Zheng who had already entered the sea, and at the raft coming slowly under the gray moonlight in the distance. The ninjas standing on the raft were like hell. The demon that emerged was particularly dazzling under the gray moonlight.

"There are no usable weapons?" the think tank said in a deep voice. He knew the answer, but he still couldn't help but ask. He was eager for a miracle, even if it was a gun or a magazine. With a gun, Luo Zheng's chance of winning would be even better. Bigger.

"Are the ninjas coming?" Another voice came, it was Tang Tiantian, staring at the raft on the sea with a cold face and asking, his hands empty, and obviously there was no gain.

"What do we have to do?" Jackson said in a deep voice.

Everyone smiled helplessly. There was no way to get into the sea without transportation. The water was freezing cold. Let alone being injured, even if he was not injured, he would still be seeking death by swimming over. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng leaving, feeling moved, guilty, self-blame, helpless, etc. Emotions welled up in his heart, and his eyes became moist.

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